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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

Allow the tackler to rip the ball from the tackled player by repeatedly pressing the circle/square button - The player's tackling stat, or even a new "ripping" stat can determine how long you need to smash the circle/square button.
Also, I hated the way the ball was turned over in a ruck. The ball would ghostly drift over to the other side of the ruck and be conveniently placed at the feet of the opposition scrumhalf, that needs to be improved.
Also, I hated the way the ball was turned over in a ruck. The ball would ghostly drift over to the other side of the ruck and be conveniently placed at the feet of the opposition scrumhalf, that needs to be improved.

Totally agree. We have started a ruck and maul improvements thread here. Go over and see what you think of the suggestions if you're interested in improving this area of the game.
Things I would like to see in Rugby 2012:
1. Better interceptions
2. box kick up 'n under by the scrum half
3. better stats of players
4. more tournaments
5. create own club/team
6. better ruck competing
7. quick taps must be faster.
8. longer drop goals by high power kickers.

Thanks for looking at these post HB studios!
Not sure if these have been said but this will halp with alot of other peoples suggestions with lineouts

Lineout Move Creator
You simply create a running path for players and pick a jumper maybe have a dummy jumper you could do it so some run to the front and 1 player gets lifted at the same time other players run to the back and 1 gets lifted pass to the back and then it gets passed down to the scrum half while he runs though the gap in the middle but you can experiment with moves you create see what works then assign the move to a position on the analoge stick or digital pad to use in game. Could be very effective this will eliminate people asking for extra lineout options because now you have unlimited shouldn't require much extra programming.

Set Move Creator
This again will be like the lineout creator or like maddens create a play you have your players lined up as you want by moving them around then you choose runs for each of them and actions eg center comes running up quick with his arms out ready for the ball but he is only a dummy runner or fly half will enter kick animation as soon as he gets the ball, this again could be put on the digital pad/analoge stick like it is not but you set up your own runs

Manager Mode
You take control of a team like Ospreys/Wasps and take them through the magners league etc. buying players as you go, take them on tours to different countries arrange charity matches like ospreys vs austrailia.Set ticket prices build a stadium create new tops and prices for tops. I dont like it when manager mode is just to basic, if your a manager you do a lot make sure you get a good income.

Be A Pro
I think this is a must its in every EA game now and I think on a rugby game it would be awesome if it has proper training though not just you click train speed and speed goes up 2-3 points you have to actually sprint the length of the field etc. and the faster you do it more speed points you gain moniter what your doing during the match if your trying to sidestep you sidestep skill goes up and even more if you actually get past the opposition same with strength etc.

Let me know if you think these are good ideas or what you think I got wrong

Edit: Players attack players not ball hence dummy runners actually work but sometimes as in the real game of rugby the opposition sees past dummy runners. Plus sometimes during dummy passes the opp falls for it. In other words watch rugby (except scrums which are aweful in real life) and make it as real as possible
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Things I would like to see in Rugby 2012:
1. Better interceptions
2. box kick up 'n under by the scrum half
3. better stats of players
4. more tournaments
5. create own club/team
6. better ruck competing
7. quick taps must be faster.
8. longer drop goals by high power kickers.

Thanks for looking at these post HB studios!

The animation of intercepting a ball in 06 + 08 was absolutely horrendous.
In terms of game play I'd like to see the ref muck up a bit as they do in real life, TMO decisions included when the ref can't make up his mind.

Maybe a more far fetched idea:

You are the referee and have a career (sort of like the World League) you start at the bottom being the ref for lower class games as you judge calls better you get brought into the higher stages etc. Also maybe you training the ref e.g. you get skill points to spend as your performances get better, so say you get skill points to spend and you spend it on speed then the ref on field will be able to keep up with the players on field as he gets into the international idea. I know this idea is really far fetched but would be neat to have in the future sometime.
Couple ideas;

Camera angle could swing depending on how the game is going in two player mode, so if one players is on top then the camera moves behind their team giving them a better view. If it worked it could make the game more realsitic, when you don't have possesion or momentum rugby is a seriously difficult game to get back into.

Momentum should be included in the game, if you are holding onto the ball and going forward your player's ratings should improve slightly, meaning the handling is sharper or the pack is more powerful.

Career mode where you can develop a player throughout their career; starting with trial matches trying to win a contract - the option to do different training sessions to improve stats, getting selected for international caps and the lions.
Saw this post on FB and it made me laugh!

"Wonder if Dan Parks will still be black in this one? or strettle will have a bald head and wear head tape?"
The one thing above all else for me to make this game phenomenal would be the inclusion of a 'SuperStar' mode, as described by others here. The past rugby games most definitely had a sell by date, unlike the FIFA and MADDEN games, in which you can go through a career as one player, improving therefore giving added shelf-life to said games. 90% of the other suggestions on here are great so I will not repeat them, but I felt like this MUST be in a next gen rugby game. It excites me to be able to play a game in which I start out as a youngster and make my way through club ranks, eventually a country call-up, then even a call up to the Lions Tour, and eventually becoming a legend of the game! This must be a top priority, along with the obvious things like proper next gen graphics and realism, and licensing. Thanks
I've searched this thread and haven't seen this suggestion/idea in here yet, if it is though, sorry.

The squads must be made larger, like a max of 50 or so players, not all the spaces needs to be filled, so you can have a squad with 35 or 42 players.
Its just it has happened so many times that a team names a squad of 28 players to start the season but ends the season with almost 40 players due to injuries, the injured players get replaced with new/young players and then they return, so you then have a squad with the "original" players + new/young players.
This of course will be asking an increase of players that you can create ingame, but that shouldn't be a "big" problem...

Another suggestion I posted in the "Rugby 2012" thread:
"And also maybe the ability to get a player on loan from another team during a tournament if your team runs into an injury crisis."
If new RUGBY 2012,it's not show the little Fifa 2007 (menu, multyplayer,connection network, tournament-MY TOURNAMENT...........) nothing of crate.... :(((
do they use opta for player stats? if not why? im pretty sure ugo monye is quicker than paul griffin in real life. it would be an easier way of getting accurate stats, and that way josh lewsey could be the pointless whinging little *** he is in real life on the game as well, and not a tackle breaking "star player" monster who is impossible to level, he wasnt even that good back in '03, let alone '08!

accuracy on the player abilities pleeeeease! (basically all london irish players should be amazing (cough))

Posts 8 also, a sligtly different idea, im not sure if they do this in other games, is there a possibility of a photo/video album? like where you have a superstar mode and he progresses through his career, and the team wins trophies etc you could choose moments to add to the photo/video album? it sounds stupid but i like the idea of when your players career ends you see photos of his tries from early in his career, or promotion photos, or the whole team changing as the years progress

on blackout rugby you can choose the intensity of your teams efforts, eg if its a final they can play "like theres no tomorrow", which tires them out more, makes them more likely to be injured but ups their work rate, and each time you use like theres no tomorrow it becomes less effective. there are three settings, like theres no tomorrow, normal, with next week in mind. This could be good for the more managerial part of the game which you could be able to decide pre game. Is not too champ man and would be excellent to add another layer of depth...
The thing I really wanted to see in this game, and it has previously been mentioned is a superstar mode. Not only in the context of creating your own playing and only using that player on the field, building his skills and slowly developing his playing career, but where you can play with your favourite player. What I mean by this is that I would like to be able to enter free play mode and choose 'superstar' mode and play with my favourite plays like Jean de Villier or Brian Habana. This to me would be the ultimate development of the rugby game and provide hours and hours of playing time.

Furthermore, I would like the see difficulty levels increased. In rugby08 I got to the stage where I could be using Romania, on elite mode, with the most inconvenient camera setting, to beat top teams like NZ and RSA by more than 100 points in a five minute half game. No way would that ever occur and that's why we need to be given more realistic difficulty levels to be worked with. This way the game would become more of a contest and increase its longevity.

Sticking on the current theme of realism, I want to see basic aspects, such as kicking, running, tackling, to be made more realistic. What I mean by this is I don't want to beable to kick from my try line to the inside of the 22 on the other side of the field with Dan Carter everytime I kick the ball. I don't want to be able to, when playing multiplayer, run and zig zag in circles with Brian Habana so to confuse the other player ridiculously. I don't want to beable to beable to fly-tackle the **** out of Bakkies Botha using Peter Stringer. These kind of things just don't happen in the real life, very much anyway, and I don't want to be able to do it all the time while playing.

Other little cool graphical things such as being able to see the players facial experessions change, sweat drip, muscles contract etc. would be awesome additions. These features can really make or break a game. Too much have I got a game with a great concept behind it and great story lines, to be let down completely by its lack in the graphics and imagination department. Another awesome thing that I almost forgot would be making injuries more than just a guy lying on the ground in the same position everytime, writhing around. I want to see injuries such as a broken leg, arm, dislocated shoulder etc. I want to see an icon pop up with maybe a skeleton or something that outline the injury and provides a little synopsis, i.e. Rupture of the cruciate ligament - Left Knee.

At first I thought maybe that I was asking too much, but I spoke to friends about other games such as Madden10 and NBA 2K10 and they seem to think these games have top notch realism, such as the sweat and superstar modes mentioned earlier. If HB plan on making this game they need to put these amounts of effort into it. Fans of the rugby games have been waiting along time for a new addition to the series and an even longer time for anything new and stimulating. If we don't see huge changes, nobody is going to waste money on the game. If they do, they definately won' be playing for very long at all. Dip into the pockets, make a good game that can really stimulate and excite the game players, and reap the rewards.
Would love the opportunity to play rugby sevens. If that appeared on this game I would probably orgasm.

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