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TRF EA Rugby '06 NZ Tournament

cool i hope you were serious, im havin a mini comp with my mates and since im not alowed to go any of the better teams ill need and advantage
Originally posted by EVOL@Jun 26 2006, 10:27 PM
cool i hope you were serious, im havin a mini comp with my mates and since im not alowed to go any of the better teams ill need and advantage
It is sent......check your mail...

Lucky CAI and dobrien aren't admins or they wuld be checking it to lol!
haha yeah cheers delete all traces :lol:, i must say with the info i have you guys are gonna bow down to GG at the tourney
Originally posted by EVOL@Jun 26 2006, 10:39 PM
haha yeah cheers delete all traces :lol:, i must say with the info i have you guys are gonna bow down to GG at the tourney
I could lose, but I'll never bow down. :p Secret stuff which makes you play extra well and gives you an big advantage over all......kind of reminds me something else which they don't have in the real world of sports. ;)

If whatever it is gives GG a great chance of winning, I'm all for it. :D

If whatever it is makes it certain thats something else. <_<
Originally posted by C A Iversen+Jun 26 2006, 10:52 PM-->
@Jun 26 2006, 10:39 PM
haha yeah cheers delete all traces :lol:, i must say with the info i have you guys are gonna bow down to GG at the tourney
I could lose, but I'll never bow down. :p Secret stuff which makes you play extra well and gives you an big advantage over all......kind of reminds me something else which they don't have in the real world of sports. ;)

If whatever it is gives GG a great chance of winning, I'm all for it. :D

If whatever it is makes it certain thats something else. <_< [/b]
Don't worry....it is not a big advantage like the break tackle technique was in JLR.....it is just a different way of playing........you can stop it.....but it is simply more attacking options you have to keep an eye on instead of the usual stuff.....so at every ruck you will need to really concentrate to see what could be coming next out of the blue otherwise you may be caught sleeping.

It's good thing you can tell most of the possible varieties on attack just by what the halfback does then :p (look hard there's subtleties)

As GG said though you can attack like hell, but defense has to be good... conversely your attack can be ok but a great D will be hard to beat...
well i have sore hands after playing danny. what a great session of rugby.

had alot of fun and there were some awesome tries scored by both of us. at one stage i couldnt score more than 14 points. but once i got past that hurdle i started scoring lots and there were some awesome game. real close games 2.

its true you never give up, at one stage i was down by 3 tries and i came back cant remember if i won that, was real close at the end. cant wait for more games. bring it on :)
Cool good sh*t guys, big advantage of 10min halves - it ain't over till it's over, no matter how well you shut it Gay-guy will still be there trying to get in the back door :p
ha ha back door, mines locked :eek:
if GG can do what he says itll be quite bewildering to defend against
Originally posted by C A Iverson
Secret stuff which makes you play extra well and gives you an big advantage over all......kind of reminds me something else which they don't have in the real world of sports. wink.gif
you'll be surprised :lol:

for me i can score on opponents with ease and my rushing defense is quite frustrating but i tend to have lapses in D and let alot of easy tries in, plus i throw way too many offloads.

after playn against ai its hard to adjust to multiplayer as you get stuck in ur old habits so guys i recommend as much multiplayer practice as u can, because this tourney is for all the marbles
damn sucks to be you up till 4:30am working you should injure urself and go on acc for a while
yeah i should that would be cool

i wouldnt mind sitting on my ass :)

i did wake up at 3am though so not so bad
Yep had some bloody good games last night with woosaah, early on it was the Hurricanes revenge beating down on the crusaders, then i ttried munster and they were smacked down by the crusaders - then the leinster tigers which was a mixed bag of wins and losses.

The nt o guage woosaahs training on the night we rematched the hurricanes versus Crusaders best of 3. Crusaders took the first by a narrow margin if i recall, the nthe canes by a narrow margin in the second then the smackdown was laid on by woosaahs crusaders in the third.

Was a good night of rugger tho - from about 1830hrs thru till 2300hrs.
Good to see woosaahs style of play.

Couple of issues were raised - biggest issue was my rush defense hitting his forwards off the sides of the ruck - 95% were good hits and the rest ended up in early tackles.

Is this the same early tackle you were talking about GG?

And my final comment "Damn you Caleb Ralph, anyone but you can score"

Cheers for the games Woosaah.
Quite interesting to meet another TRF member?

If the early tackle that your referring to is the one where the player gets a little knocked around on his feet, but retains his footing, well I don't mind that too much. If it actually knocks him on his arse without the ball, well that causes more problems.

I nearly always scoop the ball up with another player anyway.

Good close series, I'm impressed by how it sounded.

Woosaah give you a rundown on how his tourney room will be set up?
Originally posted by C A Iversen@Jun 27 2006, 09:24 AM
Quite interesting to meet another TRF member?

If the early tackle that your referring to is the one where the player gets a little knocked around on his feet, but retains his footing, well I don't mind that too much. If it actually knocks him on his arse without the ball, well that causes more problems.

I nearly always scoop the ball up with another player anyway.

Good close series, I'm impressed by how it sounded.

Woosaah give you a rundown on how his tourney room will be set up?
The early tackle is exactly that....a tackle before the player has touched the ball causing it to go to ground.

With me and my trainer....we are creating too many stuffed up games with the early tackle.....in front, behind, etc......it really wrecks the game.

The only reason we are mastering this early tackle thing is because there will always be someone who will play unfair. You need to possess a nuclear bomb to scare people who use one otherwise they will say......"too bad" since the computer does not penalise them.

Frankly......I am all for it being banned and people suffering the consequences if they do it. Otherwise the game will turn ugly. Too many beautiful movements destroyed by early tackles and tries created by early tackles when someone is running it out from their line and gets taken out.
I'm glad it's only that, because I figured out how to beat that last week.

Ask dobrien7, he used to do it to me all the time, now he can't. I defused that "nuclear bomb" with a not too shabby move I came up with.

Early tackles are history with my new technique. Still have only "mostly" mastered my countering move, but it IS the answer. I'm sure.

I've done it maybe 7-8 times.
Originally posted by C A Iversen@Jun 27 2006, 11:07 AM
I'm glad it's only that, because I figured out how to beat that last week.

Ask dobrien7, he used to do it to me all the time, now he can't. I defused that "nuclear bomb" with a not too shabby move I came up with.

Early tackles are history with my new technique. Still have only "mostly" mastered my countering move, but it IS the answer. I'm sure.

I've done it maybe 7-8 times.
Yes...but that is the problem....we have to change our style to avoid the early tackle which is against real rules. Consequently we play "inhibited."

Sometimes I re-think passing it to someone because I can see my mate lining up the receiver to take him out early.....so i dummy and hold on to the ball or pass in or missout out or grubber, etc............the point is.......the early tackle cuts down on attacking options!!! Rugby should be allowed to express itself freely without worrying about someone cheating to cut down your options. The worse one is passing to your support after you have drawn the fullback and your support gets tackled early before he gets the ball in what would have been a try. this means you cannot have the option of your support and have to beat the fullback one on one.........thus your options are cut down.
Yeah was cool to meet woosaah in person, kind of felt like Guess Who, you must be Stu? hehehe

Yes woosaah advised how the game room will be setup, might be a tight squeeze but ive advised him we can have it at my whare if he likes. Also if anyone needs accomodation then pm me - i can prolly sleep 3 on couches and another couple on matresses in my lounge. As long as you can handle my kids waking you up around 8am in the mornings when they have breakfast.

Well my thoughts on the early tackle rulings.

Woosaah used L or R to short pass to a forward, i had my guy coming in to hit him as soon as he recieves it normally knocking him back about 3m, this happens over and over again, then a few times i miss timed it and hit him early which meant he failed to catch the ball and it went to ground. and a couple of times the player just staggered but some times he gets knocked to ground.
Are we allowing any room for a couple of early hits or is every early hit gonna be policed? and at the other end of the scale are we gonna penalise the late hit after a grubber is placed?

Perhaps Iverson can post his fix to beat the early tackles then we can leave them in and eveyone will know how to beat it.
:cheers: Ok, I better get a rep point or two for this, :lol: .

I was doing forward runs and having the ball smashed out of my arms, time and again, by dobrien7, particularly off mauls and scrums. I had to find a way to stop it. He was actually making me angry and he would not relent so I thought it through logically.

I'll stop now and edit this post with the answer at lunch time. Work people keep coming into my office and finding me online......

Back again, anyhow I thought to myself, "I've got to get it away from that forward, he's getting smashed all the time. So, I tried something pretty basic.

I decided to do a "double tap pass". You know where in the backline you can quickly pass through the hands by clicking the passing button twice?

Same principle, you use R to pass to a forward doing a run, but (very quickly) as soon as you've selected forward run, pass out to your backs.
So if you have a line-up to the right, it's R, then B, before the forward receives it. Your forward will pass much quicker and he won't get early tackled.

Sometimes I've found that I've had to do it soooo quick that I've passed twice out to the backs. Thats not too bad a thing anyway, as it still leaves you with options.

Quite often if that forward has just passed to the first-five, you'll find that your opponent has done the usual thing and dived at your forward thinking it was a straight forward, forward run. This means a nice "channel" has opened up for you to run your first-five through!

Now, I know what some of you are thinking.

"How the hell does that help my forward runs? I mean I'm never going to be able to do a real forward run with this method, as the ball always ends up in the backs!"

Not true. Your opponent will start to get sick of diving at your forward and ending up with only making him stumble, or worse nothing.

They'll then start to target your first-five, or whatever receiver. When they think your about to do it again, they'll run at your first-five, or whoever they think will receive the ball, and your forward will keep on running.

Basically they won't know which option you'll take.

Let's say they lineup your first-five then quickly cut inside and try to nail your forward. That little extra time you'll have will enable you to get up a nice fend or shoulder barge.

This has been working for me for a while now and there are some other things I'm working on with Dave.

You'll have to work on it, but it should work for you too.

Good Luck. :cheers:

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