Without starting political debate, what's wrong with them supporting the All Blacks based on some horrible treatment years ago? You can't expect people to get over something like that quickly. Put yourselves in that situation and see what it would be like.
Quite frankly, maybe ask yourselves if the times really have changed all that much - is there really no more backhanded/blatant racism in SA these days? Obviously they wouldn't be expressing their discontent like that without some merit...
Regardless why they're doing it, they're certainly not idiots for doing so to make a valid political statement.
First of all:
In my class when I was 16/17 (I'm 19 now) almost all the colored kids (except one or two) supported the Crusaders/All Blacks, Apartheid (I had history) started ending in the 1980's, there was lots of civil uprisings and bloodshed but strangely it was mostly in the North and was the ANC against the IFP (Didn't know that did you? much more bloodshed than anything else that happened). Even if you argue okay Apartheid ended in 1994, then most of these kids were 3 or 4. For ####'s sake Apartheid is in the past, now our useless and RACIST government - Yes I said it, and it is true - still uses Apartheid as an excuse *spits* They have had since 1994 to change things, yet the number of schools in South Africa have DECREASED! There is nothing for our current youth generation to "get over" hell if you aren't white it counts in your favor to get a job, if you're black you're guaranteed a job!
The funny thing is I'm not even a racist, I'm just someone who's fed up and ###ing sick of this Apartheid bs being brought up as an excuse for everything. Yes it was horrible, yes a lot of people died. Like the ANC was completely innocent blowing up churches and planting bombs in shopping malls. I can bring that up can't I, or I can bring up the farmers being killed by the hundreds in the Transvaal? Or I can bring up how our government's youth league are saying whites must make ready for war and we must be driven out of this country by force?
We even had a bloody failed Truth and Reconciliation thing which helped buggerall, and I'm just plain sick and I won't take any of this bullshit nonsense anymore. I actually have empathy for black youth back in the 70's, is this how they have felt? So hopeless?
What political statement would that be? Because of **** that happened 20 years ago that we weren't involved in, we are going to support the All Blacks and Crusaders because screw South African teams because ... uhmm... ??????
I will stand up for what I believe in, times have changed. Screw this bullshit, we're being pushed to the utter edge here in SA. I had nothing to do with Apartheid, nor did my parents or their parents or their parents. So tell me why do we still have hordes of poor black people in townships, uneducated and illiterate while our ministers drive shiny sportscars and buy private jets? Why do I see each day when I drive around town 10 guys digging a hole, 8 of them look at the other 2 digging it. Why do I see everything being blamed on Apartheid. It's a ###ing joke.
There is backhanded and blatant racism in SA, you're completely right, but it's against the other side now. They're even calling for our blood up in the North. People should stop complaining about the past that had nothing to do with them and start working. Every damned person in this country has the "my people has been wronged in the past so give me everything I want without me having to work for it - mentality"
This isn't aimed at you admartian, you're a cool oke, but statements like that grind my balls.
EDIT: oops just saw I did exactly what you wanted to avoid, a political debate, my bad. Sorry mate.