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A Political Thread pt. 2

The claims that the Trump team are making to defend Trump are so ridiculous...

They are trying to claim the president isn't an officer of the USA
They are trying to claim the president doesn't take an oath to defend the Constitution
They are trying to claim the 14 amendment section 3 applies to literally every office except the single most powerful one in the country
They are trying to argue that any and all acts undertaken by a president are deemed presidential actions
Now trying to claim that the president can do literally anything as long as he can keep 34 senators on side...

To think the people who support these are the ones who tried to make out Obama was a tyrant. God these people are just so messed up.
I find it baffling the amount of British people who have suddenly woken up to the Horizon Post Pffice scandal. I know there was a TV show but I thought it was common knowledge.
How many peeps gave a **** about Hillsborough, Grenfell, Contaminated blood scandal? Peeps not affected get on with their lives until it's shoved in their faces. Even then you get the nasty ones who revel in others misery and the injustice.
I find it baffling the amount of British people who have suddenly woken up to the Horizon Post Office scandal. I know there was a TV show but I thought it was common knowledge.
How much is being unaware, and how much is that it was yesterday's news until the TV show - especially as there was a fair bit of confusion around when it was first in the press - the best part of a decade ago.
I don't think it'd so much that people don't give a shit, as there's only so long you can stay upset about something without getting on with your life, and getting upset about the next thing instead (obviously, that's going to be different for different people, largely depending on their level of personal involvement).
I also think there needs public outrage for something to be done (especially in election year) - which has been instigated by the TV series and subsequent personal news stories of the victims involved. Effectively the PO bullying the victims and covering up their tracks because £1billion was spent on this defective IT system, which is still being used and contracts won by Fujitsu. Easier to blame the individual victims than admit it was fundamentally flawed.
How many peeps gave a **** about Hillsborough, Grenfell, Contaminated blood scandal? Peeps not affected get on with their lives until it's shoved in their faces. Even then you get the nasty ones who revel in others misery and the injustice.
How many people care until they get bored. I honestly feel like the government can ride out tragedies at this point. Hell, wars can be ridden out, look at Putin and Russia. Western Media gets bored, people lose interest, support wains.
How many people care until they get bored. I honestly feel like the government can ride out tragedies at this point. Hell, wars can be ridden out, look at Putin and Russia. Western Media gets bored, people lose interest, support wains.
That's the thing in this case and Hillsborough- the search for the truth and justice drives the victims and their families. But sadly the justice system wears them down and it often boils down to money, which for the victims is not the point. It's the total unfairness of their treatment.

Yes, for the rest of us - there is only so much empathy, compassion, and attention. Government attention/action on these matters is slow and can be buried in the next big news cycle.

Well if the Minister in charge of the Post Office never knew or was lied too. The DPP never knew the Cps were prosecuting people. You can't expect us plebs to know.

Nearly 15 years this has been rumbling on. Computer Weekly first exposed the issue in 2009. Private Eye then started on it as well. They have done over 350 articles on it since. Even then when exposing the Post Office they were threatened and bullied. So plenty of people in power knew but ignored it.

I'm equally not surprised Mandeson's mention in the Blair article he's the Voldermort of Labour. Corrupt but still whispering into ears even now. So many people now rolling out the "i didn't know or i was lied too" defence. Nothing like accountability from the top when it suits.
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This was posted over a year ago but still relevant. Beginning to like MM; a Jew who can see the right from wrong here and willing to speak up for it.

Trump ordered to pay nearly $400 million to the NYT over a frivolous lawsuit he filed against them. The great irony is the cost he has to pay is because of how much he was trying to sue them for. He was trying to sue them for a story indicating he was involved in dodgy tax schemes.

I'm still baffled by the cultists who see Trump constantly losing these and rather than spotting the constant theme of him being an insecure, hateful and vindictive, narcissistic liar and fraud, they just see anything and everything negative about him as evidence that some mysterious "them" is afraid of him and fabricating stuff to make him look bad and stop him becoming president again.
$400k in legal costs in this case.
Still, waiting for the massive fine his company is likely to pay in the Civil case for over valuing his assets to get favourable loans. He's already been found by the judge to be guilty of committing fraud. The NY AG has asked for nearly $400m in that case.
$400k in legal costs in this case.
Still, waiting for the massive fine his company is likely to pay in the Civil case for over valuing his assets to get favourable loans. He's already been found by the judge to be guilty of committing fraud. The NY AG has asked for nearly $400m in that case.
Yeah got my numbers mixed up, he's been told to pay 400k not 400 million for the case with the NYT.
Nigel Farage sitting in the front row during Trump's victory speech while Trump talks about keeping foreigners out. You couldn't make it up. Could Farage have any less credibility - accepting cash to be part of an election campaign in a country that has nothing to do with him. After I'm a celebrity - it just shows what a mercenary gibsh 1te he is. He has no interest in making people's lives better.

I wonder when the Tories will wake up and realise their culture wars and this sort of bullshit is a large reason they are going to get eviscerated in the next election (along with their atrocious economic record). They seem to have decided that the UK wants more batshit insanity and infighting rather than less. Whoever decided that this was the hill they should die on to win the next election is seriously insane.

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