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A Political Thread pt. 2

My guess is that they've starved him in Prison and he's become malnourished and then they can pass it off as natural causes.
My guess is that they've starved him in Prison and he's become malnourished and then they can pass it off as natural causes.
I don't think you quite get how this game works. They have to be plausible and ridiculous, not genuinely plausible.

My turn, I reckon Putin took one from Stalin's playbook. Icepick to the head while in Mexico.
I read on the BBC website that Putin has been informed of his death. A bit like someone telling me what I had for lunch.

I see that there's security conference going on in Munich with NATO involved. Funny how something always seems to happen during events like this. It's also -8 plus windchill and heavy snow in Moscow - not ideal for protesting.
Alexei Navalny was a very brave man who gave all. May he rest in peace. Blessings to his family.

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I read on the BBC website that Putin has been informed of his death. A bit like someone telling me what I had for lunch.

I see that there's security conference going on in Munich with NATO involved. Funny how something always seems to happen during events like this. It's also -8 plus windchill and heavy snow in Moscow - not ideal for protesting.
At least he didn't shot his private jet down like his last political opponent
Surprised the last guy didn't fall out of his jet window

I keep trying to convince myself that Putin will get his comeuppance one day but have to remind myself that Hollywood isn't writing the script on this occasion. It will be a glorious day if someone eventually manages to bump him off.
It's a COVID/Ukraine war stealth tax. Hard earned £ being sent from Joe Public directly to big business and bypassing HMRC. Energy companies are laughing all the way to the bank and so many other companies jumped on the gravy train and put prices up in line with inflation even though their costs weren't rising to the same extent.

Well said Zelensky. 👍
We (none US western democracy's) have to accept the fact that the US is no longer a reliable ally. If Russia attacked Estonia with Trump as president could we honestly expect the US to react in a positive way? It's their choice and it's their decision but we must plan to confront Russia and possibly China without that support
We (none US western democracy's) have to accept the fact that the US is no longer a reliable ally. If Russia attacked Estonia with Trump as president could we honestly expect the US to react in a positive way? It's their choice and it's their decision but we must plan to confront Russia and possibly China without that support
Tbh I'd be curious about Nato's response in general. I honestly don't think they want or are fully capable of a full scale war with Russia. Only the US is.
I think the US is completely split. The Democrats are pro NATO/supporting Ukraine while the Republicans are more interested in supporting Israel and fighting Iran backed groups. The Republicans don't seem interested in dealing with Russian aggression and supporting Ukraine. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Russian money was finding it's way into Trump's campaign coffers. I haven't heard of any Republicans condemning Putin for Navalny's murder.
I think the US is completely split. The Democrats are pro NATO/supporting Ukraine while the Republicans are more interested in supporting Israel and fighting Iran backed groups. The Republicans don't seem interested in dealing with Russian aggression and supporting Ukraine. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Russian money was finding it's way into Trump's campaign coffers. I haven't heard of any Republicans condemning Putin for Navalny's murder.
Oh, the Republicans deal with Russia all the time.
They're not interested in changing that.

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