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What do you look for in a woman?

I was just pondering that too. I could make a massive profit, go to Eastern Europe, pick up poor girls who think they'll be working as housemaids in rich homes, drug them, steal a kidney, sterilize them, then let their first customer have a go with them while they're almost awake again, so the pain of them losing their virginity will bring them back to consciousness :p

Is it sad that some people might actually like that idea? Hope it never goes that far though, I can be pretty mean every now and then. [/b]

Hmmm, Laetca, brilliant idea! Methinks if you`ve got the contacts in Eastern Europe, I can see if I can establish a line of credit on this side to finance such an operation. We could end up making quite the killing, so to speak......
Just an idea, maybe we could use a few as baby machines, the uglier girls, the ones that won't attract too many customers (so, the cows, as opposed to the cash cows). We could use one half of their offspring as a new area to harvest organs of, only that we don't have to stop at one kidney, we could have two kidneys, a liver, skin, the heart, blood, and that thing that's in your eyes that I don't know the name of in english.
Sadly, I think that's all that we could take from them :( We could mulch up the rest of the body, make burgers, to feed the others.
The other half would be sold to families who are trying to adopt a baby, but can't find one, or are on a ten year waitinglist.
Wh...what the f***?!!?

This is some screwed up ****.

Keep it on topic folks! Just can't trust you f***ing mods anymore, can we?
On Topic:

It was brought to my attention yesterday (thank you Horsey) that a line at the end was added, that girls should also add what they look for in a man or woman.
I sort of already found him, so unless people want a very boring four paper essay of why I think we work so well together, then I'm not going to start yapping about that :p
Laetca, I really love your idea. We could even go into the pet food industry, but I digress off topic in this off topic section, so before Matt bursts a cornea in his eye,

Back on topic. Generally, I find that my wife has everything I`m looking for in a woman. She`s got a great sense of humour, which works very well with my dry one. She`s intelligent enough to have married me :p , and to hold a conversation about just about any topic, except of course organ harvesting. She also knows how to challenge me professionally, even though we are in diverse fields. Plus she also loves rugby, even though she supports the wrong domestic team.

So basically, without also going into a 4 page essay, she`s my wife, my soulmate, my best mate, my lover and the mother of my children. And also sexy as hell!
<div class='quotemain'> And also sexy as hell!

So, would you say she puts a smile on your face and a song in your heart? ;)

What? And put up her picture so you lot can <strike>**********</strike> drool over the mother of my children?

Nah. Nice try though. :bleh!:
<div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotemain'> And also sexy as hell!

So, would you say she puts a smile on your face and a song in your heart? ;)

What? And put up her picture so you lot can <strike>**********</strike> drool over the mother of my children?

Nah. Nice try though. :bleh!:

Haha...it was just a joke...I personally had a good chuckle.
It's nice to hear someone speak about their wife like you do...I'm happy you have a seemingly great partnership.
Cheers mate, or should that be cheers Nate? Well, after 7 years together, and 6 years of marriage, it`s still going very well. Here`s hoping to avoid that old 7-year itch thingey everybody talks about.
People talk about the average time at which a relationship breaks up is 3months/3years/7years/...

I don't think you should be worried of such a thing, if your relationship is good, then no theory about relationships going wonky after a certain time is going to change that.
Unless you meet Marilyn Monroe, of course...

*10 points for everyone who understands the film reference.
"Girls always seem to break up with me after about 3 months, but I don't get it because thats about the time it takes to get to know somebody"
"Girls always seem to break up with me after about 3 months, but I don't get it because thats about the time it takes to get to know somebody"
Flight of the Conchords
Surely the first thing you look for in a woman is a big ass? :p [/b]

I'll admit i do find Woman with big asses attractive, it's not a deal breaker. I'm not gonna denie someone just because she has a normal sized ass. In fact the chicks i've been with they've had normal sized asses idk they might be fat by your standards *shrugs shoulders*


name='Laetca' post='279291' date='Nov 11 2007, 05:21 AM'] From 'Goodlooking chicks' to 'A girl with a brain' to 'baby machines'

What do guys who don't want kids look for in a girl caledfwlch? Tiny Hips? :p [/b]

I'm not gonna have kids but i find big hips attractive.
Why are you not having kids?
Is this a "I don't want to pass on my genes" thing? Because that's the reason I once heard, a friend of mine thinks it wouldn't be a responsible thing to do to give someone her 'qualities'.
Why are you not having kids?
Is this a "I don't want to pass on my genes" thing? Because that's the reason I once heard, a friend of mine thinks it wouldn't be a responsible thing to do to give someone her 'qualities'. [/b]

I think exactly the opposite. I have to get some offspring out there, becuase i'm adamant i'm supposed to be something significant on this earth and hell if i don't get to achieve that then i'll live vicariously through my many dozens of kids!
<div class='quotemain'> Why are you not having kids?
Is this a "I don't want to pass on my genes" thing? Because that's the reason I once heard, a friend of mine thinks it wouldn't be a responsible thing to do to give someone her 'qualities'. [/b]

I think exactly the opposite. I have to get some offspring out there, becuase i'm adamant i'm supposed to be something significant on this earth and hell if i don't get to achieve that then i'll live vicariously through my many dozens of kids!
Like that Abraham character everyone goes on about...

I agree...I'm freakin' awesome...just imagine how awesome it would be to be my child. I've got to pass those genes on and all of my massive mind full of wisdom.
So, I pretty much look for a woman who wants to have sex, because you can't pass on your gense without that.
Why are you not having kids?
Is this a "I don't want to pass on my genes" thing? Because that's the reason I once heard, a friend of mine thinks it wouldn't be a responsible thing to do to give someone her 'qualities'. [/b]

Two things:
1. Responsibility
2. Commitment

I have rarely implemented those things when it comes to girls and pretty much life in general. I can see myself as being a iresponsible person for the rest of my life.I rather have a part time relationship then a full time one. In fact all my relationships have been part time haha. But hey, if i accidently have a kid (it happens) I'll be the best father i can possibly be and be there for him/her. Plus if the kids good looking i know it he/she would have inherited my genes :lol: J/K

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