Wrong, correct me if I am wrong but I personally have not seen any negative feed back about the game from moderators on this forum, only positive. The problem is, it isn't all positive, infact there is a lot of negative and I've never seen it which gives the impression you are defending the game.
Then it is you who is wrong.There is heaps of review and preview information from TRF staff, which clearly lays out that there are positives and negatives within this game and what some of those are.
I myself have expressed a negative view of several aspects of what I understand to not be in the game from all the information supplied. I only have just got my copy now, so I can play it and I'll no doubt have plenty of positive and negative things to say about the game.
Also, I have Rugby Challenge coming first thing tomorrow morning.![]()
Also, I have Rugby Challenge coming first thing tomorrow morning.![]()
That's it. I've had enough of you New Zealanders. "Oh, look at me with my Rugby Challenge so early"! It stops now. I've taken your head of state hostagefor ransom, and if $50 million is not in my bank account by tomorrow morn-
..oh. Riiiight.
Seriously though, I'm jealous.
Wrong, correct me if I am wrong but I personally have not seen any negative feed back about the game from moderators on this forum, only positive. The problem is, it isn't all positive, infact there is a lot of negative and I've never seen it which gives the impression you are defending the game.
Then it is you who is wrong.There is heaps of review and preview information from TRF staff, which clearly lays out that there are positives and negatives within this game and what some of those are.
I myself have expressed a negative view of several aspects of what I understand to not be in the game from all the information supplied. I only have just got my copy now, so I can play it and I'll no doubt have plenty of positive and negative things to say about the game.
Also, I have Rugby Challenge coming first thing tomorrow morning.![]()
Read the review from myself
I found the game to be good and a massive hand to HB Studios for producing a rugby game after such a long wait
All the mods seem to be of the same opinion i.e that the game is "good" (damning with faint praise in my opinion) that there are positives and negatives ( objectively the negatives out weigh the positives)
and they all thank HB for making a rugby game
I find it extremely odd that there isn't at least one mod who thinks this game is underwhelming considering the polls showing this to be the opinion of roughly 60% of the public (conservative estement)
and this is where the whole questioning of the opinions/reviews of the mods must be coming from and they would still have this problem even without the association with HB
• Diving for loose ball on the floor – Found it to be very unrealistic and a big annoyance.
• Lineouts – One button press is not for me enough of a challenge in single player, when playing with a mate, communication is key in ensuring the person controlling the hooker and the jumper press the correct buttons at the correct time, something along these lines should have been incorporated for single player.
• Player Ratings – Some players I did not agree with their ratings as in John Hayes rated above Mike Ross. Hopefully this will be addressed before the game comes out.
• Side Camera – I'm an end to end camera man so found it difficult to play in Side Camera. For me the End to End view offers a better view of the game, and I think people will agree with me when the game does come out.
• Some animations brought over from Rugby 08 – Some people have already picked up on this. For me I like some of the animations but there are some like the sidestep / tackling animations that are just tedious.
• Unlicensed sides – Sadly its disappointing that not all teams are licensed for the Rugby World Cup game.
Why aren't we allowed to think the game is good?
Ah good nit picking seemingly you missed or chose to miss:
Read the review from myself ... there are plenty of negatives there and we have relayed our concerns to HB, fact of the matter people should stop having a go at us as they constantly and seemingly do. We have found problems.
I am not having a go at you and I am not saying the game is bad, I actually enjoy playing it.
Right got the game, enjoying itnot the best thing I have ever player, but enjoyable and an improvement on 08
One question though, I swear I remember reading that you can play music that's on your Hard-drive instead of just having World in Union looping over and over again (getting slightly annoying now) anyone know how?
Also achievements are very very easy, only played one match so far (won on 19 - 10 medium Wales vs Argentina) and managed to get 6 (Score a Try, Score a Kick, Score in one phase, punt for 50m+ gain, steal a line-out and sell a dummy), not bad for 10mins of play![]()
Why aren't we allowed to think the game is good?
I do think it's a good game - it's not brilliant, but it's not terrible - it's a fun game to pick up and play a few games on every now and again
For custom soundtracks on ps3 all you need to do is push the playstation button once, go over to the music menu and choose a track or playlist.
I've been playing it tonight and the reasons so many people have been at loggerheads over this game are apparent. It's not for every rugby fan out there. There's some good new little features and some things that I'm genuinely not impressed with.
For myself it'll probably provide a fun counterpoint to owning Rugby Challenge, but being fair about it and having not played that for at least another 8-9 hours I can't say for completely sure.
I'm going to do a write up a review of each and a bit of a comparison and I know right now that I still have zero favourites going in.
(And yes the RWC achievements are pretty easy. Rather than I suppose than life-wastingly hard).
On a scale where there's:
Complete disaster
Very Good
All Time Classic
It certainly seems to be a good game to me from my play all day today. To most fair minded people, it should probably mostly waver between that and 1 category up or down from there.![]()