If the Old farts and Masons hadn't moved heaven and earth to stop expansion of the game and let Japan rightfully have the tournament, they wouldn't be losing anything at all. In fact, this tournament would probably be the biggest so far.
You are so far off the mark that its hard to know if you were actually reading the same article as me.
Firstly, Tew is not talking about the losses in
this world cup. We all knew going into it that
NZRU would make a loss on
RUNNING THE TOURNAMENT. Also, I don't know where people get the idea that this RWC will be a financial disaster for the IRB. Perhaps they have been reading and believing too much of the bullshit spewing from the British media. Its the same bullshit that they espoused when they said we would not have the accommodation to cope with the extra 60,000 visitors that would be coming here for the Cup. Well, there are more than 95,000 extra visitors (over 50% more than the estimate) and accommodation is not even being pressed at all. Kiwis knew this, because we are a toursim based country. We deal with over a million international visitors every year, and the RWC takes place during the "shoulder" season, when accommodation is readily available.
The event itself will run at a NZ$39M loss. However, much of this has already been recouped from the NZ$110m spent already by visitors, and conservative estimates put the total visitor spend at $780m by Cup's end; a tax take of NZ$117m for the NZ Government in GST (VAT) alone. That is more than the hosting fee.
The IRB will make a very handsome profit from this tournament. They already have the Tournament fee (£55m) paid to them by the NZ Government, and then all of the Television rights and Sponsor income stitched up by the IRB too. I expect the IRB to make an operating profit, after expenses, of about £140m; for reference, 2007 was £128m
But now to what Tew is
really taking about... the cost to National Unions of going to the RWC. In any RWC year, there is a contracted international programme, a shortened Tri-Nations tournament and no June tours. To Unions like the NZRU, the ARU and SARU, these matches = dollars in the bank. Without those three tests in June and the extra Tri-Nations matches, the NZRU loses $13 million in revenue. The RWC in its current form is a burden on the national unions who support it and incurs big losses for them. Almost all avenues to recoup those loses are closed off by the IRB, teams cannot use their regular jersey sponsors, or any of their regular sponsors unless they meet the approval of the IRB, who only give it if it is one of their Tournament sponsors.
The IRB is more restrictive in this regard than FIFA, and something has to change, otherwise teams like New Zealand a Australia may not be able to afford to go to the RWC in 2015.