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Tottenham Riots

F*** the police, send her into the crowds, clip round the ear and the little sh*ts will run off back to bed with their tails between their legs
people dont care about mark duggan anymore they are taking advantage of the situation to teeth everythink they can. They call themselves badman but if there house gets touched they will go straight to police and know all the prices and taxes will go up i've said nuff nuff tings
It'll all kick off again tomorrow. And again on Thursday. And then the Army will get involved.
People didn't give a **** about Duggan on the first night, just an excuse to trash the place
Cameron and Clegg need to sort the law out to ensure that the police and use force to batter the rioters and get this to stop, the rioters know the police can't really touch them.
All those mindless criminals currently destroying our country wouldn't show this much enthusiasm at the prospect of getting a job and paying their own way in life. Too much for free for too long...
As Professor Yaffle would say, "this is getting quite out of hand!"
You think some of the looters would get better things ...

Gazza spotted in Tottenham with a fishing rod and a Police Academy DVD.
Rumours that it's spread to Bristol...getting a little too close to home now. Can't quite imagine it happening in Cardiff, but then again, could be because I've never seen anything like this in Cardiff before, guess I can't rule it out just yet. Just hope it doesn't cross the border anyway.
It's apparently been quelled in Birmingham and Liverpool.

Hopefully it will stop, but realistically at the COBRA meeting they need to sort and get something passed through parliament to allow the Police, Army etc to use force in circumstances as these.
It's apparently been quelled in Birmingham and Liverpool.

Hopefully it will stop, but realistically at the COBRA meeting they need to sort and get something passed through parliament to allow the Police, Army etc to use force in circumstances as these.

Does anyone know the regulations about using the army as police in Britain? In Canada I think the War Measures Act has to be passed in parliament, which happened in the 70's when Quebec Seperatists began abducting political figures. In the States the National Guard can be used if Governors release and sign for it but the regular forces cannot.
It's apparently been quelled in Birmingham and Liverpool.

Hopefully it will stop, but realistically at the COBRA meeting they need to sort and get something passed through parliament to allow the Police, Army etc to use force in circumstances as these.

Your right Cymro. I think a lot of the people who are involved in this have most likely been in trouble with the law before and that's why they are literally laughing at the police. The law has to be careful about how much force it can use and they know it. If they cop a bashing from the police they know they can have them for it.

They need to be able to use real force in the right circumstances and put a few of these thugs and lowlifes down. It's the ordinary folk huddled in their houses over there who're paying for all this right now by the sounds. :(

All those mindless criminals currently destroying our country wouldn't show this much enthusiasm at the prospect of getting a job and paying their own way in life. Too much for free for too long...

I know what I'm about to say features plenty of tired old cliches, but it doesn't make it any less true in my opinion.

I've just now been watching "Band Of Brothers" for the first time and I'm sure like all war-time drama, there's of course bound to be some inaccuracies. I'm pretty sure though that these current bunch of cretins running around in your country wouldn't be quite so brave when chucked into the shoes of those brits who went through WW2.

They are an absolute insult to the memory of anyone who ever stood up for England or did some hard graft that helped build up what you do have over there.

The legal system is too soft and too costly in every country.

Would these idiots be doing what they are if the system was "do 5 proven crimes involving physicality or damage upon fellow citizens or infrastructure within your lifetime and your lined up and shot"?

It'd be cheaper and gradually improve the gene pool and work force.
England Vs Holland has been cancelled

Cameron about to make a speech over the action they are going to take...

The video that made me laugh was a Police Officer in a Riot Van shouting, "If you do not Disperse we may use force to move you!" - It should be WE WILL USE FORCE to move you, no May about it...
Numero uno, the buck stops with the rioters. The guy in Mite's video puts it better than anyone else can... mindless violence against their brothers and sisters in the community is nothing to do with police brutality, racism, economic deprivation or anything else.

That in mind, it's time our government(s) take a serious look at their priorities. We've spent 10 years fighting expensive wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, countries which posed no threat to Britain and have done nothing against us. We then have an economic depression and our coffers are empty. So, the ConLibs decide cuts are the best solution. But at the same time, while we're cutting back on everything in the UK, they feel a war in Libya is a justified expense? What have we got to do with Libya, and what threat do they pose us?

The only thing we need a military/ military wing of police for is Northern Ireland and situations like these riots. The great irony lies in the fact that when these riots come about, all we've got to fight with is a cut-back and stretched police force, while our army is off wasting its time, money and lives 000s of miles away.

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