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A Political Thread pt. 2

Gets even worse

Israeli hostages killed mistakenly in Gaza were holding white flag, official says
An initial IDF probe into the hostage killing incident suggests all three men were shirtless, with one carrying a makeshift white flag.

On seeing them, one Israeli soldier shouted "terrorists!" to the other forces, initiating fire at the men, according to reports.

While two hostages were hit immediately and fell to the ground, the third managed to escape into a nearby building where despite pleas in Hebrew, he was also shot and killed, a military official said.

Holding a white flag, two were killed instantly then the third was chased down and made pleas in Hebrew not to be killed.

No, I don't believe it. Fake news!
"She told the BBC her life had been "destroyed" by allegations about their PPE profits, even though "we've only done one thing, which was lie to the press to say we weren't involved".
She said that was "not a crime" and added: "No-one deserves this."

Oh someone fire this shameless ***** out of a cannon. It's about time this country started actually holding the corrupt to account.
"She told the BBC her life had been "destroyed" by allegations about their PPE profits, even though "we've only done one thing, which was lie to the press to say we weren't involved".
She said that was "not a crime" and added: "No-one deserves this."

Oh someone fire this shameless ***** out of a cannon. It's about time this country started actually holding the corrupt to account.
Same Tory line, "no rules were broken".

The only explanation I have for Labour not attacking this more is that they are somehow also guilty of it. The Tories have no moral standards and are just abusing this country for as much as they can before they are out of power.
It doesn't take Columbo to work what happened to the £60m profit when it was Dodgy Dave Cameron who gave her a peerage.
Same Tory line, "no rules were broken".

The only explanation I have for Labour not attacking this more is that they are somehow also guilty of it. The Tories have no moral standards and are just abusing this country for as much as they can before they are out of power.
Picking battles is more likely explanation. Whilst a scandal it doesn't effect most people in thier everyday apart from chronic underfunding of public services whilst their mates get richer.

It's blown up now but I'm sure they wanted it as general election ammunition whereas now it doesn't help anyone.
Lord Bethell (Former Tory minister during Covid) claimed in court under oath that he changed phones in 2021 and "lost" all his Whatsapp messages (total bullshit we all knew anyway). Now he's getting in a bit of a spat with Michelle Mone and, as a way to show she may not be telling the whole truth with the hand grenades she has been lobbing around recently, posted a whatsapp message she sent. The issue? It was from 2020, part of the messages he claimed to have lost.

He's pretty much been caught red handed for lying in court to cover his arse during the Covid inquiry, and he is almost certainly not the only one.

These ***** need to be held to account by the law. The extent of the corruption of the Tory administration is really not being shouted about in the media enough. As a country we should not tolerate this bullshit.
Will that just go to the supreme court and get overturned?

I know the UK is bad, but America is truly awful for partisan politics. There is no real compromise or discussion. Almost everything gets tarred with things like appointed by Trump or appointed by Democrats. Votes are almost always on party lines. It must be so dysfunctional with each side basically trying to undo each other's work when in power if they can.
Will that just go to the supreme court and get overturned?

I know the UK is bad, but America is truly awful for partisan politics. There is no real compromise or discussion. Almost everything gets tarred with things like appointed by Trump or appointed by Democrats. Votes are almost always on party lines. It must be so dysfunctional with each side basically trying to undo each other's work when in power if they can.
Unfortunately this. The supreme court is utterly corrupt (literally, taking money and gifts for favourable rulings has been proven multiple times against Clarence Thomas). Stupidly, there is no way to hold supreme court justices to account for breaking the law other than impeaching them and they are in their position for life... The founding fathers wrongly assumed there would be people of integrity in the court and Congress.

I don't think they can claim Trump engaged in insurrection and still be eligible for president, the reasoning tried for that is utterly ridiculous, essentially that someone cannot run for an office of state if they engaged in insurrection, except for the presidency, insurrectionists would be allowed to hold that office still. Given the context of the amendment stopping Confederates taking office in the USA after the war, it's mad to assume they would have intended they could still run for president.

The supreme court will mostly likely rule that Trump simply didn't engage in an insurrection and I feel it's a ruling they could unfortunately make quite easily. Despite the evidence, his clear support of what was happening, his refusal to act to stop it, his constant egging on and directing of the rioters, his actions beforehand to ensure they had weapons, he STILL just about has enough plausible deniability, however flimsy.
Unfortunately this. The supreme court is utterly corrupt (literally, taking money and gifts for favourable rulings has been proven multiple times against Clarence Thomas). Stupidly, there is no way to hold supreme court justices to account for breaking the law other than impeaching them and they are in their position for life... The founding fathers wrongly assumed there would be people of integrity in the court and Congress.

I don't think they can claim Trump engaged in insurrection and still be eligible for president, the reasoning tried for that is utterly ridiculous, essentially that someone cannot run for an office of state if they engaged in insurrection, except for the presidency, insurrectionists would be allowed to hold that office still. Given the context of the amendment stopping Confederates taking office in the USA after the war, it's mad to assume they would have intended they could still run for president.

The supreme court will mostly likely rule that Trump simply didn't engage in an insurrection and I feel it's a ruling they could unfortunately make quite easily. Despite the evidence, his clear support of what was happening, his refusal to act to stop it, his constant egging on and directing of the rioters, his actions beforehand to ensure they had weapons, he STILL just about has enough plausible deniability, however flimsy.
Tbh they don't even have to give a good reason. No one can stop them or change it.
Tbh they don't even have to give a good reason. No one can stop them or change it.
Beat me to it - it need deniability, requiring plausibility for it is a good decade out of date (and even then - was Clinton's denial actually plausible?)
I think its one of those things and why its failed in other courts is Trump hasn't been convicted of Insurrection (or adjacent charge). So they are merely accusations rather than a fact by a court of law.

Now if he's convicted under this the Supreme Court may have something diffrent to say.

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