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What games are you playing?

Total War - Warhammer looks pretty hawt.

Lately I've moved back to older games like Mount and Blade Warband or Stalker Call of Pripyat.

(Obviously been playing a lot of Rugby Challenge 3 as well)
Battlefield 1 looks interesting.

Edit: Has so much potential by the loooks of it.

but finally a decent console WW1 game hopefully.
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I am so SO happy that they've not gone for a slightly-in-the-future shooter, like was rumoured before. Really hate that genre.

So so keen for this, I'm a big Battlefield fanboy and I can't wait to see how WW1 translates to FPS.
Looks bloody awesome sauce! In contrast to the aptly crappily generically named Infinite Warfare Battlefield are actually trying to innovate and not buying further into the awful futuristic shooter fad that should have ended immediately after it started.
Also hate futuristic fps games. Haven't enjoyed an fps since MW2 but this could be added to my casual gamer collection.
Just downloaded (two of) this months PS+ games.
Table Top racers is a decent enough racer, for a free game. Micro-Machines but no where near as good. Pretty funny seeing the brand deals in it, like one of the levels is set in a "Yo! Sushi" restaurant. Reminds me of back in the mega drive games when Virgin, and Pepsi, and McDonalds, etc. had games out.
Looking forward to giving Tropico a blast, heard good things.
I've just ordered the new unchartered game, hopefully get a few hours under my belt this weekend on it.
Just got the Uncharted 4 PS4console pack plus Doom from Game. Thought I got a pretty good deal for £309.99. Decided just too good a deal. Started playing UC4 and so far, it is living up to expectations.
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Don't play games too often anymore but I picked up Doom the other day - absolutely awesome fun. It's the brutal aggressive non-stop action of the original 2 on steroids and then some. Loving it so far.
Anyone played 2 worlds 2? Picked it up for £3 the other day, looks good but not played it yet.
After a year and a half of using a dongle with expensive capped internet, I finally got a100mbps fiber line and did a big download of the backlog. Playing a mix of X-Com, Serious Sam, ARK and Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith.
Playing ARK and some CS GO ,,,, Saulan is that a old star wars game ?
Playing ARK and some CS GO ,,,, Saulan is that a old star wars game ?

Yea, it was essentially an expansion/standalone after the first jedi knight game (or the second dark forces game). This, Turok, Moto Racer and Croc were some of the first games I played so its a big nostalgia factor thing for me, and I jumped on this one as soon as I could on Steam. I mean, look at these high definition 1998 graphics:

Also, what's your steam username? I play quite a bit of CS GO and it would be nice to have someone on there from SA when RC3 comes out.
Yea, it was essentially an expansion/standalone after the first jedi knight game (or the second dark forces game). This, Turok, Moto Racer and Croc were some of the first games I played so its a big nostalgia factor thing for me, and I jumped on this one as soon as I could on Steam. I mean, look at these high definition 1998 graphics:

Also, what's your steam username? I play quite a bit of CS GO and it would be nice to have someone on there from SA when RC3 comes out.

Steam username is "Reaper" I am a huge star wars fan so a bit shocked I missed this game , haha will be getting it after work today
People seem to have forgotten that Battlefield went futuristic a long time ago with Battlefield 2142. That was actually a good game with some unique game modes.

Far Harbour just out for Fallout 4 so will be doing that. Also Stellaris.
I bought Overwatch yesterday and have been having a great time with it. Probably the first online game I have played where being a support character actually feels rewarding.
Also Blizzard have done a great job with the netcode, its all on the European servers for us and you really don't notice any input lag in the game.
Just finished UC4. A fitting end to a phenomenal series by Naughty Dog.

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