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A Political Thread pt. 2

For me, the "tricky" is in the details, not the principle.
Dignitas, and a few others, have been around long enough that the details have (to the best of my knowledge) been ironed out.

For anyone with even the vaguest interest in the subject, I would highly recommend this hour-lomg documentary

Absolute ******* pisstake. Minister's should only communicate on government phones and everything should be recorded for public record. The only way these messages have disappeared is that both parties have deleted them.
While I have no sympathy at all, I feel like the bankruptcy system just allows him to avoid the worst of it. Tbh I don't know the fine details, but I've always felt that the rich especially file for bankruptcy but don't actually seem to lose all their assets.
Doesn't being bankrupt now mean he can't practice law? Also bankruptcy in civil suits doesn't stop liability I believe so if he ever gets any money he will still have to pay until the day he dies
Tbh it seems like the news just yoyos between here's a reason the economy is improving to here's a reason it's not.
This is one quarter, so another consecutive one of negative growth technically means we are in a recession.
While I have no sympathy at all, I feel like the bankruptcy system just allows him to avoid the worst of it. Tbh I don't know the fine details, but I've always felt that the rich especially file for bankruptcy but don't actually seem to lose all their assets.
Apparently his bankruptcy doesn't allow him to avoid paying the fines.. He's going to have to sell off his assets and future earnings could also be used to pay what he owes.
Doesn't being bankrupt now mean he can't practice law? Also bankruptcy in civil suits doesn't stop liability I believe so if he ever gets any money he will still have to pay until the day he dies
Apparently his bankruptcy doesn't allow him to avoid paying the fines.. He's going to have to sell off his assets and future earnings could also be used to pay what he owes.
Fair enough. Guess it's just businesses then that avoid compensating customers.
This is one quarter, so another consecutive one of negative growth technically means we are in a recession.
What I meant is I keep seeing some articles that suggest the economy is improving and then others that it's not. This article was 2 days ago, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-67769782

I know the economy is the big issue right now, but it seems like any slight positive news or negative news is thrust to the front page. It's not good because it doesn't give people a clear picture and is very confusing.

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