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Woosaahs Rugasmic 06 Roster Editor

also if there is a commentary number not there and you would like to see it added, put it in your commentary.csv file just keep it in the same format and you should see it added into the program. if you do make some changes and they work in game please post them here and i will add it into my .csv for future updates. and your name shall be added to the credits
Hi Woosah, I was a little confused by the post you made before in regards to changing the faces of created players with the editor; is this something that can be fixed or is it just too complicated. Sorry for not getting it off the bat, I'm having a slow day.
aparently they have a file of their own, i am not really sure how it works as i am only playing with the roster and havnt really played with all the faces and i dont know how they are assigned. At this stage, changing licensed faces may not be doable in the forseable future. I had the same problem trying to change carter (just in testing phaze) and i dont understand what its doing.

remember this is just an alpha (or beta or gamma) of my program its not a final release. i am looking at making improvments all the time and any help is greatly appreciated.
on the subject of the faces i take it your using the "signed 16 bit" string (with the negatives in front of the numbers) you should be using the "unsigned 16 bit string" if you know what i mean
yeah i know what you mean, but i havnt really been bothered figuring out how to code that one :)

remember this is still an alpha :) i can change it when i feel like investigating it more
yeah its no biggy for me i can just hex a new face.

also i found a way to make the created players use another in game players face/head just by changing a single bit of binary in the same offset as the wrist tape, plus yo need to add the face/head number because caps have just an 0 for theirs

i made marika vunibaka in the create player mode and did just that and his head is actually in the game so i made him, Ill post a pic if anyone wants to see
huh what?

also i was cheap and that 'unsigned integer' business will be fixed in the next version :) took as long from when i posted my last post to when i read your post to figure it out :)

and if that is the case, would that also be the case for all the other players as well?
im assuming so, i guess we wont know until its tested, but whenever i have swapped heads/faces i never had problems with using the unsigned one and i have done that extensively
Im kinda hijacking the thread and taking it off topic (which i always seem to do)
but heres vunibaka, and yes he was made woriginally with the create player mode in game
thats an awesome likeness, sent you an email btw dude

now that i have more replies here than darhf(sp) i should have mine pinned lol

we need more mods to do their job :p
here have another lol.

what sucks tho in the long run, youll make this editor great and when the next edition rolls around EA will change everything around making it even more difficult to mod, oh well great stuff woosaah all your work is much appreciated by everyone im sure
yeah, it i dont think it would change to much. and if i rememeber to save my code and put it somewhere where i know where it is i am sure it wouldnt be to much to change it again for next years effort.

i am not really doing it to edit players, i am just trying to do more stuff and learn at the same time. keeping my programming skills up is also another reason why i am doing it.

who knows the next effort i may use a different language just so i know i can :)
Woah that created vunibaka is o for owsome, is it possible to explain to a total noob such as myself how you managed to do this. Did you have to edit a file directly evol? or were you able to use woosah's editor?
I so want to get rid of the crap hole heads that I created :p
I'll try I have a tendency not to make lot of sense so here it goes...

the way I did is through hex editing, now I myself am no expert, hell Im not even ok at it. I use hexworkshop

Now on opening the roster file containing your created player you need to locate him and then you have to find the right OFFSET.

Checkout this helpful list of the OFFSETS done by SharksFan and HDK HERE

There are 100 OFFSETS per player 0-99 so now you need to find OFFSET 93 which is the offset for the wrist tape, now you need to look at the binary down the bottom

ok now im not sure if you will be able to change heads/faces of caps but you can do it through hex

find OFFSET 90


Now i used vunibakas face number 24370 which i found in an xml file
then changed skin and wristbands with woosahs editor

I hope that helps, best thing to do tho is spend a few hours getting to grips with hex
Sweet evol thanks for taking the time and effort for that explanation, much appreciated. Now here's hoping that hex programme you use is freeware so I can get my player creation going. :D
its shareware you only have something like 20 days or something to play with it thats why i dont have a clue what i am doing half the time as i dont have a clue how to do it :)

thats why i make a program to do it, i know its a bit backwards but hey it works :D
Evol how do you know where offset 93 is, its just all a bunch of numbers? Could you go into a bit more detail please. I used to use a hex editor (winhex) to hex edit another game a few years ago. I just can't remember any of it now.

Also Woosaah please add an option so we can choose players not to have a commentry name. And players who already don't have a commentary name such as T.Varndell, if you edit another player before them then they are given that players commentary name.

Editing created players does not work either. For me it brings up a created player that I have deleted and doesn't bring up any current created players.

try open up the commentary.csv file, right at the end put


save it

Open the editor

find a player you want to use it on

change the player comm

save roster

play game

and let me know what happens :)

as for the created players, i still havnt tested this, if anyone wants to play around in hex for it tell me whats going on would be greatly appreciated :)

EVOL, you havnt by any chance worked out the binary options for the wrist tapes have you? I am adding in the Face/No Face option (somehting like that) and i would like to add in the wrist tapes with that as well
Ok Peoples an update.... Hopefully a new one up tonight.

Features include...
Face type (as shown above ie created player or real player face)
Wrist types
Skin Tone(this is the true skin tone, from white brown dark brown and black, was going to call it chiro but didnt know if anyone would get it :p)

also hopefully, i will have a team selection thing. chosing 30 players then choseing the starting line up. At first it will probably just be for internationals as that is all i am testing it on at the moment. Players can be searched through by nationality only at this stage.

Hopefully i can have this up asap, and if you feel like giving me rep, give it to EVOL instead. He has done an awesome job at testing and giving me the info needed for this project. He has done most of the hard work.
thanks im flattered but i wasnt doin it for the praise i just really wanted a decent editor

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