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A Political Thread pt. 2

So they wouldn't expedite a decision on whether Trump is immune from prosecution(https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-67808655), but they will expedite this. Already a big sign of how it will turn out.

You just know they are going to claim Trump didn't engage in insurrection therefore can run and that will be it. It's laughable just how corrupt they are. I ranted for years about how Democrats always wanted to "play nice" and work with Republicans, it was a lost cause as Republicans have no goals any more except corrupting the system as much as they can. Literally the current Congress has passed the least legislation of any Congress in ages, over a century I think they said, and a bunch of the stuff they did pass was just to avert government shutdowns.

All their energy is being put into defending Trump and going after Hunter Biden, with the aim of impeaching Joe Biden on trumped up charges, pun intended. The USA is right on the brink of falling completely into a corrupt despot state. Prior to that it was pushing Covid conspiracies. Literally there is nothing anyone can point to that Republicans have achieved in years.

It's broadly the same here, can anyone point to Tory achievements? It's just pushing conspiracies, culture wars and their own internal squabbles. The far right simply do not give a **** about fixing anything, it's about gaining power and corrupting the system, that's it.
In other news, yet another Tory MP has resigned triggering yet another by election.
In a strange turn of event this one has actually resigned on a manner of admirable principal.
Maybe I'm just cynical, but as he was quitting at the election anyway I wouldn't be surprised if this was an excuse to leave early and get settled into another cushy job sooner.

MP who pushed for Brexit and the UK leaving the Single Market, championed Brexit and the UK leaving the Single Market, now complains at UK red tape erected since the UK left the Single Market.
You just know they are going to claim Trump didn't engage in insurrection therefore can run and that will be it. It's laughable just how corrupt they are. I ranted for years about how Democrats always wanted to "play nice" and work with Republicans, it was a lost cause as Republicans have no goals any more except corrupting the system as much as they can. Literally the current Congress has passed the least legislation of any Congress in ages, over a century I think they said, and a bunch of the stuff they did pass was just to avert government shutdowns.

All their energy is being put into defending Trump and going after Hunter Biden, with the aim of impeaching Joe Biden on trumped up charges, pun intended. The USA is right on the brink of falling completely into a corrupt despot state. Prior to that it was pushing Covid conspiracies. Literally there is nothing anyone can point to that Republicans have achieved in years.

It's broadly the same here, can anyone point to Tory achievements? It's just pushing conspiracies, culture wars and their own internal squabbles. The far right simply do not give a **** about fixing anything, it's about gaining power and corrupting the system, that's it.
A quater of all Americans think the insurrection was led by the FBI and other covert agencies. Biden needs to pull his finger out because even CNN are starting to realise a Trump second term is a very real possibility.

A little like Labour over the years with Corbyn. Being poor in opposition or in government leads to idiots in charge Unless Biden and co get there arse's in gear. The world is getting president Trump again. How a Starmer government deals with that is anyone's guess but it's definitely in Labours interest Biden wins
A quater of all Americans think the insurrection was led by the FBI and other covert agencies. Biden needs to pull his finger out because even CNN are starting to realise a Trump second term is a very real possibility.

A little like Labour over the years with Corbyn. Being poor in opposition or in government leads to idiots in charge Unless Biden and co get there arse's in gear. The world is getting president Trump again. How a Starmer government deals with that is anyone's guess but it's definitely in Labours interest Biden wins
Pull his finger out and do what? Any accusation against Trump, any evidence, is ignored by his cult. That's the thing with cultists, you simply can't reason with them. Trump and the far right say the FBI orchestrated it, what can Biden and the FBI say other than that's not true? They've already shown how many of those convicted for Jan 6th had a long history of Trump support and belligerent language going back years and were not simply "plants" yet nobody on the far right care about the evidence.

It's like how do you argue against flat Earthers if they simply deny all the evidence the Earth is round and make up excuses on the spot for why their beliefs don't tie up with reality. The language will ramp up going in to the election but that won't change the mind of those who have already reached a conclusion with minimal to no evidence. If you call in 2016 Clinton and then in 2020 with Biden, they both openly said exactly the sort of person Trump was and what he would do, both were proven correct. The problem is the far right at the moment actually LIKE people who are corrupt, who are mean, who lie. It's not treated as an unfortunate vice but actually a virtue, the far right actively seek these people at the moment. They have been conditioned for over a decade and a half to accept this crap, which is why the USA and UK have simultaneously see the complete collapse of any sort of integrity in our leaders and the rise of culture wars, dictatorial tendencies and general scumbaggery. The far right have a lot to ******* answer for for the damage they have done to society and my patience with them at the moment is at ******* zero.
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you guys have at least some respite in that if labor wins you should have five years of stability (idk if that's the best word but at least it would be normal).

We have hellish elections every two years and a large amount of our population is governed by absolute clowns. We are more of a trade agreement at this point.
Pull his finger out and do what? Any accusation against Trump, any evidence, is ignored by his cult. That's the thing with cultists, you simply can't reason with them. Trump and the far right say the FBI orchestrated it, what can Biden and the FBI say other than that's not true? They've already shown how many of those convicted for Jan 6th had a long history of Trump support and belligerent language going back years and were not simply "plants" yet nobody on the far right care about the evidence.

It's like how do you argue against flat Earthers if they simply deny all the evidence the Earth is round and make up excuses on the spot for why their beliefs don't tie up with reality. The language will ramp up going in to the election but that won't change the mind of those who have already reached a conclusion with minimal to no evidence. If you call in 2016 Clinton and then in 2020 with Biden, they both openly said exactly the sort of person Trump was and what he would do, both were proven correct. The problem is the far right at the moment actually LIKE people who are corrupt, who are mean, who lie. It's not treated as an unfortunate vice but actually a virtue, the far right actively seek these people at the moment. They have been conditioned for over a decade and a half to accept this crap, which is why the USA and UK have simultaneously see the complete collapse of any sort of integrity in our leaders and the rise of culture wars, dictatorial tendencies and general scumbaggery. The far right have a lot to ******* answer for for the damage they have done to society and my patience with them at the moment is at ******* zero.
It's just I'm not buying it's all the crazy and loons are voting for Trump and the Tory party here. That no matter how competent the opposition or government the crazy will win. Labours lead in the polls show most people aren't that. However both countries are still centre, centre right in values. The left wing of the Labour party, momentum etc made the Labour party unelectable for years. They also have lots to answer for, and are a reason why Starmer has culled the party of them. In recent years Labour win when they move centre to centre right.

It's both the far left and right pursuing a battle. When in all reality i feel a party with sensible policies, ethics and values should always win an election. Sadly I'm still not convinced either party are this. Unfortunately it seems everyone has to pick a side. Your either woke or a nazi. A remoaner or a thick brexiteer. Then both sides wonder why the others become more entrenched because they've been ridiculed by the others for years.
It's just I'm not buying it's all the crazy and loons are voting for Trump and the Tory party here. That no matter how competent the opposition or government the crazy will win. Labours lead in the polls show most people aren't that. However both countries are still centre, centre right in values. The left wing of the Labour party, momentum etc made the Labour party unelectable for years. They also have lots to answer for, and are a reason why Starmer has culled the party of them. In recent years Labour win when they move centre to centre right.

It's both the far left and right pursuing a battle. When in all reality i feel a party with sensible policies, ethics and values should always win an election. Sadly I'm still not convinced either party are this. Unfortunately it seems everyone has to pick a side. Your either woke or a nazi. A remoaner or a thick brexiteer. Then both sides wonder why the others become more entrenched because they've been ridiculed by the others for years.
Sorry but it's not a case of both sides have whackos and both sides are driving this, this is driven vastly more by those on the far right. What's the worst thing you can think of that the far left have done recently in government other than putting forward an unelectable candidate? Now compare that to the far right.

To go over the USA the real proof was this. A question was asked during a hearing "hands up all those who think that if both Trump and Biden are found to have broken the law, they should both be criminally prosecuted." Every Democrat was in favour of both being prosecuted, not a single Republican raised their hand. That right there tells you all you need to know. Even if Trump is found to have broken the law, they will not support him being criminally prosecuted.
you guys have at least some respite in that if labor wins you should have five years of stability (idk if that's the best word but at least it would be normal).

We have hellish elections every two years and a large amount of our population is governed by absolute clowns. We are more of a trade agreement at this point.
Dunno. Labour will be busy trying to fix the mess the conservatives leave (which is probably bigger intentionally) and even then there is no guarantee they will be any better. Hard to imagine they can be, but honestly you never know.

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