I question your sanity. Zelensky didn't ask for this and of course he wants the war to end, he simply doesn't want Russia to be rewarded for the second blatantly land-grab they have engaged in against Ukraine in a decade, or do you think might makes right and Putin is allowed to simply waltz into a neighbour and annex them? What Zelensky wants is a return to the pre-war conditions at least and a return to pre-Crimean annexation preferably. He also seems to want Russia and the USA to adhere to the treaty they signed when Ukraine gave up their nuclear arsenal in exchange for Russia guaranteeing they would respect Ukraine's territorial integrity and the USA offering security.
You honestly want to attack Zelensky for martial law whilst his country is being invaded but don't bat an eyelid at the fact the invader has no respect for human rights at all, no free or fair elections etc.
Christ ******* wept, you lot really are a piece of work.