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Playstation 3

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something i am looking forward to on the PS3 now is the new PlayTV that is launching about the same time freeview comes out in HD.

ill definatly be saving for that add on (and a bigger hard drive) talk is that there isnt any encryption or anything on it either so it sounds really good.

just like tivo
Man, the PS3 sounds like a lot of hard work! but sounds pretty satisfying though. I hate being poor lol
The Ps3 isn't hard work. Just has a lot of things that you can do with it. Like a PC without some of the features, but many features most PC's don't have.
pretty much, if you want to have a media centre with a pc, stream it over wireless, play games and do everything on your tv could take alot of money and time to set up. while the ps3 just takes up alot of money and it pretty much works out of the box :)
Had a game of Fifa with Craig a couple of hours ago. I must say it was fun. Mainly cause i won.

Penalty in the goal not far into the game. Costing Craig a man and a goal. The rest of the game was pretty uneventful few shots here and there but no more goals. Was great and I am sure he will come back and beat me next time.

Happy Birthday Craig!!! LOL
Lol nice. Any lag at all, am sure it would have been fairly good both being NZ based.
I was robbed! Just because my slide was from directly behind his player, just because there was no-one between his player and the goal, just because it was pre-meditated, did THAT deserve a penalty? Then a red card?

Well, yes may be the answer on both counts, but that's not going to stop me bleating profusely.

Also, how did you manage to camp 6 of your men within the box whenever I got the ball?
Guiding my forwards felt like piloting the Millennium Falcon through the sea of tie fighters at the end of Return Of The Jedi!

As for lag, there was none really save for around the time I made the fair tackle!

Frankly, it's all on now!

Woosaah will become the Loosaah!!!!

"Loosaah" is now copyright C A Iversen Enterprises ©2007, to be used when and if I so desire!!!!!
one of my pc playing mates that got a ps3 last couple of months is really into warhawk at the moment and is going to get a debit card so he can buy the expansion packs off the playstation store. not sure if you guys would like it but I am putting it out there as a suggestion to try.
Got Warhawk and it's awesome. I'm just so crap I never play it anymore, as people who do are great and slay me in about 10 seconds! I wouldn't mind playing against Woosaah though!
there is no point buy Warhawk call of duty 4 is better in every way (i own both)
Well, there is a point buying Warhawk. It's the fact that everybody is different and some will like it as much as Call Of Duty 4. I own both and yes, I do prefer Call Of Duty 4, but I'm sure there'll be people out there who like Warhawk too. End of the day though it's worth having a good look online and seeing which appeals to you more.

Some people can't handle fps and love third-person shooters, love flying aircraft and driving vehicles etc?
LOL thanks for the game craig, and not being a sore looser lol

i enjoyed hearing two different parts of the comentary, pity i dont have a mic etc or else you would have been hearing "YES OH YEAH YOU BEAUTY, IN YOUR FACE" lol

you were very quiet throughout the whole game though, which surprised me :) i heard you at the start lol.

As for camping my players in my goal, there is a button to change your attack/defense, i am not sure which one i pressed. but its one of the directional buttons :) have a play.
Gulp I didn't realise you could hear me. I'll have to unplug that till you get a microphone etc, lol.

Thought I'd play up the comic "sore loser" bit for entertainment value, it's all I get sometimes when I lose. You have a quite remarkable defence and mine's not too bad either, so there'll be some good games over the coming weeks I'm sure.

Thanks for the tip on defenders, I'll have a look!
Guiding my forwards felt like piloting the Millennium Falcon through the sea of tie fighters at the end of Return Of The Jedi! [/b]

:lol: :lol: Gee that had to be the funniest line I have heard this week when using descriptive language!!! :lol: :lol:

As for camping my players in my goal, there is a button to change your attack/defense, i am not sure which one i pressed. but its one of the directional buttons :) have a play. [/b]

Haha looks like you have learnt a bit from playing rugby!
woohoo i won again!!! i have proof it emailed me 3-0...

ok so Craig may have been disconnected, and the game must have been finished. 2-1. but hey i scored a goal to equalize. I still dont really know how to score goals properly, i cant even score them against the AI lol

Finally got GT3 going as well thanks to craig pointing out something for me. Played a few games online and i havnt come last yet. 4/6 11/12 (stupid cars getting in the way) 4/12 :) in that order.

Just uploading the systen updates from the internet....I have got Fifa08 (so get ready Craig haha!) and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue...a beautiful game!
sweet niblits.

whats your screen name dude? ill add you as well
sweet niblits.

whats your screen name dude? ill add you as well [/b]

My mate is creating his account and after him then I will create mine. No points for guessing my screen name huh lol!
Just remember that you can't use spaces.

Also to Woosaah, it's one all now baby! You can't count that disconnect against me, lol!

The decider could be tomorrow? As for Gay-Guy, I've never played you at anything, I'd hate to debut with an embarrassing 6-0 loss!
we could play when i get home from work tomorrow. I just dont think we should count it.

Have work drinks and i am 150% sure ill be a bit drunk LOL

though, we can count it if i win lol
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