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[2013 TRC] Argentina vs. Australia in Rosario (05/10/2013)

6th try. This match is just one to forget for Argentina. It doesn't mean anything.
It's just a free-running bleeding at this point, doesn't matter if Australia scores another 6....
And just like that Australia put 50 on us...

Can't we reach a gentlemen agreement with dear tati Phelan to prevent him from coaching in November?
How bad did you guys think Australia were? They are full of Super Rugby professionals who play together a lot. Argentina is full of players who play across the world, rarely play together and they are pretty old. AQustralia has always had game breakers out wide who can take advantage when a game opens up.
OK, come on Argentina, we can still do this !! Come on, let's just stay focused..
How bad did you guys think Australia were? They are full of Super Rugby professionals who play together a lot. Argentina is full of players who play across the world, rarely play together and they are pretty old. AQustralia has always had game breakers out wide who can take advantage when a game opens up.
So why did Argentina open the game up? Poor tactics. As to Australia, the worst Australian side in a decade and they'll struggle on their EOYT. As I said, this was a must-win.

And just like that Australia put 50 on us...

Can't we reach a gentlemen agreement with dear tati Phelan to prevent him from coaching in November?

It is time. But who to replace him?
yeh, no surprise here, I've been saying all along the Aussies were going to score at least 6 tries, turns out it was 7, and were going to put about 50 points on Argentina. I really should start betting money....like....cash money.
I cannot believe the penalty try was not awarded. That changed the rest of half, we end without points, the wallabies scored and started gainning confidence.
Still, the crappy defense we are displaying today is nothng but our fault.
The 15 point difference will probably not be broken in the second half. One more year of waiting...

I agree. Wayne Barnes really bottled that decision. If the Wallaby props don't collapse, then they keep going backwards. If they keep going backwards, it will be a pushover try.

A penalty try at that stage changes the whole tone of the game. Instead, the Wallabies dodged a bullet, and that will have given them a tremendous psychological boost.
what a shame.... I´ll go 4 a drink now
(c´on talk now about how good is Phelan... please)
PHELAN ERA IS OVER......thanks God. We started and finished badly this tournament. Is it useful for Argentina to participate in a tournament where our level is far from the level of our rivals? Really do not know... We'll see the true in November tour.
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It sounds like Ewen McKenzies Wallabies have gelled.

Well hang on at bit. It easy enough to gel against an opposition that misses a third of their tackles, and uses a game plan that plays right into your hands.

Argentina are at their best when they play a tight, mistake free, forward oriented game, but they tried to throw it around and got exposed. Many of the Wallabies scores came from errors committed by the Pumas trying to play a running game that they aren't any good at.
Well hang on at bit. It easy enough to gel against an opposition that misses a third of their tackles, and uses a game plan that plays right into your hands.

Argentina are at their best when they play a tight, mistake free, forward oriented game, but they tried to throw it around and got exposed. Many of the Wallabies scores came from errors committed by the Pumas trying to play a running game that they aren't any good at.

Ahh so that's what happened. I didn't watch the game. I knew the Pumas were able to put up a good game against the Wallies in their previous encounter and now that this game was in Argentina and the Wallies were able to break a lot, I thought that the Wallies have turned a corner.

Hope to catch the highlights, hopefully there's some good tries which Im sure their will be.
Just one question - who the hell lit a fire under the Wallabies behinds?

Feel bad for the Pumas, but wow...Australia really showed up for this one!

Just one question - who the hell lit a fire under the Wallabies behinds?

Feel bad for the Pumas, but wow...Australia really showed up for this one!


I liked the Wallabies today. For the sake of our sport, I hope they continue to improve. With the return of David Pocock, Scott Higginbotham and Wycliff Palu and with the arrival of Henry Speight, they should continue to improve, this is just the beginning. They have the potential to reach Boks and ABs.

Like it happened one year ago, the Pumas got to the last game exhausted. They have a short squad and they paid the price for that in this game. Being at an 80% is not enough for the Pumas against opposition like these guys, they need to be 100%.
Also, every match that we have tried to play an open game we got trashed. We are not ready to try this revolutionary ideas at this level. We definitely need to try it, and it could work against some NH rivals, but against the big boys of the SH its suicidal. We cannot beat them playing their game, its that simple. And despite of all the knowledge he can bring t the team, i dont know how much this is Graham Henry's fault.
Some players like Farias, Hernandez, Landajo and Agulla are not starting material for the RC. Hernandez showed that he still has something of his magic, but he lost his speed and has no power penetration to break tackles. We need to bring more young blood to the team ASAP!!! A guy like Santiago Cordero should be in the squad.
The only Puma that stood up today was Marcelo Bosch. And Figallo´s absence was a sensitive loss for the pack, specially for the scrums. Also Camacho was missed. He is one of the few who can break some tackles.
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Hard game to analyze.

Wallabies played good, I was expecting that to be honest. They are probably at their worst moment, but they are still a strong side full of SR players. Somehow the media forgot that and told everybody that Argentina was the favourite team to take this match. Huge mistake, that only added more pressure on us.

After I heard the starting XV from the Pumas I knew Wallabies were going to win this match easily, not by scoring 7 tries though.
I was right because I knew we were going to make the same mistakes over and over again, specially when you see players like Landajo and Hernandez in the line-up. Those players along with others commited the same mistakes they did in previous matches: Soft tackles, awful kicks, lots of handling errors... they did all of them once again.

Only Bosch and Lobbe played today. Really sad to say it but it's true...

I don't think I am understanding the rules of this sport anymore. What it was a clear penalty-try in soweto isn't the same in Rosario. Funny, isn't it?
I don't want to sound like a babby w4nker but to tell the truth the Ref screwed it again. I guess it would be always the same with british referees, cause recent history supports this theory. Stll don't know why they can't be only NZ, SA, AUS and ARG referees in this tournament.

Oh, there's still EOYT for Phelan, so If I were you I won't be so excited about it.
Hard game to analyze.

Wallabies played good, I was expecting that to be honest. They are probably at their worst moment, but they are still a strong side full of SR players. Somehow the media forgot that and told everybody that Argentina was the favourite team to take this match. Huge mistake, that only added more pressure on us.

After I heard the starting XV from the Pumas I knew Wallabies were going to win this match easily, not by scoring 7 tries though.
I was right because I knew we were going to make the same mistakes over and over again, specially when you see players like Landajo and Hernandez in the line-up. Those players along with others commited the same mistakes they did in previous matches: Soft tackles, awful kicks, lots of handling errors... they did all of them once again.

Only Bosch and Lobbe played today. Really sad to say it but it's true...

I don't think I am understanding the rules of this sport anymore. What it was a clear penalty-try in soweto isn't the same in Rosario. Funny, isn't it?
I don't want to sound like a babby w4nker but to tell the truth the Ref screwed it again. I guess it would be always the same with british referees, cause recent history supports this theory. Stll don't know why they can't be only NZ, SA, AUS and ARG referees in this tournament.

Oh, there's still EOYT for Phelan, so If I were you I won't be so excited about it.

Accurate post. The referee issue is a constant that we suffer against the big boys of world rugby. And the outcome of the first half was absolutely affected by that play. Not sure how was the score at that moment, but instead of a 7 - 7 with the penalty try, it became a 0 - 10, that busted the confidence of this damaged Wallaby team.
Accurate post. The referee issue is a constant that we suffer against the big boys of world rugby. And the outcome of the first half was absolutely affected by that play. Not sure how was the score at that moment, but instead of a 7 - 7 with the penalty try, it became a 0 - 10, that busted the confidence of this damaged Wallaby team.

Wallabies played a fantastic game. Today Pumas had no chance of winning the game. Wallabies have incredible players that can beat any team. The duo: "Will Genia-Quade Cooper", did win the Super Rugby 2011 with Queensland Reds and did win the Tri Nations 2011.

They have a dominating player like Israel Folau, who has 8 tries in 14 games in Waratahs. He was one of the best Rugby League players in the NRL, which is the most important competition of the Rugby League.

They also have other players as James Horwill, captain of Queensland Reds, Adam Ashley-Cooper or Joe Tomane, they are playing in Super Rugby, which is a very high level of rugby.

So no surprise that these things happen, of course. It's hard to play against players of this level.

People here are very critical with Wallabies, but they are very good, they have the potential to be the best around the world.

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