This is my original statement, copied and pasted, it's on page 4 if you want to check it out for yourself:
''Eating 6 meals a day at timed intervals isn't a necessity either, meeting or not exceeding your target intake is more important.''
Where does that say anything about training? All it means is that if your schedule doesn't fit eating 6 meals separated by 2-3 hours, it's not a massive problem, provided you hit your overall intake target, which is true.
Like I said, you've mixed yourself up with regards to timing, you have taken my use of the word in relation to splitting up the meals by time, as a reference to actually timing the meals in relation to something else. Two different things.
I would agree with you about not eating a stupid amount of something prior to training, my problem is that you are making it out as though I said the opposite to that. I'm simply clearing it up and emphasising that that is not what I said. Now that you can see I agree with you on that point, is it not too hard to look at the line I quoted above and see why you are pinning something on me which I didn't say?