Okay a few could have been said before but here are my ideas??
Ah, ok
I think the right stick and its job works well
The options of 'special moves' by holding the L2 sounds nice
I dont have any ideas for that
The POWER stat HAS to be edited.
Steyn can land 61 metres. that is where his natrual range ends.
DC says he can only manage 55m. Morné Steyn's range ends at about 55m.
That difference of 6m needs to be made clear in the physical ablility shown by the stat?
Eg: DC = 91 power vs Steyn 100 power?
9 points equals and extra 6 metres??
I tested Montgomery (91) power because he also has 92 accuracy which means you can get a perfect kick in elite mode.
Wilkinson at 95, Flatley at 94, or DC at 93, you cant get a perfect kick with.
Anyway, on Rugby 08, Montgomery can nail 55 metres without wind.
However, a created player with 100 power can still only nail 55 metres.
A clear difference would be nice??
Also, as hard as it (could) be, it would nice to see that player stats dont seem to be based on the country they play for?
For example, sure, because of the licensing etc. it would be difficult
But SURELY Spains fastest winger can achieve a speed rating of higher than 83???
It is also unfair that most minnow countries have cruddy goal kickers.
Example, Pierre Hola of Tonga is an excellent goal kicker, and I think has the record for most conversions in a match? (14??)
And his kicking should be fair consistent, yet his rating is less than 80???
I like I think it was scubbasteve's Idea of using the right analog stick to control movements as the ref yells
"Crouch touch pause engage"
Also, there should be a BIG difference in scrumming abilities.
Argentina who have the best scrum on 08, (90) I think?
I used them against the worst Scrummaging team on the game including club teams?
And Argentina did not get much of an advantage, if any advantage at all!
The scrummaging bar does not have to apply to how much a team can push, but also should look at how fast a team can rotate, or how well a team could counter scrums.?
Also, Scrummaging is FAR too tidy for todays game. (hahaha..)
though it would be a nuisance to have so many restarts in a video game, perhaps a button tapping system could work for the strength of a scrum?
(tap x faster to push harder??)
Looking at the mauling from (mainly) the South Africans, perhaps we could be able to bind, and take out players from a ruck
For eg: If a user keeps a player in the ruck for too long, you could risk conceeding a penalty for truck and trailer?
And when you take a player out of the maul, you could lose a little strength? Perhpas the L3 button could be used to withdraw players from a ruck
Ah, perhaps come up with a way to get a rolling maul???
Creating set plays would be awesome.
But there probably should be a limit on the complexity??
Moving players into positions for a set play, and creating lines for them to run in would probably hit the spot.
The right analog stick functions ; though the idea of L2 added on would be nice
The goal kicking system. none of this Madden cra*. with the right analog.
Oh, and please PLEASE update the overlal team stats.
The All Blacks are most definately NOT worth 94
Would be nice if we could take all results from the past 4 years and not the past 10?
The drop goal thingy is funny. Kicking power MOST DEFINATELY needs to be adjusted for this.
The biggest drop goal I'd think you could possibly hit on rugby 08 is 50 metres? with the wind BEHIND you.
Derick Hougaard, Stephen Larkham, Jonny Wlikinson, DC, etc. Meyer Bosman, all of these kickers could nab a fifty metre drop goal.
Heck, François Steyn has landed a 58metre drop goal INTO the wind.
Drop goal distance needs to be edited.
Also, punting distance seems a *little* over the top?
Meh. maybe its just no one really punts from 22 to 22 these days..??
One of the best things you could do is have weather and location affect the game.
I dont think people run as quickly as they do in the sun, then they do on snow?
Perhaps everyones speed stat could come down 5 points or so on the snow at Lansdowne road?
(or, whatever stadium hosts matches in snow?) Im thinking the snow is unrealistic.?
Please at the very least, fix all of the DAMN GLITCHES from Rugby 08
The advantage periods needs to be both shortened, and lengthened in some cases.
And the most annoying one is how you could be hit by an early tackle, you miss the ball, and though it would be a penalty, the ball crosses the touchline and thus the opposing and infringing team gets the lineout.
All of the rule glitches are really, really annoying.
Oh, and the stamina glitching?
How when a players stamina is 9, they always get injured in a big shot?
Perhaps stamina rates should drop faster down to the 30's or 40's
and anyone under 30 is likely to get injured?
Also, where the tackler gets injured instead of the guy who got wasted?
Would love to see creatable TOURS and leagues. Bring your own team into a made up comp?
When playing against friends, usually I have to draw up on paper the schedule etc?
Whereas having a creatable tournament would allow you to choose a format to play by, and let the computer do the work of points differencial and bonus points etc?
(please have this on ps2 as well as ps3)

The anthems in 08 was a good effort, but perhaps a little longer, or even the whole anthem or a team would be nice?
Perhaps the anthems of BOTH teams in internationals?
And PLEASE include the Hakas of the Pacific Islander nations?
They'd be awesome to watch on a rugby 2012 game
Licensing is probably most important.
Nicky Large as opposed to Nicky Little is annoying and emabarassing.
Brian Laima? Breyton Pulse? argh..
Shame on EA and Rugby 08.
Too rushed.
The challenge mode for WC's were nice, but it'd be awesome to use the players from back then?
(would take a HECK of a lot of work)..
Oh, and the bounce of the ball needs to be more realistic. A rugby ball is not a like a soccer ball where the ball takes a relatively straight line all the time.
And the bounce could affect the ability to catch it?
Positioning of players
Ah, I would argue about the diefference between tight and loosehead props, but it would take an extra spot on the bench..?
Ah, perhaps four different playable positions?
Utility backs are found more often these days.
Steyn plays more than just wing, centre, fly. haha (he also plays fullback?)
The coolest bonus from a kickers point of view would be the effect of ALTITUDE.
As said before, DC's range ends at 55m (sea level)
Mainly applying to Loftus Versfield,
Daniel Carter landed a 62 metre kick because of the altitude.
Thats 7 extra metres!=
Some kickers (okay, maybe only François Steyn)
I believe could hit 70M if he was at Loftus with the wind behind him.
Ah, well have a look at those ideas.
Criticise them all you want.
Im sure some of these could be vastly improved anyway..
Thanks for actually trying this time though

(unlike EA and what resulted in Rugby 08)
I wouldnt be surprised if more time was put in by the mod guys like Fa'atau 82 and everyone than by EA itself and all their programmers?
Maybe having commentators from different countries depending on what location you're in could help?
Not always the same two commentators?(theyre not bad, but get a little boring sometimes)
Licensing, probs most important. (again)