Cheers for the review, I was waiting until I see it on steam sale but defiantly want to pick it up.
You played much of the campaign yet?
Playing an empire campaign and started a chaos one. More than any other total war the factions are VERY different. As a summary:
- Stable
- Large variety in play styles between races. Factions within a race are similar but there is always the "dominant" faction (the one you can play as) and sub-factions of the race.
- Good graphics
- Suprisingly well optimised considering it is early days
- Clear interface
- Nice variety of extra gameplay mechanics
- Flying units
- Large forces possible (introduced in Shogun 2 I believe so only new if you haven't had any recent total wars)
- Back to the old combat style of multiple units being able to attack 1 rather than 1 vs 1 that has been in since Empire
- Heavy Cav charges, my god the charges!
- Agent units can be integrated into armies and fight on the battlefield
- Commanders are single, immensely powerful units
- Wargear and followers for commanders and agents to affect their stats and abilities
- Good, simple ability tree split into combat stat upgrades, battlefield support stats and campaign stats and abilities.
- Magic
- Combat AI tries things like cav flanking
- Only 4 factions with 5 if you have the DLC
- Blatant DLC farming planned
- Can make the GPU run quite hot but nothing terrible
- Memory hog both GPU and RAM
- Long load times if not on an SSD
- AI still doesn't know how to deal with being flanked and keeps repositioning the entire army if you start to encircle it.
- Assassination is messed up, AI succeeds way too regularly and the player fails them WAY more than the % says you should. EG it took me 12 turns to simply injure a character when each one had a 30-40% success chance. In that time the AI killed and injured 2 of my units, both on the first attempt.