Dear Saqib Bhatti,
Thank you for your response previously. I am not satisfied with the excuses given though, the Prime Minister has not apologised in any meaningful way at all nor has he displayed a shred of remorse. We learn from a very young age to tell the difference between someone apologising because they are actually sorry and apologising because it is convenient to avoid even bigger problems, the Prime Minister is very clearly engaging in the latter.
This is not even an issue of political leanings any more, this is about integrity. We left the EU to "take back control", who exactly has got control? We were told Parliament would and yet we see the Prime Minister blatantly thumbing his nose at Parliament and has openly lied repeatedly in Parliament. Numerous political commentators have stated they have never seen a disdain for our political norms on a scale like this nor this level of corruption. The Prime Minister has utterly destroyed the credibility of the office he holds both domestically and abroad. His cowboy politics are a disgrace, as is anyone who will sit by and defend them.
Your response previously contained very little on Johnson and a lot of very transparent attempts to deflect away from the issue at hand, this is disappointing and one can only conclude that integrity no longer means anything to you. I, and other voters I have spoken to, will not believe you have a shred of integrity and accept you are fully complicit in the undermining of our democracy unless you support the removal of Johnson as head of the party and as Prime Minister. As mentioned, this isn't politics any more, this is basic human decency and integrity. I cannot with a clear conscience vote for a party that claims to be of "personal responsibility" when I see the crass hypocrisy behind those words. Regardless of policy, we cannot have this country dragged down any further or all this to become normalised.
You have a choice, you can sell your soul to a serial liar or you can do right by your constituents and actually show you have a backbone by standing up for what you should hopefully know is right.
I await your public call for Johnson to resign, as it seems a few of your colleagues have at long last done.
Yours sincerely,