Yes because economic union and free trade are completely separate concepts.
Okay here's the question, what part of the EU isn't about facilitating free trade?
To quote the self professed aims of the EU:
"All countries that are part of the European Union work together
to make sure that:
- there is peace in Europe
- people have good lives
- things are fair for all people and nobody is left out
- the languages and cultures of all people
are respected
- there is a strong European economy
and countries use the same coin
to do business together.
The countries of the European Union
share some important values.
For example, they work to make sure that all people are equal
and their rights are respected."
It's important to note that I'm not saying any of the above are neccesairily bad things, what I am saying is that it is not with the PRIMRARY aim of enabling free trade. In fact, on the EU's "About Us" page, it does not mention trade even once.
The EU does, undeniably, facilitate free trade within it's members, but the criticism of it is that that comes at the cost of sovreignty.
Arguing this isnt going to get anywhere - what I am trying to get across is why something like the CPTPP has (mostly) been lauded by Brexiteers and those (like me) who backed remain in 2016 but have never been overly in love with the EU.
Given the bare faced lies that have now been exposed as such time and time again, I don't understand why you think that it's unreasonable for new, wild claims to be treated with cynicism. If anyone in power cared about this "cynical negativity" they would explain how all of these changes will make us better off than we were in December and recoup the costs of Brexit in clear terms. I don't see that public cynicism makes any difference to the UK's prospects, I can't see any exporters turning down trade with new markets on the bais that @randomperson4857239 on Twitter thinks that it's a fudge to paper over the cracks. Brexit is already being judged by its effect on international trade and this will continue.
Wild claims like what? The wild claim that "global britain" tagline that suggests the government doesn't want to be the inward looking bogeyman that Remain painted them to be? Or that the Uk wants to join the CPTPP? What wild claim is there to be sceptical about?
I would actually be very interested to see if there was a link between public negativity and economic growth, but that's not the point I was making. What I am saying is that it is odd and deeply frustraiting to witness the self professed "outward looking / globalist / pro-free trade" Remain FBPE crew to now be ******** on efforts to become outward looking and cultivate international free trade. It just comes across as pretty insincere imo, more focused on being correct about the doom and gloom of brexit, rather than actually trying to make a success of our economy moving forward - surely something everyone should be able to get on board with?