I still love the line, "no rules were broken".Yep, what we've learned this week is that when an MP lies to parliament, there are no repercussions.
When an MP tells the truth to parliament (and proves the truth) they get ejected from the building.
Oh, and it's now illegal to save someone's life at sea.
Whistleblowing is a now more severe crime than... pretty much any crime that needs to be whistleblown
And journalists who publish leaked material can be charged with espionage.
Not to mention that we've been stripped of our right to peaceful protest.
But heaven forbid anyone thinks we're sliding into fascism. And yes, I know the situation with Dawn Butler is a long standing problem - it's just never been a problem before. Labour really need to stand behind her and have an avalanche of MPs asking exactly the same question; and Starmer needs to file a motion to discuss lying in parliament.
Clearly the rules are either not good enough or don't exist. This government loves to focus on what is technically correct and ignore was is morally incorrect.
This government has been taking steps to consolidate power and remove checks that ensure they are not corrupt. Another one is that the stripped the electoral watchdog of powers to prosecute parties that break the rules during an election.