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[2024 Six Nations] Wales vs Italy - 16/03/24

Very funny how the usual "it's about who's developed the player" gang have been very quiet since the turncoat went over to England. I mean, F me the guy said in November it was his dream to play for Wales but now he's English through and through geez.
"EQP plays for England" shocker. It's not as if he had a 'Made in Wales' tattoo on his arse. [smiles brightly]
It's the double standards. You know, like how you said we're capping anyone who's ever visited wales but don't use that high powered introspection onto your own team. Just own it.
TO be fair, I've stopped baiting my Welsh (and "Welsh") friends about the state of your rugby team. It's just too sad now. I mean, you're no Scotland, but you're definitely living in quite a big glass house when it comes to player poaching.
Literally saw rowlands on the bench and logged in to see @welsh Response lol

I havnt seen the Italy team, I think they have the potential to win or lose this game based on their bravery of selection IMO, and Italy should be favourites.

However, Wales are scoring tries, it's a young team, and very young bench, and they're being beaten up by big powerful packs, but they are proving resilient, and some very concerning areas seem to be mending...

Lineout goes very well when Dee plays, and scrum is holding it's own. Italys lineout can be got at, and as I said in another thread this is a bang average Italy pack, with a few top class players. I dont see Wales getting out powered in anywhere near the same fashion.

Ball in hand we look ok, we cause problems but we dont seem to keep shape after 5 phases, but that's been down to being physically out matched a lot of the time. We will score a few tries.

Defensively the peices are there, but the personel, and experience are lacking, we melt under pressure. Italy play a higher risk game however, which might suit our frantic younger players.

Kicking, and this is the problem. We desperately need to recognise when under pressure, and get the thing off the park, Robert's and Costello didnt have any idea what to do for the best last week, even when the ball was returned and killed us each time. Tomos has to step up and put Adam's and Dyer in a place to challenge, or turn the back 3. Costello, well I dont think theres anything he can do, except hit his kicks at goal and find touch when he needs to. Hell spend 50 mins shuffling **** to Tompkins and North as usual.

I think this game will be determined by Italys approach, if they come out wild and frantic we will get opportunities to punish them, but if they are smart, and patient and keep plugging away, stay in touch, make us work hard for every point when the Welsh bench empties the game will be more than winnable.

If Wales kick well, we are in it, if we kick how we have in every other game we are up **** creek without a paddle, food, map, or clothing... and its -5... in wolf territory... with a severed arm.... and herpes!
TO be fair, I've stopped baiting my Welsh (and "Welsh") friends about the state of your rugby team. It's just too sad now. I mean, you're no Scotland, but you're definitely living in quite a big glass house when it comes to player poaching.
I wouldn't say England are much better to be honest. Also, we always get the **** end of the stick being a small poor country. We always get your cast offs whereas you can get top talent from smaller countries that really miss them as we don't have the depth the big countries do. ITS NOT FAIR.
TO be fair, I've stopped baiting my Welsh (and "Welsh") friends about the state of your rugby team. It's just too sad now. I mean, you're no Scotland, but you're definitely living in quite a big glass house when it comes to player poaching.
You beat us by 2 points at home mate. Obviously I was rooting for Ireland to smash you but I'm glad they had a bad day at the office as it's given fans like you this delusional belief you're back up there. You're as **** as us really.
I wouldn't say England are much better to be honest. Also, we always get the **** end of the stick being a small poor country. We always get your cast offs whereas you can get top talent from smaller countries that really miss them as we don't have the depth the big countries do. ITS NOT FAIR.
I'd ignore it, it's always boring chat, rules are fine as they are (nation switching aside).

People who argue then tend to come from big countries with big economies comparative to their region and don't fully grasp how much they benefit from immigration, how much others lose from emigration and the influence diaspora can have on a nation for generations.
I wouldn't say England are much better to be honest. Also, we always get the **** end of the stick being a small poor country. We always get your cast offs whereas you can get top talent from smaller countries that really miss them as we don't have the depth the big countries do. ITS NOT FAIR.
Obviously, mostly what I read was "WAAAAAH!" and that's fair enough. The problem is that the United Kingdom is one country without internal borders and a large number of people who live here qualify to play for more than one of the constituent countries. Throw in the fact that the Ireland team is made up from two countries and it's bound to be complicated.

I mean, look at Cam Redpath; look at the assorted Millar-Millses...

England haven't been at all good as a team (though it seems that had we played the tactics that we're now playing from the beginning, the players were always more than good enough.) I'm not sure we're over-guilty of the poaching.
I'd ignore it, it's always boring chat, rules are fine as they are (nation switching aside).

People who argue then tend to come from big countries with big economies comparative to their region and don't fully grasp how much they benefit from immigration, how much others lose from emigration and the influence diaspora can have on a nation for generations.
If I'm going to get trolled at least have the decency to support a good rugby team. That's all I ask.
Obviously, mostly what I read was "WAAAAAH!" and that's fair enough. The problem is that the United Kingdom is one country without internal borders and a large number of people who live here qualify to play for more than one of the constituent countries. Throw in the fact that the Ireland team is made up from two countries and it's bound to be complicated.

I mean, look at Cam Redpath; look at the assorted Millar-Millses...

England haven't been at all good as a team (though it seems that had we played the tactics that we're now playing from the beginning, the players were always more than good enough.) I'm not sure we're over-guilty of the poaching.
That's what I was aiming for hence the capitals but given your surface level thinking in this issue you're clearly not the sharpest so not surprised it went over your head.
That's what I was aiming for hence the capitals but given your surface level thinking in this issue you're clearly not the sharpest so not surprised it went over your head.
Oh dear, a bit of fun has turned into ad hominem attacks, which is a shame. Jolly good luck for the game.
Oh dear, a bit of fun has turned into ad hominem attacks, which is a shame. Jolly good luck for the game.
Oh **** off you absolute tool. You come in here for one purpose and don't offer any even half decent insight into anything and run off crying saying it was all fun.
When it comes to poaching everyone is at it... NZ had a 100 year head start, and recently France have gotten in on the game.

Everyone else just caps what's available at the time, the VDM's, Anscombes, Roots, Gibson Parks etc... we all have a couple of project players developed elsewhere.

I've just had a quick scout, Jebus Scotland really do have a crack at foreign players lol most 6N teams have 4/5 to maybe 9/10, Scotland opt for 24+ lol. Even if you consider the English lads and men, they still have 10+ foreign developed project players, that is crazy. Why isnt Wales doing this lol
When it comes to poaching everyone is at it... NZ had a 100 year head start, and recently France have gotten in on the game.

Everyone else just caps what's available at the time, the VDM's, Anscombes, Roots, Gibson Parks etc... we all have a couple of project players developed elsewhere.

I've just had a quick scout, Jebus Scotland really do have a crack at foreign players lol most 6N teams have 4/5 to maybe 9/10, Scotland opt for 24+ lol. Even if you consider the English lads and men, they still have 10+ foreign developed project players, that is crazy. Why isnt Wales doing this lol

Scotland doing it all with only two clubs to capture residency guys as well.

I wonder how that investment and the opportunity cost of development systems will look in 5+ years however.

Always hoped that when the rule was increased to five years we'd see Leinster start signing some superstars rather than potential IQ guys who were hit and miss. We got Ala'alatoa and two game defining moments in Heineken Cup finals instead.
I will argue whichever side I feel like it. American born player playing for tier 1 nation= cradle robbing. Foreigner playing for America= it's called freedom of movement, read the Vienna declaration.
Cam Redpath chose Scotland over England because Townsend made a significant effort to get him on board whereas Eddie Jones did nothing because he thought he was above having to do any charm offensives on uncapped players who qualified for more than one nation...maaaate.