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A Political Thread pt. 2


No actual video of him confirming that he's learned how to use a debit card
What's a proportionate response again?
20 Palestinians per Israeli is the standard "proportionate response"

They'll make some sort of attempt to kill the "right" Palestinians, but have never given a particular damn how many innocents they kill in the process, so long as the death toll is about "right"
20 Palestinians per Israeli is the standard "proportionate response"

They'll make some sort of attempt to kill the "right" Palestinians, but have never given a particular damn how many innocents they kill in the process, so long as the death toll is about "right"
With inflation what it is, that has probably risen a fair bit recently.
What I meant is I keep seeing some articles that suggest the economy is improving and then others that it's not. This article was 2 days ago, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-67769782

I know the economy is the big issue right now, but it seems like any slight positive news or negative news is thrust to the front page. It's not good because it doesn't give people a clear picture and is very confusing.
Well that is inflation. the rate prices at which prices are rising is slowing (although this can be manipulated). So shouldn't be taken as a whole that the economy improving.

The key thing is growth, which is what the UK has struggled with for a long time because of a severe lack of investment and lack of productivity. And Not helped of course by Brexit
What I don't get, is why would they flood them?

If they believe hostages are being held there, then surely that puts them at risk.

I remember the elaborate video Israel released of the tunnel system beneath the main hospital, and they claimed they had full knowledge of the tunnel system - if that's the case, again why flood it?
What I don't get, is why would they flood them?

If they believe hostages are being held there, then surely that puts them at risk.

I remember the elaborate video Israel released of the tunnel system beneath the main hospital, and they claimed they had full knowledge of the tunnel system - if that's the case, again why flood it?
Given that they've admitted to executing 3 of the hostages themselves, you'd have to question just how intent they are in rescuing the hostages; and flooding the tunnels means more dead Palestinians (and genuinely, probably a fairly high proportion of them would actually be Hamas - although that's a bit more doubtful by now)
What I don't get, is why would they flood them?

If they believe hostages are being held there, then surely that puts them at risk.

I remember the elaborate video Israel released of the tunnel system beneath the main hospital, and they claimed they had full knowledge of the tunnel system - if that's the case, again why flood it?
Well they shot 3 hostages who were naked, holding a white flag and spoke Hebrew, so I don't think they care about the hostages much.
Nothing more than a cheap distracting novelty in a desperate attempt to make Brexit look worthwhile. I'm sure you might have the odd trader here and there taking advantage of the new rule, but no chain will.
Yeh and something not quite right ordering a pint of wine at the pub. Except if you're Sam Allardyce.
Yeh and something not quite right ordering a pint of wine at the pub. Except if you're Sam Allardyce.
Maybe at a pub but it's not uncommon to see 500ml in the wine menu. It's two large glasses/two thirds a bottle.

It's usually cheaper than buying two glasses and comes in a carafe. Which is ideal if you may have more than one glass over the course of a meal and don't need to keep calling over someone for more drinks.

This is typical Brexit benefit nonsense where most people have been coping perfectly fine for years in metric.

This was a headline on the daily express, which has since been changed. The mental gymnastics of these Brexit fanatics is astonishing. After voting for Brexit, it's apparently a "scheming" EU "betraying" the UK by not including us in an EU project when we're not in the EU...

Do these people have any ******* sense at all? You just know if we were included, they'd whine about that too.

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