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Rugby World Cup 2011 Official Game

Sure how this game looks good... over a year since it was announced and not a semblance of a screenshot as to what it looks like or what engine they're using... are we talking Fifa quality visuals or what?

Something will no doubt certainly have to come up within too much longer, or it'll be quite ironic that this project (assisted by community interaction no less) :lol: , will have had less information out as at the same time in relation to the releases of Rugby '06 and Rugby '08. I know many of our forum members had ridiculous expectations of when screenshots would come out, when detailed information would be released etc, although it has now become screamingly apparent that HB don't want to release certain information due to the fact a competing product is out there. Which wasn't a known factor when Rugby 2012 was first announced.

It seems all releases are becoming ridiculously sparsely explained and strategic. The last one told us there was a World Cup and online. We knew online already and it was obvious one of the two developers would have a World Cup license, but are the teams licensed? Is anything outside of the Rugby World Cup name and logo? They know.

Some of my concerns is that the Q & A's to date don't appear to have responded to questions from individual forum members. (Having individual questions asked in the threads posed and noted as coming from actual forum members). Otherwise the Q & A's appear on the surface to be the questions of the owners of this forum only.

Also, why can't simple questions about work no doubt long since done be answered? Surely things about the goal kicking mechanism, what if anything will be customisable, what kind of animations will we see, what engine is being used, what kinds of game modes are in there and many other planning aspects are looooooong since finalised. I know there are always organic changes made in reaction to the challenges presented during the development, but many very little (surely unimportant) questions have been asked and replies are as thin on the ground as they always were.

Personally I believe the competition with the other developer of a rugby game has put a lot of extra caution into this project to the point of it being extremely strategic. It seems neither one of them wants to give the other an edge at release and who can blame them for that?

To my mind it's become exceedingly apparent that this is going to play out this way all the way to the finish line, although I think it's just starting to now become a little unfair for our forum members to be looking at that carrot on the stick. It would've been nice to know back in October on November last year that late April or May, or even later (who knows) will be when individuals questions might be answered. Surely by now (at the very least) a time frame for when new info will come out should be apparent.

I'll probably be flayed alive for this post, but I'm silly in the fact that I believe our members are what makes TRF and they should come first. Sure there are some members who've expected far too much, but also a few good members who're starting to get a bit tired of it.

Myself I can quite happily wait as I'm going to support both ***les when they come out, but it's about time the rest of you know to stop holding your breath.

Now I've said that, who knows I could be proven wrong from here on out. Fate likes to kick me hard in the privates like that.
can honestly say im dissapointed with this announcement in the short term but hopefully the game will sell well and there will be another game with alot more features to follow very soon
Know that we want to share what we've been working on with you guys and I understand the desire to know more.

We're working on building the best game possible - from licensing, to visuals, to gameplay. Give Mario and Sidhe their due - they've done a fantastic job at keeping the conversation going with their community - but to be fair, HES are the publisher who are responsible for licensing and for underwriting the development of their game which may give Mario a little more time to spend in the Forums. ;-)

We'll have plenty to talk about, plenty to show, but my sense has always been that it's what's on your consoles in August that should be judged, not what we tell you on the forum six months out, so that's where we've put our focus these past few months.

One of the things that we've talked about internally is giving you all insight into how a game like this is made and the thinking behind decisions that are taken along the way. We'll have lots of time to talk about it in the months ahead.
Know that we want to share what we've been working on with you guys and I understand the desire to know more.

We're working on building the best game possible - from licensing, to visuals, to gameplay. Give Mario and Sidhe their due - they've done a fantastic job at keeping the conversation going with their community - but to be fair, HES are the publisher who are responsible for licensing and for underwriting the development of their game which may give Mario a little more time to spend in the Forums. ;-)

We'll have plenty to talk about, plenty to show, but my sense has always been that it's what's on your consoles in August that should be judged, not what we tell you on the forum six months out, so that's where we've put our focus these past few months.

One of the things that we've talked about internally is giving you all insight into how a game like this is made and the thinking behind decisions that are taken along the way. We'll have lots of time to talk about it in the months ahead.

That's good to hear Alistair. We certainly know your busy guys, no doubt about that. Just please also know that my post above was meant as my honest feelings to date and I heavily believe that if people give positive or negative feedback (as I suppose I was), that they should be as polite and reasonable about it as they can and if possible constructive.

I myself really don't have a problem with information taking it's time to find it's way to people, most game devs generally aren't sharing much anywhere up until the last 3 months, which we haven't quite reached yet, by the looks, so I understand that.

I'm not too interested in the concerns of those with a real negative or nasty response to everything, but many good members seem to feel that it came across (probably as much from us here at TRF as anything) that there'd be just a little more known about things by now, although obviously not a huge deal more, but something.

If things are being slightly more strategically handled due to commercial concerns, then that's totally understandable, but I just felt that maybe if a question every couple of weeks got a tantalising response to something actually incorporated in the game (even a very trivial detail now and then - like an unlockable :lol: or anything really), that many of the members would feel better. Otherwise, it's a bit like being on one end of the phone and saying "Hello? Heeeeellooooo?". Just my 2 cents and I don't mean to annoy with it. :D Also, I should point out to members that there are many, many developers who chat even less to their consumer base to this point in development.

Thanks for the message Alistair and as with everything you post, it's much appreciated. :)
Great posts Craig and Alistar.

Whatever comes out this year will make me happy....it has been Fifa for the last 4 years for me and I am sick of it.
Yeah, I'll probably give Fifa a miss this year as well bro. I never got heavily into 06 like yourself and I'm sure you're still pretty "match fit", so I'll be going into this game pretty cold.

Gonna be like a Lamb to the slaughter you vs me in this.:(
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I just brought FIFA World Cup to keep me interested until August. Then I may freeze my eftpos card to let my pocket money build up. I'm saving $120 to buy both games. Personally I am really anxious as to here about the licensing but for the non techies who aren't on TRF then I don't think that it will really matter. I think that here in NZ world cup fever will start to hit just as the game comes out. I think that rugby heads here will jump at anything with a blue koru on it. The FIFA World Cup was massive here because the All Whites got into it and people went nuts but now that were hosting our biggest sporting event ever then it's gonna be awesome! In short sales should sky rocket here I can almost guarantee. Oh and this WC will be fantastic the lengths we are going to will make it great!
Yeah, I'll probably give Fifa a miss this year as well bro. I never got heavily into 06 like yourself and I'm sure you're still pretty "match fit", so I'll be going into this game pretty cold.

Gonna be like a Lamb to the slaughter you vs me in this.:(

It's going to get real interesting when GG, you and I all start playing this one. I suppose Woosaah might also be involved quite a bit too. A New Zealand Rugby League if you will, lol.
Sad that its not going to be on the pc... 20 teams? But will there be licences for all of those 20 teams is one of the big questions.
Again only 20 teams confirmed so far could well be more on its way.
Yeah, I'll probably give Fifa a miss this year as well bro. I never got heavily into 06 like yourself and I'm sure you're still pretty "match fit", so I'll be going into this game pretty cold.

Gonna be like a Lamb to the slaughter you vs me in this.:(

Oh whatever....you are quite handy on Fifa. Though I think for both of us Fifa is a hobby. We play with bleh teams, choose manual settings, and generally play politely and don't slide tackle. Rugby is very different...I can imagine it would be kill kill kill lol!
Bought Fifa 11 it absolutely sucks compared to Fifa WC in game-play. Fifa 11 sits on my shelf and WC gets all the game-play as it is a joy, from the presentation to the smooth game-play!!! Don't even get me started with online as it is 100 times better. Its all about the GAME-PLAY not licenses etc.

If Rugby WC game-play is good and the online works(Head to Head is more than enough) well I will be more than happy. I will only ever use three teams when playing online anyway namely Bok, NZ, OZ.
It's going to get real interesting when GG, you and I all start playing this one. I suppose Woosaah might also be involved quite a bit too. A New Zealand Rugby League if you will, lol.
Yeah due to lag issues it looks like we kiwis will be playing each other a lot...on Fifa the only proper games i get are those who live in NZ or Aus....everything else is so laggy.

Besides...we all know the only real competition in the world regarding rugby is in New Zealand LOOOOOL!!!! So why bother playing those far away???
Me to big guy can't wait to put a rugby game into my console. Will have to start the PS3 League GG and see who is crowned king. Oops... just remembered it is a WC game that does not bode well for you in the final lol.

Yeah due to lag issues it looks like we kiwis will be playing each other a lot...on Fifa the only proper games i get are those who live in NZ or Aus....everything else is so laggy.

Besides...we all know the only real competition in the world regarding rugby is in New Zealand LOOOOOL!!!! So why bother playing those far away???

You scared bud?
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Me to big guy can't wait to put a rugby game into my console. Will have to start the PS3 League GG and see who is crowned king. Oops... just remembered it is a WC game that does not bode well for you in the final lol.

You scared bud?

I am very scared.....luck though that anything inaugural and New Zealanders don't choke haha!

Will S.A even turn up?
As long as GG commentates and YouTubes his matches like he did with 06, I'm happy. :)
I am very scared.....luck though that anything inaugural and New Zealanders don't choke haha!

Will S.A even turn up?

Depends if they let our clown coach out of the looney bin and the players can still run without using Zimmer frames.
See this thread has made me so disappointed as i would have like to do the AP with Sale Shark, if they are going to charge £40 for this game there is no way I'm getting it!!
After reading everything here and what has been released I don't think I'll be getting this game. It seems strange that Rugby 2011 will come out in August, a few weeks before the tournament. It just seems like they're going for quick sells. Why not make it a club game too? No matter how good it is the lifespan of the game is going to be what? 2 - 3 weeks tops with just 20 teams.

...forget that, I'm off to Sidhe

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