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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

Running needs to change and they need to take into consideration the player stats. For example, you should have two bars on the players name tag. these bars should be
1) Accelaration
2) Stamina
the first bar shows you how quickly you player reaches his top speed, for example a prop will take longer than a winger.
The second bar shows how long they can maintain their top speed for. this then leaves room to improve your players fitness and speed through the season and also if you make several breaks your player will get tired and you'll have to sub him.
It should also be used to gather how much power the player is generating. for example if you pass to a prop with high power who is standing still he may not break the gain line, however if you pass to a prop with high speed and high power he will easily break the line. this means you are then looking for all round players rather than players with one great stat and everything else being tire. thus making team recruitment and management important.

I know this will be a unpopular desision but they need to remove the star players option. Reason being is that if you have a team of stars then you will get bored of the game to soon. yes give players that abilities to side step more often (like shane williams) but if you make them a star player there will come a point where these players become untackleable. After all they are human!

I love the "Be A Pro" option on FIFA 10 and the use of the player in the areana during game loading. suggestion would be to create a pro who has basic stats that you can improve on through hitting targets in a game. for example tackle improvement when you make 5 tackles in a game. this then means that your player improves with the way you play amking everyones pro slightly different. this should also be available online so that you have 15 different players around the world playing on the same team.

World club needs to be taken away and changed to be similar to FIFA 10 manager mode where you can take over any club in any competition so the main aim is to get the licensing sorted.

If you read quite literally any other post on the matter you will see that pretty much everyone wants the star player thing gone.

Also, im not a fan of the stamina bar at all. As it stands anyway.

The stamina bar should indicate how well the player can play, the tireder he is, the more his stats drop. I can deal with that.

What i don't want to see is the ridiculous situation where a player bursts through a gap, and then slows to a jog after 15 meters because he runs out of stamina. That doesnt happen in rugby. ever.
If players make a break, the reason they get caught is because the player chasing them was faster. If i make a break from my goal line with Habana and im in the clear, i expect to score, like in real life. None of this stamina malarky
The stamina bar should indicate how well the player can play, the tireder he is, the more his stats drop. I can deal with that.

What i don't want to see is the ridiculous situation where a player bursts through a gap, and then slows to a jog after 15 meters because he runs out of stamina. That doesnt happen in rugby. ever.
If players make a break, the reason they get caught is because the player chasing them was faster. If i make a break from my goal line with Habana and im in the clear, i expect to score, like in real life. None of this stamina malarky

Yeah definately. Nothing more infuriating that making a break and getting caught when the player just decides they're too tried to run anymore! In Fifa 10 they have a good stamina system with 2 bars. When you sprint the first one drains but will fill again when not running. If you sprint for long periods however and drain the 1st bar the whole way the 2nd bar (overall stamina) begins to drain, but much slower than the first. This bar then never refills. Then when the 1st bar refills again it will only fill back up to where the 2nd is.


(no sprinting)
1 ------------------------
2 ------------------------

(sprinting, 1st bar drains)
1 ----------
2 ------------------------

(bar begins to fill back up to top when not sprinting)
1 -----------------
2 ------------------------

(sprinting for longer drains 2nd bar)
2 --------------

(1st bar now only fills up to 2nd bar limit when recovered)
1 --------------
2 --------------

What this means is you can always constantly sprint so you don't get the jogging problem but it will affect your overall stamina over a whole game if you do sprint excessively to the point where it will affect your player's perfomance with passing, turning, skills etc and really improves the system of tactics regarding substitutions.

That works very well as I say in Fifa but that being a football game where players rarely always run at full pelt it might not work as well in a rugby game. Just my 2 cents!
Yeah definately. Nothing more infuriating that making a break and getting caught when the player just decides they're too tried to run anymore! In Fifa 10 they have a good stamina system with 2 bars. When you sprint the first one drains but will fill again when not running. If you sprint for long periods however and drain the 1st bar the whole way the 2nd bar (overall stamina) begins to drain, but much slower than the first. This bar then never refills. Then when the 1st bar refills again it will only fill back up to where the 2nd is.


(no sprinting)
1 ------------------------
2 ------------------------

(sprinting, 1st bar drains)
1 ----------
2 ------------------------

(bar begins to fill back up to top when not sprinting)
1 -----------------
2 ------------------------

(sprinting for longer drains 2nd bar)
2 --------------

(1st bar now only fills up to 2nd bar limit when recovered)
1 --------------
2 --------------

What this means is you can always constantly sprint so you don't get the jogging problem but it will affect your overall stamina over a whole game if you do sprint excessively to the point where it will affect your player's perfomance with passing, turning, skills etc and really improves the system of tactics regarding substitutions.

That works very well as I say in Fifa but that being a football game where players rarely always run at full pelt it might not work as well in a rugby game. Just my 2 cents!

Sounds like a winner. This system or a variant of it should definitely be used instead of the current system.

As for the problem bolded at the bottom, i dont see why you couldnt just extend the first bar
The more I think about it, the more I'd like to see a good ol' fashioned create-a-team. I've had a fun idea for an online tourny that could use it. :)
Do you think the create a team should link in with the Online like Exhibition matches?

I think a possible Online Rugby World Cup Tournament would be Immense!

Do you think the Online gameplay should be single player or multiplayer (2-4 people playing in the same team)? I'm undecided as single player would be easier but multiplayer would be more fun!
Match Statistics
Do you feel that the Match/Player Stats are sufficient?

Looking at a real match being broadcast perhaps the stats could also include:

Phases- Within the gameplay there could be a bar at the top counting the amount of Phases.
Player Tackle Count
Player Line Outs Won
Player Meters Made
just a thought on stats. would it be possible to ask clubs for physical stats, such as sprint speed over 60m and 1 rpm? This would remove subjective views on the matter.
for other stats averages over one or two seasons could be taken into account for each player, kicking percentage, tackling %, amount of defenders beaten or metres made.
there would still be subjective stats, such as creativity and flair that would need to be sorted out tho.

for general gameplay at a ruck would be good if u could switch between forwards and backs moves, could use the d-pad as in FIFA to switch betwen quick tactics.
4 forwards moves would be-pick and go, pop off, set up maul, wide forward.
backs moves could also be done quickly with a system similar to madden, hold l1 or r1 to pass then the x, etc button to pass to that player. also have other moves but this can be done quickly and be used to hit gaps, ht most important thing in rugby.

For defence 4 types on the d-pad, blitz, standard, up and out/up and in, tight, and deep (wings depth can be altered in team management). Also if the ball is kept close to the rucks players should be sucked in so gaps created out wide.
Would like to see better anoimation at the breakdowns, not the first person diving on the ball, maybe the ability to alter how much cheating you want done by each player at the ruck in team management, more chance of turn overs but more chance of penalties.
Actual form (especially for young backs) should effect their skills so players can have aweful games and in manager mode need different support to improve their form.
If you decide to keep the challenges approach for historic games it would be cool if as a hidden challenge you had to make a try like they did in the actual game. For ex: if you put the famous barbarians vs. all blacks you try to replicate THE try, something like that. It would be seriously dificult but very very cool
Match Statistics
Do you feel that the Match/Player Stats are sufficient?

Looking at a real match being broadcast perhaps the stats could also include:

Phases- Within the gameplay there could be a bar at the top counting the amount of Phases.
Player Tackle Count
Player Line Outs Won
Player Meters Made

Yes way better stats systems!

and I want player profiles so each player can keep their stats, best figures, averages, win/loss etc. Me and my mates love playing rugby games, and have always just wanted to beable to compare our stats over time.
When you play world league, make it so players can improve like in Fifa 08/09/10. Then drop players ratings down a bit, bring all the 95's+ down to about 87/88. That way you don't rely on one amazing player too much and work together as team. The player improvement stat thing would give an incentive to buy lower rated players and build them up instead of just buying the best all the time. I think Fifa 09 is the perfect example of the stats / performance idea.

Also, if a player is playing out of position, they shouldn't have incredibly bad handling, this is frustrating when you injure your flyhalf, then your backup flyhalf... Also, you should be able to edit players positions like in Fifa games, how you can say where they stand in attack and on defence, if you want extra men in the lineout or bring a few out for more defence. Customizable moves! That would be awesome. Also, not every tackle has to end up with someone being smashed and driven back, it seriously feels that way in Rugby 08. Also just the balancing, like the All Blacks should run riot over Uruguay psychically where as against the Boks, people wouldn't break out of tackle as much. Also, fatigue should be a big thing, in the last 10 minutes maybe if you have low stamina you don't get to rucks as quickly, you can't sprint at all, you start to drop balls and such.

One thing would be good, talking about stats, positioning. Like, if you have a high positioning stat, you know where you should be, particularly in the backs. Not everyone knows this, but it can be good for running off of an offload or something. Opposite hand / foot strength with passing / kicking?

Not everyone has to have 80+ Speed or 70+ handling and such, make it accurate. Some players do have bad handling, some people are slow.

Maybe the speed should be... 100 in speed should be, 100m sprint time = 10 seconds, so 90 speed will be 11 seconds in the 100m, 80 speed will be 12 in the 100m and so forth. 0 would be 20 seconds in the 100m.

Don't spend too much on graphics, if the graphics are like Fifa 10 or even 09 graphics I'd be more than happy.
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When you play world league, make it so players can improve like in Fifa 08/09/10. Then drop players ratings down a bit, bring all the 95's+ down to about 87/88. That way you don't rely on one amazing player too much and work together as team. The player improvement stat thing would give an incentive to buy lower rated players and build them up instead of just buying the best all the time. I think Fifa 09 is the perfect example of the stats / performance idea.

Also, if a player is playing out of position, they shouldn't have incredibly bad handling, this is frustrating when you injure your flyhalf, then your backup flyhalf... Also, you should be able to edit players positions like in Fifa games, how you can say where they stand in attack and on defence, if you want extra men in the lineout or bring a few out for more defence. Customizable moves! That would be awesome. Also, not every tackle has to end up with someone being smashed and driven back, it seriously feels that way in Rugby 08. Also just the balancing, like the All Blacks should run riot over Uruguay psychically where as against the Boks, people wouldn't break out of tackle as much. Also, fatigue should be a big thing, in the last 10 minutes maybe if you have low stamina you don't get to rucks as quickly, you can't sprint at all, you start to drop balls and such.

One thing would be good, talking about stats, positioning. Like, if you have a high positioning stat, you know where you should be, particularly in the backs. Not everyone knows this, but it can be good for running off of an offload or something. Opposite hand / foot strength with passing / kicking?

Not everyone has to have 80+ Speed or 70+ handling and such, make it accurate. Some players do have bad handling, some people are slow.

Maybe the speed should be... 100 in speed should be, 100m sprint time = 10 seconds, so 90 speed will be 11 seconds in the 100m, 80 speed will be 12 in the 100m and so forth. 0 would be 20 seconds in the 100m.

Don't spend too much on graphics, if the graphics are like Fifa 10 or even 09 graphics I'd be more than happy.

I think you're being a bit overzealous there with the fatigue.. players cant sprint at all? these are 22 professional athletes that dedicate their lives to training for rugby. Its only 80 minutes.
Baring some frontrowers (im looking at you matt dunning), pretty much all rugby players have more then adequate stamina for 80 minutes of rugby. Any drops in performance would be subtle. I dont want every player to suddenly walk around the field unable to catch a ball on the 70 minute mark. If anything that is when the intensity ramps up, where players sprint from ruck to ruck with the last bit of energy in them because they know the end is near.

Also, telling them not to spend too much on graphics and then expecting a Fifa 10 level is a contradiction. Saying "even fifa 09" as if that is simple task is also silly.
I think you're being a bit overzealous there with the fatigue.. players cant sprint at all? these are 22 professional athletes that dedicate their lives to training for rugby. Its only 80 minutes.
Baring some frontrowers (im looking at you matt dunning), pretty much all rugby players have more then adequate stamina for 80 minutes of rugby. Any drops in performance would be subtle. I dont want every player to suddenly walk around the field unable to catch a ball on the 70 minute mark. If anything that is when the intensity ramps up, where players sprint from ruck to ruck with the last bit of energy in them because they know the end is near.

Also, telling them not to spend too much on graphics and then expecting a Fifa 10 level is a contradiction. Saying "even fifa 09" as if that is simple task is also silly.

Wow, I have to agree. Can't sprint at all in the last 10 minutes? Where does that happen in real rugby? Dropping balls in the last 10 minutes? That's when ball security is actually paramount. Players if they are tired are more careful as a dropped pass can lose the game. Drop all the 95+ players stats down to 87/88? I agree with some 99 rated players coming down to 92-97, but let's not make a major jump like that. There'll be heaps of players around 87-88. Rugby's superstars and individuals stand out more than in soccer and are more valuable independently in wins, it's just the type of game it is!

Whenever I hear an outrageously unusual and self contradictory opinion like that I start thinking "**** take". Please tell me I'm right?
With all this talk about ratings higher players should be dropped lower and other people higher etc. I think if your going to have ratings, they should in the first instance actually matter and 2 have enough subtly that the higher end players stand out, but there isnt such a huge gap where the lower end players shouldnt even show up.

like in 08 I think the high end teams like SA, NZ, AUS, France and England are fine. but the lower teams arent as bad as wat ratings would have you believe. While Georgia arent world beaters they have certainly shown they can more than compete with the bigger teams in rucks, scrums, mauls and lineouts. So the ratings should reflect that. Most of the lesser teams can put up a good fight and even play better than the higher teams in the first 40 - 60 mins, but the fitness just shines through. So I would like to see fatigue matter, thats when you start missing tackles, dropping balls, not contesting the scrums and lineouts as well, not making the rucks as quickly.

I think there has to be a more sublte scale of ratings, in 08 there is this huge jump from someone when they are 89 and when the other is 90, differences in skill should be marginal at that level. but as the distance grows then the difference should be more apparent, but not rediculously so. I honestly dont know how to do it, but the way it is in 08 is a joke. The ratings have to be implemented properly and still not be too game difining, the skills of the player should beable to use a real low team to beat a high end team.
It sounds as though funding is very tight with regard to game development.

Would you rather they focus on improving the gameplay etc or perhaps develop the first 3D compatible rugby game???

Personally I would prefer them to improve the game rather than developing a 3D game.
Finally a next gen rugby game!
Think they need to model it on a mix between madden and fifa. Gameplay like madden and game modes similar to fifa, such as manager mode that includes heinekken cup and others and be a pro mode as well as various online modes.
Introduce roster updates to keep up with player form in the real world.
More realistic, maybe with a slider to change from arcade mode to sim.
Add referees, that are imperfect as well as a video ref similar to maddens.
Various tours, Lions/autumn/summer/barbarians
Rugby 7's feature?
Create your own team mode, bring them up from lower league to the top.
improvement in the physics and animations as well as set pieces.
2011s gonna be a good year!!
I should have specified with the fatigue. But a low stamina level would mean dropping the ball, not being able to sprint 100%, players from Canada, in the world cup, were brilliant against Australia up till the 50 - 60 minute mark, then fitness halted them and Australia ran riot. Same with Japan, did anyone see Japan really throw the book at Australia? They were even leading at one point and for about 10-15 minutes aswell. But again at the 50-60th minute mark, they just lost it, couldn't get to rucks, were jogging, even walking, dropping balls, lazy kicks and again Australia ran riot.
i think were are dreaming if were are going to get a rugby game the same layout as fifa/madden.
they sell way more copies then rugby would have ever sold. i think we should just be thankful the game is even being made.
the more money these guys make, the more they will be able to make more rugby games and have better stuff on them each time they make a new game.

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