Mae tîm rygbi De Affrica. Rhaid siarad Cymraeg yn gywir Thingimubob
Rydw i'n hoffi coffi
Ah fi heb 'di ysgrifennu yn Gymraeg ers gadael ysgol uwchradd felly mae gramadeg fi yn ofnadwy!
Rydw i'n hoffi coffi
Gaelic?Dodjs ssggh sjksgb afayufuyrw dkafvenvo. Suck on that!
Nil ta me an-shite at Irish it's just random letters.
Aber ich kann spreche ziemlich Deutsch.
That, 'Shosholoza', 'My Sarie Marais' or 'Groete aan Mannetjies Roux'.
Net nie 'De la Rey' nie; dis nou al holrug gery.
Die probleem is dat Boere nou nie juis sing nie. Die swart stamme aan die ander hand... hulle sal selfs die Walliesers 'n ding of twee kan leer. Ons moet meer swart ondersteuners by die stadia kry IMO. Los net die vuvuzela's by die huis asseblieg tog LOL.
That's bloody impressive...
Anyway, since you Saffas have start speaking Afrikaans in this thread I say us Welsh start speaking Welsh too
Mae tim rygbi De Africa yn uffernol o ddwl ac yn chwarae'n brwnt! Paid a becso, ddim ond yn tynnu eich coes os yr ydych chi'n gyfiethu hon
Mae tim rygbi De Africa yn uffernol o ddwl ac yn chwarae'n brwnt! Paid a becso, ddim ond yn tynnu eich coes os yr ydych chi'n gyfiethu hon
Well.....did you draw your leg?South Africa's rugby team is a hellish silly and play dirty! Do not worry, just draw your leg if you translated this.
I'm sorry, I must ask again. Who actually thinks Wales played well in he warm-ups? IMO, all the warm-ups apart from the one France vs. Ireland were all of poor quality and not least in the bit worthy of any NH supporter going into the World Cup saying their team is in good form. Seemed like Aberdeen-mad at times with all the cyber groaning.
Seriously, this really puzzles me, the warm-ups were cringetastic at best.