Maybe the All Blacks v Namibia thread?
My apologies, didn't see it ... hmmn, maybe I should take up refereeing
... Thanks Nick
What amazes me the most is some new zealanders' inability to pass judgment on their players without using the word "but" in their posts.
There is always a benchmark or excuse they will come up with to rationalize anything and everything their players do.
The fact that many (not all, thank god) of them are convinced there is this world conspiracy against them doesn't help.
For every single incident a new zealander can come up of a case where they were treated unfairly i can come up with a case where another team was treated unfairly while facing the all blacks. Yet, they have this irresistible urge to bring up the former and conveniently forget about the latter.
This thread is not a bad example: they beat argentina fair and square, and yet, somehow, some of them manage to bring up that game against france.
Those are all good points
​but​ I think we are a critical lot when it comes to our own players, and at other times, make excuses for them
​but​ I don't see that we are over represented as a nation (when compared to other nations), in this regard.
The world conspiracy theory is interesting
​but​ just because we are paranoid, it doesn't mean you guys aren't all out to get us

... seriously though, there does seem to a certain quarter of rugby supporters, that seem to take more pleasure in our demise, than in the fact that the other team won
I think your point about the case of being treated unfairly etc, can be attributed to some posters on here in general ... comparing treatment isn't necessarily a bad thing, it insures consistency doesn't it/
... as for the France game, it was always going to be brought up, as there's a commonality between the two games, with Wayne Barnes refereeing them both ... I think most of us have been pretty fair, and attributed any failings in the game, squarely on the shoulders of the players,
​but​, if you think this is a unique phenomenon to NZers, just wait until/if the French get Craig Joubert, and see what happens ... this isn't making an excuse for ref bashing, just merely pointing out that there's usually one ref that some supporter don't like