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A Political Thread pt. 2

Absolutely insane.

It just shows how so many people don't have a clue what they're voting for and basically aren't fit to decide who runs their country.
It also shows most know full well that the answer to the civil war was slavery and they know they can't admit that. It's less that those people are ignorant of the cause, it's that they know it's slavery and know it's wrong but their politics are such that they can't even admit slavery is bad and the civil war was fought over it. This is far far worse imo. Ignorance is something that can be countered with better education, what these people are displaying is hatred, bigotry and a complete lack of morality. That is far harder to tackle.

Trumpers are ignorant but the real problems is they are also just very scummy people.

Can't see any end to this conflict any time soon with this comment from the Israeli PM

Can't see any end to this conflict any time soon with this comment from the Israeli PM

Could you see an end to this war any time soon before this comment? It's not like Hamas have any interest in a 2 state solution. I agree with you, though, there's no peace coming anytime soon.
Could you see an end to this war any time soon before this comment? It's not like Hamas have any interest in a 2 state solution. I agree with you, though, there's no peace coming anytime soon.
Considering the first rationale for the military action was to get the hostages back, then to developed to destroying the capabilities of Hamas, then it was removing Hamas, now it appears to be control of all Palestinian land.

I could have seen it ending if they focused on the return of hostages and trying to work with the surrounding Islamic nations to get rid of Hamas, rather than carpet bombing Gaza. Remember there was real progress, especially with Saudi Arabia.
Considering the first rationale for the military action was to get the hostages back, then to developed to destroying the capabilities of Hamas, then it was removing Hamas, now it appears to be control of all Palestinian land.

I could have seen it ending if they focused on the return of hostages and trying to work with the surrounding Islamic nations to get rid of Hamas, rather than carpet bombing Gaza. Remember there was real progress, especially with Saudi Arabia.
Didn't they say from the off that their intention/aim was to remove/eradicate Hamas? I'm genuinely not sure.

I agree that better actions could have been taken, and with someone like Netenyahu in charge, I knew it was unlikely that those actions would be taken. Hamas knew this too which is half the problem.

One can only hope, and being an obvious benefit to living in a democracy, is that Netanyahu gets voted out for someone who's less of a **** but even then I still don't see how you deal with Hamas when their aim is to genocide the Jews.
It also shows most know full well that the answer to the civil war was slavery and they know they can't admit that. It's less that those people are ignorant of the cause, it's that they know it's slavery and know it's wrong but their politics are such that they can't even admit slavery is bad and the civil war was fought over it. This is far far worse imo. Ignorance is something that can be countered with better education, what these people are displaying is hatred, bigotry and a complete lack of morality. That is far harder to tackle.

Trumpers are ignorant but the real problems is they are also just very scummy people.

I call them Trumpanzees. But whatever you call them you're absolutely right, they're very scummy. Pond scum scummy!
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So Sunak preaches at a woman, laughs at her response then turns his back on her while she is talking and walks away.

Get this twat out of office.

So Sunak preaches at a woman, laughs at her response then turns his back on her while she is talking and walks away.

Get this twat out of office.

This, for the record, is exactly problem that occurs when journos clip clips and put them on social media...

A few sky employees have apologised for it as the full clip shows them continuing to talk as they walk, this one is just helpful editing...
This, for the record, is exactly problem that occurs when journos clip clips and put them on social media...

A few sky employees have apologised for it as the full clip shows them continuing to talk as they walk, this one is just helpful editing...
I do hope that is the case as what's shown here would be the final nail in the coffin for him.

I really hope Netenyahu gets brought down somehow.

He was warned about Hamas' plan for the October attacks by Egypt and let it happen as he knew it would give him the excuse to do what he has wanted all his political life. He doesn't give a toss about the Israeli hostages and the victims let alone the suffering Palestinians. His quest to remove a two state solution from the table is a massive red line that he has crossed. He knows full well that if Biden withdraws support for Israel then it'll cost him the election later this year and he's taking full advantage of it. The Republicans know this too which is why they're most likely egging him on behind the scenes.

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