Originally posted by THE CHIROPRACTOR101@Sep 19 2005, 08:19 PM
hahaha dam that sucks...greedy mofos
how about konami sell there pro evo engine
let's combine the two into the greatest game ever made:
and have:
- fights (with energy bars that start higher if you are a better fighter - the option to win the fight quickly with w king hitor elbow or head butt will mean a trip to the judiciary or a more serious charge of misconduct)
- judiciary
- four tackle style options depending on situation: the four face buttons (pushing two together would do the stuff the remaining ones do now)
- aggression button - bad timing does not result in penalty (which is flawed) but instead on slipping off or missing tackle
- franchise options
- online play
- up to eight players mp (4 players in one team)
- option of being one player in the team and the cpu autoplaying the others..this option leads on to rep games and contract signing etc if you perform well enough...your team's performance will also have some bearing
- rucking button to speed up ball at ruck...too much means a penalty...as does rucking unnecessarily...Ali.....Ali come here!!
- when you play older world cups it has the players from them
- pop balls
- pop balls though with a nrl timing gauge that can mean dropping it, throwing it forward or wonky, getting intercepted or just not being able to get it off (so you don't end up popping the ball 79 times in one movement in a jlr game to win a game whenever you need to etc...
- long ball goes back to being a double tap and it can be run on to with pace
- No animation kick ins
- more random play
- more random play ensuing from that random play
- more random and heightened emotions from the random play that ensued from the more random play
- five difficulty levels.....difficult means skilled too NOT anally retentive and cheating (not that I couldn't smoke your hard level - without editing - any day of the week EA)....as could most.
- option of changing length of games to the option immediately above or below at any time during a tournament......if your game is good enough....they will only extend.
- option for autoplaying games.....again only an extra if game is GOOD ENOUGH.
- free reign within the rule book over substitutions both in game, out of game, and bloody well within the on-field line-up if need be you friggin' nazis.
There are other things that people will touch on.......but that with every tourno option in the book would just about cover it methinks....
Ironically I like rugby 2005 now more than ever...it is a 8-8.5 out of 10 game IMO - but only becos I edited it into such perfection (all 90 players entered into game and all squads edited to spread talent and skill into the necessary teams. Bloody EA couldn't get it right....and there are annoying bugs...but at least I have made it much more challenging and enjoyable with the tools they provided. So kudos on that and that alone EA you a-holez. The tryz that get scored now I could never have envisioned, either by myself, or 2 player co-op or by the opposition....genuine fun....but it took hundreds of games to get into such sublime form and ability on it that the game becomes a very good game...and to think I almost sold it a few times...classic...lol.
anyway....EA please include the above or I wll use AK to lay down the law on your families (note - ak the poster)...