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Tottenham Riots

^^ Well put mate.

The mind boggles over the decisions made by the 'representatives' in parliament. Your last Labour govt shagged the place beyond repair. Welfare state, open door immigration.. I had a good job working for an investment company in London, paid taxes etc and didn't use a cent of taxpayer money, but had to leave as none of my grandparents were born in the UK (even though all my great-grandparents were, never mind my grandparents fighting in the wars for britain). Yet someone from Eastern Europe with no affiliations to the place can walk in and get given a house and jump straight on the dole.. something wrong there. Now you have a massively bottom heavy population and not enough jobs for them all.. so they go on the dole.. and now loot cause they have nothing better to do.

As for the looters, waste of space the lot of them. I'd be tear gassing and tasering any idiot throwing anything. They'd stop pretty quick if half of them were on the ground foaming from the mouth.
^^ Well put mate.

The mind boggles over the decisions made by the 'representatives' in parliament. Your last Labour govt shagged the place beyond repair. Welfare state, open door immigration.. I had a good job working for an investment company in London, paid taxes etc and didn't use a cent of taxpayer money, but had to leave as none of my grandparents were born in the UK (even though all my great-grandparents were, never mind my grandparents fighting in the wars for britain). Yet someone from Eastern Europe with no affiliations to the place can walk in and get given a house and jump straight on the dole.. something wrong there. Now you have a massively bottom heavy population and not enough jobs for them all.. so they go on the dole.. and now loot cause they have nothing better to do.

As for the looters, waste of space the lot of them. I'd be tear gassing and tasering any idiot throwing anything. They'd stop pretty quick if half of them were on the ground foaming from the mouth.

I kinda disagree with some of that. It's rediculous that you weren't allowed to stay, however I don't have too much of a problem about eastern european people coming into this country. There might be some coming here to lounge off the dole, but that is a very small minority. The majority come over here, work hard, cause little to no trouble, and are ultimately working in jobs that the 'British chavs' refuse to take. I live in Lincoln, in an area known by many as 'little Poland' due to the number of Polish families living here. Are they any trouble? Not in the slightest, they all work, are plesant to talk to , even if they keep themselves to themselves for the most part.

It's the dossers that are ruining this country. The families where no-one works. It is them that are rioting at the moment, and for what, because they're too lazy to get a job and make some money to afford the tv's and clothes they've decided to start looting? The benfit system has been broken for a while, people can make almost as much money sitting on their arse and claiming the dole, and if they push out a couple of babies they are incapable of looking after, educating, or diciplining, they are awarded even more money to waste on ciggarettes, alcohol, mobile phone contracts and sky tv subscriptions.

As for these riots in particular, it's a complete disgrace. There is no motive behind them other than a bunch of brain-dead, waste of space louts taking an opportunity to steal a bunch of stuff they don't deserve. What's wrong with tear-gassing the lot of them? It doesn't cause any serious injury, but would stop this madness in minutes. Other than that, get the army in and alow the use of reasonable force. The Police are stuck between a rock and a hard-place at the minute, they are incapable of doing anything other than standing on the sides of the roads watching with fear of the consequesces if a rioter is too badly hurt. Crazy.
Its absolutely mental whats going on over in England. They are just opportunists who are breaking the law in the worst possible way targeting innocent people's homes and businesses as well as causing as much extra damage as they possibly can. I sympathise greatly with whats going on across the bridge and I only hope (from a slightly selfish perspective I suppose) that the trouble is not replicated here in Wales. This really does put things into perspective as far as England and Wales are concerned. Of course in sport I am guilty of saying I hate England and whatever but that sort of talk which only relates to sports rivalry kind of goes out of the window when things like this are happening. Of course I don't really hate England, thats just harmless banter within the sport I love, really i have no problem with England, I really sympathise with all the innocent people whose lives are being ruined (sounds drastic but is the truth) due to the mindless acts of people who are a waste of space. Was watching Sky news last night and heard 2 men, brothers, speaking live saying how their business that has lasted over 5 generations, their premises were from the 1800's and Victorian Times has been burnt to the ground and they were almost lost for words and were close to tears.
I agree with alot of people on here who have said to bring in the army and to use tear gas against them, by the time they come to they'll be locked up. They should then be locked up, given massive fines and released for a few hours a day under supervision to start cleaning up the streets of London/Birmingham/Bristol/Liverpool as Community Service. I don't see why working class people should foot the massive repair bill, put the offenders to work, they broke it, they fix it.
Agree with Dull about the Polish immigrants, always hated it when mates of mine said 'ah these Eastern European immigrants coming over here and taking our jobs!' because, like Dull said, they do some of the jobs that the unemployed chavs would never go anywhere near.
Always kinda hit close to come too, since my dads family was in the same situation about 100 years ago, coming over to Wales from Italy looking for a better life. My great grandad worked down the mines until he had enough money to bring over the rest of his family and set up cafes around Ammanford. Just doesn't sit right with me because of that, just feels why should I complain against people getting the opportunities that my family had.

Anyway, anyone since these:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14458424 - f*cking idiots, they have no idea why they're rioting just doing it for the hell of it for, as they said, the ''free alcohol''.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14456065 - This just simply disgusts me, and just sums up the sheer c*ntish nature of the people doing these riots. Hope the police bring in their rubber bullets, and these guys cop a few in the leg so they can be dragged off and locked up.
That first video has really ground my gears....

"we're targeting the rich people, the people with businesses"

Makes perfect sense, people who have tried hard with their lives to be successful deserve to be targeted by the scum who mill around drinking stolen wine at 9am after a long night of smashing windows

I mean, they're rich people, they deserve it

Love how they blame the government and say "yeah...the conservatives...or whoever it is"
Wonder how long until this spreads to Glasgow...

Seriously poor stuff fae these ****s, get rubber bullet canister shots and tear gas, and break them
Make them wish we used gulags.

I see some people are starting to comment on the ethnic composition of the rioters as well, this is going to get worse before it gets better, people getting shot and stabbed.

Identify the mugs, and if any of them are immigrants, deport them to whence they came. No mercy, I'd bet my imaginary house that many of these 'youths' participated in previous riots
Manchester is kicking off at the moment,
A bit in the Midlands too (West Brom and Birmingham city centre) - little bit in London expected to escalate as the night goes on
Who can cobble together The Tyburn Tree for this scrote in the baseball cap?

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This is disgusting complete knackers, thugs. Use the hose it's no less than they deserve.
can anyone explain the cause of the rioting? I know there was initial comments about a police shooting, but the rioting has spread to other cities in the country.
There is no reason - people theorize that it's about the "lack of jobs" and about the government blah blah blah, but it's just kids wanting to cause mayhem, and hating the police (because the police stop them from committing crimes)
can anyone explain the cause of the rioting? I know there was initial comments about a police shooting, but the rioting has spread to other cities in the country.

To be honest, seems to me they're doing it for the hell of it, no real reason behind it. A fair few criminals are taking advantage of it by pretty much directing people to which shops to loot. It's a humid summer too, gets people wound up a bit, especially with it being the summer holidays too, my guess is they get a rush from doing whatever the hell they want. From the responces from rioters, comes accross that they feel like they're ''sticking it to the man'', or as those two idiot girls said ''showing the rich we can do what we want''. Of course smashing up local businesses is really going to do that. Disgusting.
Just heard from a mate of mine who's looting in Peckham, he's got some half priced cracked ice, miles and miles of carpet tiles, TV's, deep freeze, David Bowie LP's, ball games, gold chains, wotsa names and at a push some Trevor Francis tracksuits from a mush in Shepherds Bush...
Just heard from a mate of mine who's looting in Peckham, he's got some half priced cracked ice, miles and miles of carpet tiles, TV's, deep freeze, David Bowie LP's, ball games, gold chains, wotsa names and at a push some Trevor Francis tracksuits from a mush in Shepherds Bush...

so you are going to turn him in right.
Long story short:

1. The Firearms division shoot dead some scrote who's carrying a loaded replica which is converted to fire real bullets.
2. A day later, Friends and Family peacefully protest outside Tottenham police station about the killing of the youth.
3. Later that evening, every ****-head teenager in North London eggs each other on and the first riot begins. There aren't enough police to cope and the do-gooders had tied their hands years ago anyway.
4. The following evening, the teenagers think "ooh, that was fun" and does it again. Due to extensive coverage on Faceache, Twatter, Blackberry and the regular media, copycats spring up all over the country.
5. Ouroboros.

Catch them, cut their nuts off, throw them back, problem solved. Are the Police not allowed ****-off massive white horses any more?

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