What about just changing it to a league of 6, play each team once then semis and finals?Also, do pallor think that if a game connection is lost in first half we should by gentle mans agreement allow the leading team to gain the same lead before continuing competitively? Ie Yeam A is 14-7 up against team B, connection lost 20 minutes into game, so on rematch team A gets a free try, then play continues at 7-0, would that work? Also in the second half I think result should only stand if the lead is over a set number of points, say more than 7. Otherwise if I'm winning by 1 point with 10 min to go, and the opposition ball have possession on my 5m line then connection is lost I would win, but would have probably lost if play had carried on? Last question, we having losing/winning bonus points in pools? Looking forward to this!!