Europe has a fair bit to answer for though, for too long Europe has been complacent about defence and relied on the USA to cover any eventuality, making tiny contributions globally to any time military action was called for. Whilst it is commendable to not throw military weight around, the option needs to always be available. If the USA withdraws from giving military support to Europe, our defence industries and armies are not set up to be able to last in a prolonged war, European militaries seem to be largely for show.
A large chunk of US anti-NATO sentiment stems from the idea that European nations aren't pulling their weight and it's not exactly an unfair comment. Granted having a military industrial complex like the USA is overkill but we should have been in a position where we could keep Ukraine supplied with minimal US support and yet here we are begging the USA to do the heavy lifting again. If Europe can't even support a proxy war right on their doorstep, there is no chance in hell they could support a direct war. Russia has revealed this along with how rapidly the western world will give up and let them get their way. Unless I'm mistaken, there also hasn't really been any move to ramp up weapons production in Europe, even as a war is happening right on the border highlighting the severe shortage of weapons available.
Also, much as people hate the USA being world police, imagine the alternative of China and Russia playing world police in their own spheres like the cold war. Also like the cold war, Europe being stuck in the middle, too weak to influence anything. It's like Europe learned absolutely nothing from how enfeebled it was during the cold war and the need to be able to stand on your own 2 feet. Europe needs militaries powerful enough to protect its own back yard. I'm pretty left wing but the idea of gutting your own military and relying on everyone playing nice in the world is naive and has literally never worked in history, pacifist states always fall.