this is well off topic but being involved with a club in melbourne has changed my perspective a lot
my feeling is unfortunately there is going to be a lot of pain before any gain. I think we're past limiting the aussie teams to fit the talent pool, its too small and i dont think it will grow interest or playing numbers, might have worked in the past when aussie teams were doing ok, keeping them strong is different to making them strong
I think the only way long term is to dilute the NZ teams down to the aussie level and then a competitive comp will drive innovation and over time raise the over all level in NZ/Aus
so aussie keeps its team or at most drops to 4...but NZ goes to like 7 (so 4x aus, 7xNZ, Drua, tonga/samoa, 2xJapanese or argentinian) 15 total, full round robin
personally i dont think NZ can introduce new teams as everyone already has a team so i would carve out the top NPC teams, ditch the super franchises and remake them as fully professional
plus, as you say, a restructure in aus to connect those of us that do enjoy rugby with the higher games going on at the same time as super/internationals just means theyre making it hard for actual fans, people that spend money on watch rugby