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[2015 RWC] Pool C: New Zealand vs. Argentina (20/09/2015)

ABs looking good - kept Arg behind the halfway line for the last 30 mins and stretched them with lots of overlap on left wing offensive. Very clever scrum half, but Carter not so much today. Looking forward to them revving up for total rugby.

Haven't seen Aus yet, but on evidence so far best match would be ABs v Ireland.
Couple of thoughts on Argentina:

Fantastic defence, obviously. But they weren't able to get out of defence, reason being they lacked two important things - 1) aggressive defence, big, momentum-changing tackles behind the gainline which breaks down the flow of the attack and / or leads to turnovers; the Argentinian defence is more based around making tackle after tackle after tackle but the trouble with that is eventually the attack will wear you down. 2) A better kicking game. They need an alternative to kicking the ball straight back to the opposition. Also there's a lot of pressure on Sanchez to do the clearing kicks, a scrumhalf needs to be able to clear from the base when close to the tryline. They play too uch rugby around their own 22, and I think a lot of the reason for this is not having an effective kicking game.

They really do have some quality back three players around. All three looked good today, Imhoff's defence seems to have been approved and he has the potential to be one of the top wingers in the world (I'd pick him over Savea at the moment, certainly), Tuculet is very classy, Cordero's a livewire and had a couple of really good takes today.

Creevy is the best hooker in the world.

Hernandez is going to give away at least one try this tournament with one of those round the back passes. Look great, but for the love of God do it in the right areas of the field
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Beg your pardon? We just played our toughest match in our pool, it was terrible, and now play teams where you can never gauge how we are doing. How does this benefit us, at all? Would rather have had Argentina last.
I think you misunderstood me. As NZ have three easy games now (and the best part of month before their next real competitive game) they don't want to peak right now and fire on all cylinders so. Which is why it makes sense they were a little rusty.

Yeah ideally they'd have Argentina last but ideally we wouldn't have Wales or Australia in our group....
Oh well, that's that then. ABs will top their pool now, go on to play and beat France in the quarters, beat Australia in the semis and try for the win against Ireland in the 83rd minute for ultimate victory.
Of course they aren't invulnerable, but every occasion I've seen the AB's looking like that they lost. They have won after learning this kinf of game they took to perfection in 2013. I don't see anybody aside Ireland or Australia to beat them,

And France, seriously? France! Do you honestly think Fance would have scored against this Pumas defence? France! We took them last year with a third row with 20, 22 and 23 year olds in Paris.

France without Huget.
We looked good in the last 30 but Argentina looked better in the first 50. Hope we aren't playing catch up rugby too many times in this world cup though (none after this would be nice).

A win is a win though and SBW actually provided a nice spark off the bench.
Gotta add, I think Barnsey has been reading these forums and taking our constructive criticism and improved his game. Still missed that penalty at the end where Argentina were holding on, but I suppose we can let 1 mistake go! Good effort Barnes.

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We looked good in the last 30 but Argentina looked better in the first 50. Hope we aren't playing catch up rugby too many times in this world cup though (none after this would be nice).

A win is a win though and SBW actually provided a nice spark off the bench.

We were the better side for the first 20 minutes.
Of course they aren't invulnerable, but every occasion I've seen the AB's looking like that they lost. They have won after learning this kinf of game they took to perfection in 2013. I don't see anybody aside Ireland or Australia to beat them,

And France, seriously? France! Do you honestly think Fance would have scored against this Pumas defence? France! We took them last year with a third row with 20, 22 and 23 year olds in Paris.

France without Huget.
France are France we don't even know what team they will play let alone how well, do I back them to win the tournament? Nope. Can they beat NZ in one off knock-out match? Can't see why not.
France are France we don't even know what team they will play let alone how well, do I back them to win the tournament? Nope. Can they beat NZ in one off knock-out match? Can't see why not.

Exactly, France will lose to Tonga in the same tournament as nearly winning the whole thing. They're unpredictable and play with a certain "flair" that you can't prepare for. You just have to go out there and be disciplined and not play into their hands of opening the game up playing loose Rugby.
Relief sheer relief . Poor all black performance . Beaten at scrum time until Crockett and Charles came . Not only did the scrum improve but their mobility was evident. Sonny bill Williams broke the gain line and created go forward momentum. I was not that impressed with Dan Carter . The good news is his confidence is building . Lima sopoaga should be here!
Unfortunately for Ireland, you take care of Sexton you take care of the entire team.
I think Argentina are an even money bet for the semi-final, for me, regardless of whether it's Ireland or France that they play in the QF.
Reasonably happy with the ABs. That was a good team they beat. Bit closer than I would have liked, but that's their own fault for butchering 3 tries. Happy enough with the scrum, because France look strong there, but nowhere else to be honest. Not bothered whether it's them or Ireland in the QF. Maybe a slight preference for Ireland, for historical reasons; France have a nasty habit of beating us when we least expect it; Ireland never beat us!
Of course they aren't invulnerable, but every occasion I've seen the AB's looking like that they lost. They have won after learning this kinf of game they took to perfection in 2013. I don't see anybody aside Ireland or Australia to beat them,

And France, seriously? France! Do you honestly think Fance would have scored against this Pumas defence? France! We took them last year with a third row with 20, 22 and 23 year olds in Paris.

France without Huget.

I remember Lievremont's France losing to Tonga, only to be very unlucky not to beat NZ in the final, can't write any team off yet.
Dan Carters running game is a serious issue for me, we're not making any metres from 10, Sopoaga has a great running game.. Can't fault Dans kicking though, placement and tactical, Lima should be there as another option, I'm starting to feel like we could have dropped Slade in place of Lima.
I don't know. Sure Sexton is capital, but the play world class in other aspects: I would rather take care of the forwards than Sexton.

We'll see them if we make it out of the pool.
Yeah, I get it. I don't see it though. I think is Ireland's time now.

And I don't get that, to be honest. They're decent and combative up front, but nothing to worry a really good team. The backs are reasonable. Again nothing to lose any sleep over. Sexton is their main man in tight games. Their game plan will almost certainly be very predictable. It worked against England in the 6N, but it won't (or shouldn't) win you a world cup. Argentina are a decent bet to beat them in the QF, if they meet. It won't be pretty, but it will be tight.

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