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Woosaahs Rugasmic 06 Roster Editor

Found an anoying bug with your latest editor.

when you edit a team it works fine but if someone in your team has the same name as another in game player they maybe swapped for some reason

for example

im editing the allblacks and ive allready got jerry collins in the team, i switch a prop out with another etc and save, now in game instead of jerry collins i have justin collins.

same happens with the m.bergamasco's etc
Woosah I haven't been on here much recently, have you fixed all the letters at the end of players names and all that now?
yeah that was fixed like in the second or third release (this is like release one billion or something)

oh crap real?

maybe searching by name is a bad idea, i will have to fix that wont i.

its not as easy as you would think :)
Hey Woosah,

Can you make it so we can create white guys with really bushy moustaches in the create a player?

I really want to create Mexted in his hey-day, or Grizzzzzzzz Wylie.
havnt looked if facial hair is in the game, really dont know :)

anyway thought i would give you guys an update.

not to much to do to "finish" the progrmaming of this....

but have hit a minor snag. The player editing is searching by name. now i did this just cause at the time i thought i was god (no i didnt really just wasnt thinking of anything at all) and didnt think two players would have the same name... but they do.

anyway i have to work out a different way of doing the team selection, somwhere to store than numbers of each of these players and put them back. sounds easier than it actually is as there is alot going on with my program (wish i was getting paid for this, wait i really am as i am at worK)

also going to change it so you can import rdf files. these will be the files straight from the GOB file. This is just for player editing not for team editing but hopefully if someone knows where the team data is stored in the gob file i can add that in as well. (hoping it is uncompressed)

Also working out all the set playes for each team and everything at the moment 2, as well as team ratings etc.

anyone think of anything else i can do?


An hour later and i have perfected the team selection thing, if you cleared the team and tried to start the team from scratch you were unable to as you wouldnt be able to select kickers. fixed that problem. Also fixed the problem with having the wrong player if there is 2 players with the same name


may release 0.5 tonight or tomorrow (probably tomorrow going to update my world league match two tonight)
Hi all, the editor is working great so far, but one small question. Does anyone know the number for Lomu's face so I can assign him his proper head with the editor? Thanks to anyone who can help. Also Evol what face number did you use for Vunibaka's head? Cheers.
I can't seem to get faces to work, I copy and paste a face I want. But nothing changes. Any tips?

I have added those faces in, if you find anymore post them here and i will add them in

Also yesterday was to lazy to do anything on my program. So will do it today but wont be updated til later on tonight as i have to figure out all the team values. I have them all i just need to figure out which is which :)

Hopefully this will include the set plays as well (will at somestage as i know round abouts where they are) if anyone has any information about team stuff post it here as i cant check until i get home from work.

EVOL, if you are able to test stuff out today i can send it to you if you like.
They wont work unless they are programmed into woosaahs editor for some reason, so i had to change them with a hex editor.

for vunibaka i just created him in game then edited him with hex (because his face number isnt in the editor.

the real face numbers are the same as a players id numbers

check out this xml file from the data.gob it is easier to use this, but remember not everyone has an actual face assigned to their player id number so it may crash your game or worse, DONT BLAME ME IF IT DOES
Also i have changed the face so you can type in whatever number you want...

hope that makes it easier for you evol
... i am at work.. ill email you (zip it up first and email it to you :D)

Only able to change the INTERNATIONAL stats

who knows some of those numbers could make the available ingame, if thats the case cool

otherwise that would be incoded (i guess ) into the .exe
good stuff im guessing its some thing like attack defense scrum linoeouts etc, i'll give that a bit of a play around.

i just noticed in the team editing part if you take out a player, everyone outside hime will move in a spot, so if i removed the number 8, the halfback would go into 8, 10 would go into 9 and so on

where exactly did you find the team stats in the roster file
yep thats right, thats why you cant save it like that yet. i am thinking of having a move up option, i guess that would make changing the teams easier, i might do that now :) ready for the next update :)

Were you able to make xbox roster saves and rdf files compatible with your editor
ohh... kinda :) but havnt finished the code for that bit. It will still need to be imported into the data.gob when its done using biggui (or whatever)

still having found the team listings in the data.gob, wouldnt mind finding that just have no idea where that could be (found that both the xbox and the pc versions are pretty much identical)

also would like to find out the rosters on the xbox and see how that work, as the ones sent to me by dobrien7 were totally different from the pc version.

Will have to add in a new setup somewhere asking if you are editing an xbox default roster, pc default roster, or user rosters. havnt figured out how i want to do that yet :)

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