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A Political Thread pt. 2

Anyone know what effect the SNP basically doing a Labour (on far more serious stuff) on the chances of an independence vote?
Anyone know what effect the SNP basically doing a Labour (on far more serious stuff) on the chances of an independence vote?
It's dropped a fair bit in the past couple of weeks. Tbh, I don't expect it to turn any of the SNP base really, maybe just mobilise some who don't vote to vote against them
How much fraud/theft is already occuring? I'm sure a change of limits won't make that much of a difference as before it was just per transaction so if stolen you run up quite a hefty bill before being caught.
Dangerous in that it'll be much easier to spend money. Before you know it your bank account is a lot emptier. :eek:

More fraud? Maybe. But I suppose they took that into account before increasing it.

Cash machines will become much more less used then they already are.

Personally I pay via my iPhone and Apple Watch for a bit of extra security.
Dangerous in that it'll be much easier to spend money. Before you know it your bank account is a lot emptier. :eek:

More fraud? Maybe. But I suppose they took that into account before increasing it.

Cash machines will become much more less used then they already are.

Personally I pay via my iPhone and Apple Watch for a bit of extra security.
I haven't really carried cash in years, honestly I find I have a far better idea where I am financially with digital. I find when its converted to physical form that when it in just magically disappears. I can see the point however.
Budget day.

Furlough extended til end of September. Should have extended to end of 2021. Businesses and employees need some certainty.
Not meaning to be being snarky / obtuse, but why? The party line is that all business sectors should be reopened by 21/6, it seems strange to me to extend the scheme this far. Are you expecting it to take until 2022 for some businesses to scale their operation back up to pre-covid levels?
Some businesses yes, I work in aerospace and for some reason nobody is putting in new orders or upgrading commercial aeroplanes currently. Until the "flying" world is back to relative normal it will extent well beyond the UK party lines.

It's good to see they are being pragmatic about it as opposed to a huge shutoff like the last couple of times.
Not meaning to be being snarky / obtuse, but why? The party line is that all business sectors should be reopened by 21/6, it seems strange to me to extend the scheme this far. Are you expecting it to take until 2022 for some businesses to scale their operation back up to pre-covid levels?

The High street, leisure and hospitality have been decimated by this and will need all the help they can get to get back of their feet. And yes I think we are looking at 2022 before we get back to anything like pre COVID level growth. Sure there'll be a bounce back come June, but consumer confidence will still be fragile for remainder of the year.

Germany and France announced theirs last year would last for 2021 and I was thinking we should have done the same even if it was on say 2/3rds pay.

The EU says a UK move to unilaterally extend grace periods for Irish Sea border checks will be a breach of international law.

Northern Ireland has remained a part of the EU's single market for goods so products arriving from GB undergo EU import procedures.

The grace periods mean procedures and checks are not yet fully applied.

The first of these periods will expire at the end of March, but the UK has said it will be extended until October.
This won't end well.

It's as if the UK don't want to implement the checks needed for leaving the EU. So much for taking back control.

The EU still haven't ratified the trade deal yet, so it will be interesting to see how that impacts the vote.

Also interesting to note that the UK have an unelected bureaucrat, Lord Frost, in the cabinet dealing with the EU now.

Alanis Morissette Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
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For me it's quite simple, but it's something most Brexiteers have never understood. The E.U will not risk the integrity of the single market. All of their negotiations have been based around this one fact. Yet almost everything the U.K has offered or tried to negotiate has been to do exactly that. Get all the benefits of trade without the draw backs. We decided to leave, but we still want all the trading benefits, yet this is the one thing they cannot give us or everyone will do it. I don't get why it is so hard to understand. Tbh I think the E.U have to go down this line because otherwise the U.K government will keep testing and pushing. They may get blamed by the British public, but at this point does it really matter? That happens anyway. They need to show this government that they can't keep taking the **** and keep on trying to renegotiate every time they realise they've messed up.
The UK repeatedly showing that no agreement we sign is worth the paper it is written on as we will renege on it at the drop of a hat. I wonder what other nations will think of treaties and agreements we have signed with them when they see how readily we will simply ignore them when we feel it isn't to our benefit?

Loyalist paramilitary groups have told the British and Irish governments they are withdrawing support from the Good Friday agreement in protest at Northern Ireland's Irish Sea trade border with the rest of the UK.
The Loyalist Communities Council, an umbrella group that represents the views of the UVF, UDA and Red Hand Commando, wrote a letter to Boris Johnson and Ireland's taoiseach, Micheál Martin, warning of "permanent destruction" of the 1998 peace agreement without changes to post-Brexit arrangements for Northern Ireland.

Terrorist groups write a letter to UK PM.
Wow I wonder who could have encouraged these scum to the point they think they have a legitimate voice in this conversation!!!
I mean probably the fact that Stormont is full of them on both sides.

DUP and SF are basically proxies for para sentiment at this point
I mean probably the fact that Stormont is full of them on both sides.

DUP and SF are basically proxies for para sentiment at this point
I strongly dislike Sinn Fein, but to be absolutely clear the DUP and their paramilitary allies in the LCC are the threat to peace in the North of Ireland right now and the Tory government who have allied themselves with the DUP on numerous occasions are at fault too. Sinn Fein really don't come into it.
I strongly dislike Sinn Fein, but to be absolutely clear the DUP and their paramilitary allies in the LCC are the threat to peace in the North of Ireland right now and the Tory government who have allied themselves with the DUP on numerous occasions are at fault too. Sinn Fein really don't come into it.
I mean only because the UK conceded over customs checks between NI and Ire, it was always going to leave one of them threatening action

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