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Top 5 Games of All Time

interesting how a lot of these lists are all or mostly of the same type of game, going to try and mix it up a little and cant quite work out the order

goldeneye (preferably box set with Perfect Dark)
mario cart Wii
zelda....majoras mask
age of empires (going to cheat and say the collectors editions with I - III)
Fifa 12 (first recent one with Wimbledon)

have to go back thought and see the ones i forgot about!

edit...cant work out what to drop for GTA San Andreas...Top SIX list it is
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interesting how a lot of these lists are all or mostly of the same type of game, going to try and mix it up a little and cant quite work out the order

goldeneye (preferably box set with Perfect Dark)
mario cart Wii
zelda....majoras mask
age of empires (going to cheat and say the collectors editions with I - III)
Fifa 12 (first recent one with Wimbledon)

have to go back thought and see the ones i forgot about!

edit...cant work out what to drop for GTA San Andreas...Top SIX list it is

I liked Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, it was made on the AoE engine I believe. Brought it out a few months back with a friend to smash the **** out of the Rebels, good times.
GTAIVwas underrated by many GTA fans I feel. I really enjoyed it. Mostly played it for multiplayer, but once I actually got into the story I couldn't stop.
1. Fallout 1+2
2. Panzer General 2
3. Eve Online
4. Arcanum: of steamworks and magic obscura
5. Baldur's Gate 2

Others: Europa Universalis 2, Hearts of Iron series, Icewind Dale, Quake 2, Heroes of Might and Magic series, Age of Empires 2, The temple of elemental evil, Morrowind, Total War series, Total Annihilation (the original version), etc
1. Half-Life 2
2. Unreal Tournament
3. Rainbow 6: Raven Shield (PC version - console version is a completely different game)
4. MOH: AA
5. Battlefield: 1942


That's much harder than I had appreciated!
It would be much easier if it was in 5 year blocks.

Honorable mentions:

Golden Axe
Neverwinter Nights
COD 1 and 2
Quake 3
Star Wars: Battlefront
Dark Reign
C&C: Red Alert
Halo: CE
Mass Effect 1,2,3
GTA: San Andreas (III too)
Counterstrike (1.6, Source and Condition Zero)
Assassin's Creed (1 and 2)
Left 4 Dead
The Witcher 2
Ghost Recon

...****, I could go on.
I'm noticing quite a generation gap in the posters on this thread ;)
Can remember waiting a very long time for Way of the Exploding Fist to come out on the BBC B. C64 was the best version though.
I'm noticing quite a generation gap in the posters on this thread ;)

yup !

My top 5 games and this will be the last time I post on the toys thread.

1. Street Fighter 2
2. Double Dragon
3. Alex The Kidd
4. Shinobi
5. Golden Axe

This has brought back the memories :)

p.s: I could clock games 1, 3 & 5.

that's one right there ! Loved all those, except Alex the Kid I don't think I know...

I'm very, very afraid, terrified to make the following comment, but I'll still make it:
I think us kids who grew up during the 90's had the best generation with games that promoting good gameplay and excellent atmosphere rather than all technical simulation-type full 1080p HD stuff.
Like, Doom fks any recent...well, doom-like up the butt. But this isn't a discussion thread, just a Top 5...thought I'd make the remark though.
1. GTA 5
2. Rugby 08
3. Fifa 14
4. Call of duty bo2
5. Minecraft

aahhhh, the boy is brand new to the world. You've just exposed yourself, sonny ! Do you know what a Nintendo Nes is ?
damn it I did post something really not suitable there :)

now I'll be accurate and say:

Call of Duty MW series are great, the first one especially revolutionary I think
oh what, like you're a new kid ? eh ? you dunno the fun of shoot-em-ups until you've played some Wolf3D, Doom1-2, Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, Blood, Quake 1-2-3 and co !

Try Pong :p

Doom, Duke Nukem etc is way way way after my start :p
Time to revisit this old thread.

1) Championship/Football Manager Series. Caught me as an impressionable young one with CM 98/99 and here we are all these years later. Wonderful.
2) Age of Empires II. Obviously
3) Tetris. Still play it all the time, wonderful game.
4) Soul Caliber II. I've sunk more time into that game than I care to admit.
5) Commander Keen/Duke Nukem/Cosmo's Adventures/Major Stryker - In fact, pretty much anything published by Apogee in the early to mid 90's. Great company, produced some unbelievable ***les.
Try Pong :p

Doom, Duke Nukem etc is way way way after my start :p

oooooooh I don't like where you're going with that there buddy...are you calling yourself more old and therefor authentic than ME ?!! I remember the old Amiga games, Wolf 3D, Super Mario 1 on NES and that shytty duck shooting game !
let's see what you got...............ya young punk....

Time to revisit this old thread.

1) Championship/Football Manager Series. Caught me as an impressionable young one with CM 98/99 and here we are all these years later. Wonderful.
2) Age of Empires II. Obviously
3) Tetris. Still play it all the time, wonderful game.
4) Soul Caliber II. I've sunk more time into that game than I care to admit.
5) Commander Keen/Duke Nukem/Cosmo's Adventures/Major Stryker - In fact, pretty much anything published by Apogee in the early to mid 90's. Great company, produced some unbelievable ***les.

I like you. Like, in a slightly *I can't say the word here* kind of way.

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