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Woosaahs Raggasmic 08 Editor

Nice work.
I've got Finger Tape the other way round (right for left). Also not sure what your real face combo does but it's not showing the difference between created players and default players. I have this:

created player - byte 94 [yes/no]
wrist tape - byte 94 [none/left/right/both]
CP yes - 00010000
WT left - 00000010[/b]

does placing headgear on players that didnt have headgear work with the newest roster? or do they still end up with the orange headgear bug

also Im getting an error thing all the time, I click continue and it works fine but its kinda annoying having to keep clicking contine

error says its an unhandled exception

"Could not find file C:\Program Files\Wossaah Ruggby 08 Editor\temp.fsh"

wont let me open rosters n stuff somtimes
Hello to all,

I come to bring my assistance for those which would have like me a problem with the new version of the editor. :wall:

When I opened a roster I had this error message: "the access to the access path: c\program files\woosaah Rugby 08 editor\temp.big is refused "

This bug comes from "Vista" and more to have it, it is necessary to use the editor as an administrator.

For me this solution goes very well.

Thank you Woosaah for this editor.
thanks 'rugbyfrench' that has made sense, yes thats the annoying thing with vista. One question though where do you go to allow to run the program as administrator?

does placing headgear on players that didnt have headgear work with the newest roster? or do they still end up with the orange headgear bug

also Im getting an error thing all the time, I click continue and it works fine but its kinda annoying having to keep clicking contine

error says its an unhandled exception

"Could not find file C:\Program Files\Wossaah Ruggby 08 Editor\temp.fsh"

wont let me open rosters n stuff somtimes

can anyone help me with this?

I tried to do what Cias/Wooash recomended on page 14 of this topic but I cant seem t oedit that file...when I double click it it opens in internet explorer and looks confusing
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does placing headgear on players that didnt have headgear work with the newest roster? or do they still end up with the orange headgear bug

also Im getting an error thing all the time, I click continue and it works fine but its kinda annoying having to keep clicking contine

error says its an unhandled exception

"Could not find file C:\Program Files\Wossaah Ruggby 08 Editor\temp.fsh"

wont let me open rosters n stuff somtimes

can anyone help me with this?

I tried to do what Cias/Wooash recomended on page 14 of this topic but I cant seem t oedit that file...when I double click it it opens in internet explorer and looks confusing

right click on the file and open it in Note-Pad (or similar) then follow the instructions that were posted earlier about changing the text, this fixed the error for me thanks to them for that
check that the impbig.exe path was in there. why does it say e:?

It shouldnt matter what that line says as I am not using that for anything. (its just what i got given)

Make sure that the impBig.exe file is in that directory though. It could be a permissions thing, like you maynot be able to have access to delete files or create files in that place. But then you wouldnt have been able to install the editor in the first place.

sounds pretty random, have you tried creating a temp.fsh file in there (right click in the folder, select new, text file. rename it to temp.fsh then press continue see what that does.

I have tried evrything but it still comes up with "Access to the path 'C:\Program Files\Woosaah Ruggby 08 Editor\temp.big' is denied.

Please help!! It may be my vista but still i dont know what to do to fix the problem.
When i decide to run as admin it says "please choose your Rugby08.exe directory for saving of default files" then I am stumped after that I have to find some type of *.exe file to open it with.

then if i dnt select anything and just cancel it comes up with another new error 'C:\Program Files\Woosaah Ruggby 08 Editor\setup.dat' because it is being used by another process. even though im not using it in another process. hmm really annoying shizz that i need help with. I've actually followed ery thing said on here but just wont let me work it!! ahha

Arrrgg then if i quit out of it and try again a new error comes up "Access to path 'C:\Program Files\Woosaah Ruggby 08 Editor\temp.big' is denied. And i check to see if i have a temp.big file in my 'Woosaah Ruggby 08 Editor' and it is there! lol ohhh mann
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does placing headgear on players that didnt have headgear work with the newest roster? or do they still end up with the orange headgear bug

also Im getting an error thing all the time, I click continue and it works fine but its kinda annoying having to keep clicking contine

error says its an unhandled exception

"Could not find file C:\Program Files\Wossaah Ruggby 08 Editor\temp.fsh"

wont let me open rosters n stuff somtimes

can anyone help me with this?

I tried to do what Cias/Wooash recomended on page 14 of this topic but I cant seem t oedit that file...when I double click it it opens in internet explorer and looks confusing

right click on the file and open it in Note-Pad (or similar) then follow the instructions that were posted earlier about changing the text, this fixed the error for me thanks to them for that

didnt work

I changed that line to the folder I have it installed in

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>

<R08Path>C:\Program Files\EA SPORTS\EA SPORTS™ Rugby 08\</R08Path>
<ImpBigPath>C:\Program Files\Woosaah Ruggby 08 Editor\ImpBIG.exe</ImpBigPath>

then i created a text document, renamed it to temp.fsh

still get the error "Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\Woosaah Ruggby 08 Editor\temp.fsh'

happens when i switch players, and it wont even let me open a roster
i dont use that file for that. i have said that.

are you running vista?

oh ok, i was going of Cias's thing he suggested (which another person on this page said to try)

nah im on XP not vista
are you running as administrator? if not you will need to give yourself access to write to that directory. sounds like a permissions error.
are you running as administrator? if not you will need to give yourself access to write to that directory. sounds like a permissions error.

mmm that may be it...do u know how I give myself admin on Xp?
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are you running as administrator? if not you will need to give yourself access to write to that directory. sounds like a permissions error.

mmm that may be it...do u know how I give myself admin on Xp?

k, Im on XP and i Dont think ther is an admin account on the computer...is ther a way to set myself as admin or check who is the admin?

kk, I created a Word Document and called it 'temp.fsh', originally I just used a text file but this didnt work at all. This has half solved the problem, at least it now lets me open my roster. I still get the error but the roster still opens. I get the error whenever I switch players as well.

EDIT: Actually, it only sometimes lets me open the roster. Other times it wont let me select a roster (gives me the error after I double click on the roster)

Does anyone have a link to an older editor or something that I can use, the newest one is giving me a lot of problems
kk, did a full reinstall.

Open the folder, the temp.fsh files are ther

run Woosah, re-open folder - Temp.fsh files vanish and I get the error again.

sorry for all the posts, doesnt let me edit after a few mins
Hey Woosah can you tell us what button4 option does it comes up with a whole bunch of team names and alot of numbers I'm clueless to what all this means.

Thanks for all your hard work I think Ea Sports should be paying you for making their crap efforts heaps better.

To all the modders out there you's rule and thanks for all you efforts.
kk, did a full reinstall.

Open the folder, the temp.fsh files are ther

run Woosah, re-open folder - Temp.fsh files vanish and I get the error again.

sorry for all the posts, doesnt let me edit after a few mins

kk, I got it half working..It opens rosters now but i get the error when i try to change players

I tried to do som editing. changed someones skin colour. Got an error something like "Error: Path is not legal".

now EVERYONE on my rosters skin is Light Medium for some reason. And It refuses to save anything now.

I dont think my problem is fixable, would appreciate it if anyone still has a link or a copy of a previous editor (one thats a few months old) that I can download and try fix the damage with

EDIT: K, in game everyone isnt Light Medium, but according to the editor they are, still cant change peoples skin colour.

So yeh, I think a version of the old editor is gonna hopefully work better...if anyone has one anymore
you couldnt by any chance send me your roster file and i can have a look at it, its weird.

Ill make a change to my editor tomorrow so by default it isnt showing up the player faces. The only thing i can think of is you either dont have admin rights (but that would mean you couldnt install the program) or there is something wrong with your roster file (unlikely)

have you tried installing the editor is something like c:\rugby editor or something? can you right click go to properties on the folder go to security and see what kind of permissions you have?
you couldnt by any chance send me your roster file and i can have a look at it, its weird.

Ill make a change to my editor tomorrow so by default it isnt showing up the player faces. The only thing i can think of is you either dont have admin rights (but that would mean you couldnt install the program) or there is something wrong with your roster file (unlikely)

have you tried installing the editor is something like c:\rugby editor or something? can you right click go to properties on the folder go to security and see what kind of permissions you have?

thanks for the reply bud

Yeh Ill reinstall it in the next 1 or 2 days when I have a sec...the ONLY other thing I can think of is whenever I reinstall it and I need to "choose a Rugby.exe to save default roster files" or something, I can never do that and just click cancel. In the past the editor has always worked fine but maybe this newest one needs me to do that? I can never find anything to select, like I went to my roster file and ther was nothing to select or anything.

Um yeh the roster is so-so atm, if I change someones skin colour it changes everyone to that colour on the editor, but in game only 1 or 2 players are affected...odd.

So yeh Ill reinstall it as c:/rugby editor or somthin like that, and if you can help me with selecting a rugby.exe or whatever it is Ill do that when I reinstall it and see if that fixes it

if that all fails ill try upload my roster and u can take a look at it. Also I checked the properties of the folder, ther was nothing about security...just that the Read-Only tab was highlighted. Do I need to take that off?

So yeh thx for the reply, Ill reinstall and do a few things and get back to u in a couple of days

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