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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

Players Fighting

It would be great if you could control the punches when players are fighting like in NHL Hitz Pro! The Ref could sin bin players or reverse penalties for retaliation! It would be immense!!!
I don't know, i think that in a game is pretty naff,
It completely put me off buying NHL10, i bought 09 instead because the fighting is rare/over quickly, i think it takes away from the game
I want to see injuries such as a broken leg, arm, dislocated shoulder etc. I want to see an icon pop up with maybe a skeleton or something that outline the injury and provides a little synopsis

This is a good idea, perhaps this could include an upclose, x-ray replay of the bone snapping? I think there's a football game that has this feature...Blitz 2?? I Think that's the name.
With injurys I want them realistic as possible no xray replay, plus it would be great if you can see the injury happen while playing up until now you never really know until the injury animation comes up. Like for instance sometimes you see the scrum half put his hands in a ruck and pop out his thumb you should see this during play maybe have him run for the touch judge so he can pop it back in haha seen this done many times
Wow, these injury and fight participation/watching options would be a great thing for them to put their time into instead of gameplay wouldn't it? Wouldn't it be awesome if the game really sucked, but it had injuries with bones snapping, and skeletons appearing to show the broken bone. Coooool. Fighting, wow the replay value in that!

Seriously, the PES soccer and International Cricket community really don't offer up ideas as awesome as those. Those guys go on all day about realistic gameplay of the sport and fluid controllable animations, crisp passing in PES or realistic shot power and accurate physics in the cricket. Who wants that kind of rubbish when you can snigger at biffo and broken bones????
Wow, these injury and fight participation/watching options would be a great thing for them to put their time into instead of gameplay wouldn't it? Wouldn't it be awesome if the game really sucked, but it had injuries with bones snapping, and skeletons appearing to show the broken bone. Coooool. Fighting, wow the replay value in that!

Seriously, the PES soccer and International Cricket community really don't offer up ideas as awesome as those. Those guys go on all day about realistic gameplay of the sport and fluid controllable animations, crisp passing in PES or realistic shot power and accurate physics in the cricket. Who wants that kind of rubbish when you can snigger at biffo and broken bones????


i like the sarcasm
The thing I really wanted to see in this game, and it has previously been mentioned is a superstar mode. Not only in the context of creating your own playing and only using that player on the field, building his skills and slowly developing his playing career, but where you can play with your favourite player. What I mean by this is that I would like to be able to enter free play mode and choose 'superstar' mode and play with my favourite plays like Jean de Villier or Brian Habana. This to me would be the ultimate development of the rugby game and provide hours and hours of playing time.

Furthermore, I would like the see difficulty levels increased. In rugby08 I got to the stage where I could be using Romania, on elite mode, with the most inconvenient camera setting, to beat top teams like NZ and RSA by more than 100 points in a five minute half game. No way would that ever occur and that's why we need to be given more realistic difficulty levels to be worked with. This way the game would become more of a contest and increase its longevity.

Sticking on the current theme of realism, I want to see basic aspects, such as kicking, running, tackling, to be made more realistic. What I mean by this is I don't want to beable to kick from my try line to the inside of the 22 on the other side of the field with Dan Carter everytime I kick the ball. I don't want to be able to, when playing multiplayer, run and zig zag in circles with Brian Habana so to confuse the other player ridiculously. I don't want to beable to beable to fly-tackle the **** out of Bakkies Botha using Peter Stringer. These kind of things just don't happen in the real life, very much anyway, and I don't want to be able to do it all the time while playing.

Other little cool graphical things such as being able to see the players facial experessions change, sweat drip, muscles contract etc. would be awesome additions. These features can really make or break a game. Too much have I got a game with a great concept behind it and great story lines, to be let down completely by its lack in the graphics and imagination department. Another awesome thing that I almost forgot would be making injuries more than just a guy lying on the ground in the same position everytime, writhing around. I want to see injuries such as a broken leg, arm, dislocated shoulder etc. I want to see an icon pop up with maybe a skeleton or something that outline the injury and provides a little synopsis, i.e. Rupture of the cruciate ligament - Left Knee.

At first I thought maybe that I was asking too much, but I spoke to friends about other games such as Madden10 and NBA 2K10 and they seem to think these games have top notch realism, such as the sweat and superstar modes mentioned earlier. If HB plan on making this game they need to put these amounts of effort into it. Fans of the rugby games have been waiting along time for a new addition to the series and an even longer time for anything new and stimulating. If we don't see huge changes, nobody is going to waste money on the game. If they do, they definately won' be playing for very long at all. Dip into the pockets, make a good game that can really stimulate and excite the game players, and reap the rewards.

Im sorry mate but those have to be some of the most far fetched suggestions i've seen on this forum, I didn't know if it was a joke or not until the last paragraph.

Be a pro mode has its own thread where it many have roundly criticised the high expectations for it to be in the game first time of asking. Yes it would be great but I for one don't want a rubbish game and Be a pro slapped on top. You yourself complain that the game isn't difficult enough and yet say you want the makers to spend their time on rippling muscles, sweat(!?), xrays of injuries and be a pro.

Your comment that graphics "make or break a game" is quite fickle to say the least. Would you seriously not buy a good rugby game if the graphics weren't as good as Fifa/GTA? Seriously? Graphics do not make a game son (and I think I would almost have unanimous support in saying that). And Injuries? What difference does it make if a guy is on the ground holding his knee and the menu says "Serious injury - Left knee" and your suggestion? I expect you probably want them to get Wilko in too to motion-capture some injuries so we have the true 'realism' in the game?

Have you read the Q&A thread? HB have a very limited budget and comparing expectations of Rugby 2012 to the expectations of a Franchise like Madden is farcical. Huge changes you say? How about an overhaul of the ruck/mauls system and improved kicking, attacking and defensive tactics and play that would actually make the game realistic, like, y'know the things that matter in real Rugby games. That would be a huge change that would not only make the game better but gather a lot of repect among the rugby community for HB concentrating on what matters.

And yes, you are asking for too much.

Heres my letter I sent to HB:


Dear HB Studios,

Please make Rugby 2012 good.

The game must include 'Grounds-keeper mode' where you work on a tight schedule to get the pitch ready for the weekend game. Use your fork to lift up divots and then at then at the end use the pitch marker to paint the lines. Be careful! Put in too much or too little paint and your team could lose the game!!!! This would add so much realism!

Also you should be able to make your players come out as Homosexuals like Gareth Thomas did. This would add so much depth as other players might look at you funny on the pitch. This leads onto my point that you should be able to customise the smell of each players breath. All my mate say this should be in the game so do it as our views can be extrapolated as an accurate cross section of the whole Rugby gaming community.

Other suggestions:
Tie your players laces before the game using the analogue sticks. If you do it wrong they may trip over on the pitch! Uh oh! LOLZ
Create-a-mascot. Do I seriously need to explain this!? Everyone wants it!!!! Duhhh
Design Gum Shields
Trevor Brennan Mode where you can go in the crowd and punch fans if they heckle you. How quality would this be!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?
Control the water boy when he comes on the pitch. If you don't get to the players in time they may get thirsty! If you get good you can upgrade to better fluids like Lucozade or even orange segments for half time!

Those are all I have at the moment but i'll send more!

Oh yeah, and make it as good as Madden in your first attempt or no-one will buy it.

Im sorry mate but those have to be some of the most far fetched suggestions i've seen on this forum, I didn't know if it was a joke or not until the last paragraph.

Be a pro mode has its own thread where it many have roundly criticised the high expectations for it to be in the game first time of asking. Yes it would be great but I for one don't want a rubbish game and Be a pro slapped on top. You yourself complain that the game isn't difficult enough and yet say you want the makers to spend their time on rippling muscles, sweat(!?), xrays of injuries and be a pro.

Your comment that graphics "make or break a game" is quite fickle to say the least. Would you seriously not buy a good rugby game if the graphics weren't as good as Fifa/GTA? Seriously? Graphics do not make a game son (and I think I would almost have unanimous support in saying that). And Injuries? What difference does it make if a guy is on the ground holding his knee and the menu says "Serious injury - Left knee" and your suggestion? I expect you probably want them to get Wilko in too to motion-capture some injuries so we have the true 'realism' in the game?

Have you read the Q&A thread? HB have a very limited budget and comparing expectations of Rugby 2012 to the expectations of a Franchise like Madden is farcical. Huge changes you say? How about an overhaul of the ruck/mauls system and improved kicking, attacking and defensive tactics and play that would actually make the game realistic, like, y'know the things that matter in real Rugby games. That would be a huge change that would not only make the game better but gather a lot of repect among the rugby community for HB concentrating on what matters.

And yes, you are asking for too much.

Heres my letter I sent to HB:


Dear HB Studios,

Please make Rugby 2012 good.

The game must include 'Grounds-keeper mode' where you work on a tight schedule to get the pitch ready for the weekend game. Use your fork to lift up divots and then at then at the end use the pitch marker to paint the lines. Be careful! Put in too much or too little paint and your team could lose the game!!!! This would add so much realism!

Also you should be able to make your players come out as Homosexuals like Gareth Thomas did. This would add so much depth as other players might look at you funny on the pitch. This leads onto my point that you should be able to customise the smell of each players breath. All my mate say this should be in the game so do it as our views can be extrapolated as an accurate cross section of the whole Rugby gaming community.

Other suggestions:
Tie your players laces before the game using the analogue sticks. If you do it wrong they may trip over on the pitch! Uh oh! LOLZ
Create-a-mascot. Do I seriously need to explain this!? Everyone wants it!!!! Duhhh
Design Gum Shields
Trevor Brennan Mode where you can go in the crowd and punch fans if they heckle you. How quality would this be!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?
Control the water boy when he comes on the pitch. If you don't get to the players in time they may get thirsty! If you get good you can upgrade to better fluids like Lucozade or even orange segments for half time!

Those are all I have at the moment but i'll send more!

Oh yeah, and make it as good as Madden in your first attempt or no-one will buy it.


Oh for the old applauding emoticon. :)
Im sorry mate but those have to be some of the most far fetched suggestions i've seen on this forum, I didn't know if it was a joke or not until the last paragraph.

Be a pro mode has its own thread where it many have roundly criticised the high expectations for it to be in the game first time of asking. Yes it would be great but I for one don't want a rubbish game and Be a pro slapped on top. You yourself complain that the game isn't difficult enough and yet say you want the makers to spend their time on rippling muscles, sweat(!?), xrays of injuries and be a pro.

Your comment that graphics "make or break a game" is quite fickle to say the least. Would you seriously not buy a good rugby game if the graphics weren't as good as Fifa/GTA? Seriously? Graphics do not make a game son (and I think I would almost have unanimous support in saying that). And Injuries? What difference does it make if a guy is on the ground holding his knee and the menu says "Serious injury - Left knee" and your suggestion? I expect you probably want them to get Wilko in too to motion-capture some injuries so we have the true 'realism' in the game?

Have you read the Q&A thread? HB have a very limited budget and comparing expectations of Rugby 2012 to the expectations of a Franchise like Madden is farcical. Huge changes you say? How about an overhaul of the ruck/mauls system and improved kicking, attacking and defensive tactics and play that would actually make the game realistic, like, y'know the things that matter in real Rugby games. That would be a huge change that would not only make the game better but gather a lot of repect among the rugby community for HB concentrating on what matters.

And yes, you are asking for too much.

Heres my letter I sent to HB:


Dear HB Studios,

Please make Rugby 2012 good.

The game must include 'Grounds-keeper mode' where you work on a tight schedule to get the pitch ready for the weekend game. Use your fork to lift up divots and then at then at the end use the pitch marker to paint the lines. Be careful! Put in too much or too little paint and your team could lose the game!!!! This would add so much realism!

Also you should be able to make your players come out as Homosexuals like Gareth Thomas did. This would add so much depth as other players might look at you funny on the pitch. This leads onto my point that you should be able to customise the smell of each players breath. All my mate say this should be in the game so do it as our views can be extrapolated as an accurate cross section of the whole Rugby gaming community.

Other suggestions:
Tie your players laces before the game using the analogue sticks. If you do it wrong they may trip over on the pitch! Uh oh! LOLZ
Create-a-mascot. Do I seriously need to explain this!? Everyone wants it!!!! Duhhh
Design Gum Shields
Trevor Brennan Mode where you can go in the crowd and punch fans if they heckle you. How quality would this be!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?
Control the water boy when he comes on the pitch. If you don't get to the players in time they may get thirsty! If you get good you can upgrade to better fluids like Lucozade or even orange segments for half time!

Those are all I have at the moment but i'll send more!

Oh yeah, and make it as good as Madden in your first attempt or no-one will buy it.


flawless victory
there should also be a realistic club mode, where if you play for Bath you have to decide whether or not to do coke, if you play for wasps you have to decide whether or not to be an egomaniacle moron, gloucester you have to drink drive, london irish you have to go to counselling for not getting england or ireland selection etc

there should be a weekend off mode, where your team goes to the zoo or theme park, and you have to decide which rides to go on

travel to the match on saturday mini game, you have to decide mode of transport, dont be laaaaate!

haircut mode

going to tescos mini level
One thing that I would really like to see are well known commentators in each match, which would differ for when matches were being played in different leagues or by different countries. For instance if Wales were playing in the Six Nations or a welsh region in the magners league the commentators would be Jonathan Davies and Eddie Butler perhaps or if England were playing Austin Healey etc. We could buy additional commentator packs for different countries for a small fee as DLC via xbox live marketplace
One thing that I would really like to see are well known commentators in each match, which would differ for when matches were being played in different leagues or by different countries. For instance if Wales were playing in the Six Nations or a welsh region in the magners league the commentators would be Jonathan Davies and Eddie Butler perhaps or if England were playing Austin Healey etc. We could buy additional commentator packs for different countries for a small fee as DLC via xbox live marketplace

I like this idea. Personally I wouldn't mind paying a fee to choose a Commentator Pack. However, I can't see them making enough of a return to be able to fund this for every country.

I think if they go down the route of offering 'online packs' for various features could be beneficial for the consumers as we are more likely to get what we want and HB are able to make money to cover the costs. They would have to carefully consider the feasibility of each feature though.
I like this idea. Personally I wouldn't mind paying a fee to choose a Commentator Pack. However, I can't see them making enough of a return to be able to fund this for every country.

I think if they go down the route of offering 'online packs' for various features could be beneficial for the consumers as we are more likely to get what we want and HB are able to make money to cover the costs. They would have to carefully consider the feasibility of each feature though.

You have to think with this commentators suggestion that for each commentator that is used they will charge a fee. HB will need to record all their lines which will take time. Although it would be cool to have say Northern and Southern Hemisphere commentators I don't think its very realistic to expect HB to get more than two commentators if it isn't necessary.
You have to think with this commentators suggestion that for each commentator that is used they will charge a fee. HB will need to record all their lines which will take time. Although it would be cool to have say Northern and Southern Hemisphere commentators I don't think its very realistic to expect HB to get more than two commentators if it isn't necessary.

Honestly on paper I would guess that HB would like to have different commentators from around the world do the job for their region. Logistically this would be a nightmare for them. The amount of development time spent recording people over and over saying the same names and writing scripts for many different people. Commentary packs for rugby would cost a fortune for us as DLC, because they'd take up a lot of precious development time. These guys do make other games than just rugby.

Theonly idea that would make sense in this regard would be having this next games commentary usable in the future and add new ones to it for a future edtion, offering you a choice of the two sets.
I trust HB Studios to make a good game. The only must have is the inclusion of the Super 15. I will be spewing if it comes out with only the Super 14.
I trust HB Studios to make a good game. The only must have is the inclusion of the Super 15. I will be spewing if it comes out with only the Super 14.
If licenses are granted for that competition at all (which I'm sure they'll do their best at obtaining), the Super 15 is a certainty. So, if they get that competition license, it's as sure of a sure thing as can be.
I have been desperately hoping for a new rugby game having played rugby 06 to exhaustion and so would like to throw in a couple of comments. Having just trauled threw the entire thread to see what ideas seemed the best, these are what I found particularly important, and hopefully this can serve as a helpful if incomplete summary of the previous 30 pages:

1) PLEASE, HB, TAKE NOTICE OF RANGER'S IDEAS, particular his posts #13, #86, #138 on Attacking controls, scrummaging and the breakdown and rucking vs supporting forwards - Gold Dust!!!

2) With such good options for stepping, handoffs, hitchkicks etc as suggested by Ranger, it would be awesome to be able to run and ruck with the freedom afforded by sevens. It shouldn't be too hard to add in, even if it played pretty much like 15s but with 7 players it could be a lot of fun.

3) To quote londonirishboy “I want to see big number 8s bulldozing through 3 men gang tackles and pulling 4 men over for a close range tryâ€. I cannot speak for 08 not having played it, but the forwards in 06 were pretty useless to run with unless they had speed or could break a tackle, but even then it was only very rarely. One of the other posters mentioned having different motion capture for forwards and backs and I have NO idea how affordable this would be, but they really should try to make a forwards height, weight and strength have an actual impact in a contact situation, rather than these just being arbitrary statistics. It would be particuarly good if the speed at which they took the ball was factored into how many yards they gain. In 06 they didn't really gain any.

4) The offloading in 06 was incredibly frustrating at times as you could go almost the length of the pitch in a beautifully fluid, sweeping move, only for the ball to be magically intercepted or passed inside instead of outside.

5) As has already been mentioned it needs to have some much harder difficulty modes, realised through intelligent attack, and tight defense. For example on the hardest difficulty setting the AI should be stringing together sidesteps, offloads, set pieces, chips and finishing two on ones. In defence on should tap tackle if a player gets past and try to tackle into touch.

6) The ability to edit the rosters (this would be really easy), with players playing out of position not being so severely handicapped. A good suggestion for this was that players would have a core set of of stats which would receive bonuses when they played in their preferred position.

7) It would be cool if Morale and Form actually counted for something and were boosted by thing like Man of the Match awards and setting records ( most tries in a season, most points in international tests etc).

8) Obviously a Pro Mode would be awesome, but if this is slightly unrealistic then it would be cool if one could select one player and play with them for the whole match for example.

9) I agree that at time the Star Players are a bit nuts, (BOD in particular), so instead of these it would be incredible if the atrributes such as Crash Ball and Tackle Breaker did what they said on the tin and also if there was scope for players to earn new attributes and to improve their stats/abilities throught training and match experience.

For me these are probably the key, issues, in particular the running and bringing forwards into the game more. With this having been said there are a few more things which it would nice to have, again depending on budget etc.

10) The commentary on 06 got horribly repetitive after a while, and while we can't expect commentary of Madden proportions, it would be nice if it actually matched up with the gameplay. Alongside this, pretty much everyone would like to see an imperfect referee on the pitch with touch judges and perhaps a TMO.

11) One thing which REALLY annoyed me about 06 was that you would get tackled just after you'd grubbered the ball and that there was no chip. So for the kicking process to be quicker and a chip and chase ability would be great.

12) Gay-guy wrote a quick post about the possibility of having holding a button in defence whereby one could move two players in for a tackle, one directly and one as a sweeper, as in FIFA which sounded doable and useful.

13) With interceptions playing an every greater role (think Wales in this years Six Nations), this needs to be brought in as a high-risk, high-reward option, along with the possibility for a blitz defence.

14) In this article http://www.gamescastlive.com/index.php/2010/04/16/what-we-want-in-rugby-2012/ the guy makes a nice point about using the d-pad to make backline moves (switches, scissors etc) on the fly. Again doable and value-adding.

15) There are a few more nice touches that would add realism such as worse kicking of the wrong foot, holding the ball up over the line, and reaching for the line.

Finally, and this is something which I haven't realy touched upon, but has been covered elsewhere, is the whole create a team/player/tournament and also having the actual major tournaments and leagues. Again, as with most people, the gameplay has to take precedence over graphics.

Hope this helps and in particular I hope that Rangers ideas are taken on board and that tackling etc is made more dynamic.

Apologies if this is lengthy but I have been waiting for this for years!!!

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