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A Political Thread pt. 2

Just read a comment on the BBC (by random person on have your say) that Sajid Javid's brother was second in command of the investigation into downing street parties. Anyone know if there is any truth to that?
Ok so what I can find is that he wasn't investigating the actual events, but was second in command of a group of officers who decided not to investigate any complaints of the way the Met has handled the investigation. Still dodgy though.


Just an absolutely ridiculous group of people - how are they allowed to govern, it's insane

why'd I go to his twitter page?

Is he just bragging about having 8 children?

like what is he going on about?

I can't really see Twitter as I don't have an account, but essentially the guy that:

- thinks our species needs to escape the earth before we destroy it
- wants self driving vehicles
- has unprecedented levels of robotic automation in his factories

Thinks 8 billion humans isn't enough. Even though reducing the population (as well as limiting the average consumption level of the average person) is the most blindingly obvious formula for extending human survival on this planet.

He bangs on about this all the time, but really if countries avoid financially ruinous immigration policies (like those of Japan) there is plenty of babies being born for societies to balance the books despite an ageing population. It's a common theme of the far-right, 'tan your testicles' brigade, even though the birth rate even across the third world is plummeting so its not rreally a matter of race. They blame falling fertility levels on all non-right wing extremists destroying conventional gender stereotypes.

Below is a video offering a slightly more considered take on the matter. Stress, chemical packaging, sedentary lifestyles combine to reduce fertility.

Combine falling fertility with educated women wanting to experience life a bit before having kids (how dare they!) and you have an apocalyptic vision in Elon's head. He did after all offer that masseuse a horse from the selfless motivation of trying to save the species from the horrors of depopulation.

14 children under 11yrs old and a teacher

The second Sandy Hook. The right will inevitably blame the gunman having an Hispanic name for this and mental health issues. Nothing to do with being armed to the teeth and yet again with an AR15.

The sad truth is that this is just normalised now in America - all gun victims are acceptable collateral damage in the name of the right to bear arms.
The second Sandy Hook. The right will inevitably blame the gunman having an Hispanic name for this and mental health issues. Nothing to do with being armed to the teeth and yet again with an AR15.

The sad truth is that this is just normalised now in America - all gun victims are acceptable collateral damage in the name of the right to bear arms.
The big question should be how does someone with Mental health issues be allowed to buy a firearm? You cannot do it in the UK
Because at most I believe gun regulation is limited to wait 15 minutes in case you change your mind. Gun fairs are basically a free for all aren't they?
Gun fairs are basically a free for all aren't they?
Yeah, there are zero regulations around private gun sales in 27 states,
The others mostly say you have to make the sale through a licensed dealer and follow their rules - but do people follow those rules? I find it hard to believe - I mean who's regulating sales over facebook groups or meetups at the gun range etc.
The second Sandy Hook. The right will inevitably blame the gunman having an Hispanic name for this and mental health issues. Nothing to do with being armed to the teeth and yet again with an AR15.

The sad truth is that this is just normalised now in America - all gun victims are acceptable collateral damage in the name of the right to bear arms.
Nah, the "mental health issues" is only reserved for white kids. Brown skin people don't tend to get the same kind of leeway from the media.

Those poor kids and parents. Wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy.
Americans would rather arm teachers than control it.
Agreed but is their any realistic chance
Of controlling it? Even if they banned AR15's tomorrow I doubt you'd see many handing them back. I dunno, just so sad and ****** that it's hard to see a way out of this. Most Americans seem happy to take this as a risk in their society though and I guess who are we to tell them how to do things.

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