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Playstation 3

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Just remember that you can't use spaces.

Also to Woosaah, it's one all now baby! You can't count that disconnect against me, lol!

The decider could be tomorrow? As for Gay-Guy, I've never played you at anything, I'd hate to debut with an embarrassing 6-0 loss! [/b]

We played Street Fighter II and naked mud wrestling in Danny's back yard. Remember????
Lol yep, I remember that. The wrestling I mean...

Also remember a 5-1 win to me in Fifa 06 on Xbox GG, but then a 0-0 draw I think it was in Fifa 07 on XBox 360. Might have to pop round to Craigs next time all you guys are online ;)

Which reminds me with this talk of football, must get around to playing our final of Fifa 08 comp Craig, be played by Sunday night at latest.
Lol yep, I remember that. The wrestling I mean...

Also remember a 5-1 win to me in Fifa 06 on Xbox GG, but then a 0-0 draw I think it was in Fifa 07 on XBox 360.

Yeah I remember that thrashing I got....I think that was an hour after Woosaah thrashed me on the table tennis game....not a good night haha. All my flash dribbling moves accounted for nothing because my defense was just a bit on the pathetic side lol! Ok so it was fully on the pathetic side.....well all we know is how to look good not how to put it in the net.
So, got that Online ID yet, GG? Mines pretty obvious: craigiversen
So, got that Online ID yet, GG? Mines pretty obvious: craigiversen [/b]

Not yet Craig...my flatmate (who is 15) was hardout on the PS3 last night....so I went to bed....tonight I am going to a necklace party and probably won't be home cos I will stay at my GF house.......tomorrow though if I have time in the morning hopefully....cos the afternoon I play touch and tennis with the boys and the evenings I play Rugby '06 with my mate Doug who for 4 weeks up until last weekend was beating me....we have some serious games every Saturday. Sunday though looks like I would have created it by then.

I haven't even taken Fifa out of the box but eventually I will this weekend and I better try and get used to it but who cares about practice because I think the thrill of playing TRF members again will be the whole idea.

Wow no need for a pay to play account!

I didn't realise that you could get a headset and talk over PSN so I am gonna explore that area. I think that would be the FUNNIEST thing this online trash talking hahahahaaa!
Online trash talking. Oh no, I'm going to be on the receiving end Mangere style-s, lol.

Your lucky they don't have '06 online. What I'd do to you! You ever died laughing?
i am woosaah, obvious???? i think so as well
Is it your playstation or your mates playstation? lol, 15 you will be lucky to get any time on it at all, hope you do though.
It is my machine and I had to buy a wireless modem as well for the net but you know 15 year olds....well he probably is in school right now dreaming about racing home and playing the game all night haha!

It is on the main tv in the lounge which is 42 plasma but because of the wireless I can just at any time take it to my room which has a widescreen though only 32 inches when I want to play all night hehe.

I must remember to see what sort of headset I need for the console...is it just a standard internet headset??? Two headphones? Or does the PS3 need a special one?
The Playstation Eye Camera is probably the best all around solution at only $69.95 you also get free video chat with any of your ps3 mates and you can play playstation eye games on it. I never really use my bluetooth headset anymore due to it not being as easy to use.
Well I went to buy a HDMI cable today and oh what a difference it makes! The plasma tv seemed to be a bit slow interpreting the info coming thru from the console and the graphics looked blurry adn slowish. However after buying a hdmi cable it so changed everything with 1080 graphics and no delay with the signal from the ps3. Fantastic graphics...so sharp the tv looks like some huge computer screen!
I can't believe you didn't have one of those! Good move buying one. Same goes to Woosaah if he doesn't have one.
I can't believe you didn't have one of those! Good move buying one. Same goes to Woosaah if he doesn't have one. [/b]

True true....I brought my mate over to have a look at the setup and he was having an orgasm just staring and Gran Turismo let alone playing it. I told him that it really is the TV that makes the difference....the new gen consoles can't show their true potential unless they have a new gen TV....anything but CRT and definitely 1080. I think the new gen consloe is the CHEAP part of setting up the ultimate gaming experience....the real money cruncher is the TV.

Big Bucks: TV - 42 inch minimum 1080p or 1080i.

Little Bucks: Console - PS3 of course cos of Blue Ray exclusitivity with preferably HDMI cable.
Oh man, I'm so jealous. I got the TV first, I'm awaiting the dual shock pack to become available before getting the PS3.

Will check out Fifa09. I skipped 08 so the jump from 07 on the original Xbox to 09 on PS3 will probably be mind blowing.

One question about the TV, the model I bought is KLV-46V300A. At the moment I'm not too thrilled with it due to screen blur whilst watching DVDs and normal analog TV. Playing games on it isn't too bad, my Wii seems to work awesome with it.

My question is, once I get a PS3 and hook up to HDMI will the screen blur stop?.

I'm hoping so because the newer model TVs are seeming to have the analog signal in them more as an after thought.

I've also got a 42 wega and in some areas that TV is out performing my new baby which is kind of putting me off the new TV so if someone can confirm it will be sweet please let me know.
dont know anything about the sonia bravia models so i had to google it (to find out what it was haha)

doesnt seam to have the problems you are describing with dvds etc, maybe its the connections you have. What are you connecting your home theatre with? component or nomal cables?

from what I have read HDMI shouldnt be a problem.
Right now I'm using just standard AV connections for Sky as they don't offer a better alternative at the mo plus I'm using S-video for the PS2 which is much better than AV but the blur still occurs whilst watching DVDs.

I'm just praying that it doesn't happen when I hook up a PS3 to it.

Has anyone had a similar experience on any tv using standard cables than not having it happen once going HDMI?.
I've got Sky going through component cables, along with my console, looks fine on a 720P lcd tv.
My question is, once I get a PS3 and hook up to HDMI will the screen blur stop?.


That is what I was worried about and the HDMI fixed up that problem big time otherwise I would have to look at TV or PS3 adjustments to try and fix the problem. However the HDMI cord ($25 on trademe) not only sharpened the picture to a computer screen look but it also was able to send the signal from the PS3 in real time rather than a slight delay with the screen always going from blurry to sharp after a half second delay.
I have also played a PS2 running through AV leads into a BRAVIA TV and it was not the picture that was delayed but rather the SOUND that was coming through a split second later when playing Singstar.
I have played Rugby 2006 on the old xbox on our Plasma TV and it too had blurring delays using COMPONENT cables.
I have watched DVDs go blurry to sharp on other TVs due to the TV not being up to scratch.
The bottom line I would suspect is this......Top of the line TVs will have no problem with sound and visual delays if the input is HDMI. The component cable only work on some games but with certain games especially certain EA games the component can sometimes struggle with blurring and sound delays.

Honestly.....get rid of those AV leads gee! Go up the road and get an $89 HDMI cable from Dick Smith or get a $25 one from trademe. The difference is like wearing contact lenses after spending all your life struggling with blurriness.

Another funny thing that happened is I went to Bond and Bond, Dick Smith, Hill and Stewart looking for this mysterious PS3 HDMI cable abd insisted that it had to be a special HDMI cable that has a Playstation end and an HDMI end. They people insisted there was no PS3 exclusive HDMI cable and finally someone kindly too their PS3 off their display stand...unhooked it and showed me that there were output two ports for the console....one was the traditional Play Station port and the other was....you guessed it....the standard HDMI port. Gee did I feel dorkish in front of everyone in the store.
Oh man, I'm so jealous. I got the TV first, I'm awaiting the dual shock pack to become available before getting the PS3.

Will check out Fifa09. I skipped 08 so the jump from 07 on the original Xbox to 09 on PS3 will probably be mind blowing.

One question about the TV, the model I bought is KLV-46V300A. At the moment I'm not too thrilled with it due to screen blur whilst watching DVDs and normal analog TV. Playing games on it isn't too bad, my Wii seems to work awesome with it.

My question is, once I get a PS3 and hook up to HDMI will the screen blur stop?.

I'm hoping so because the newer model TVs are seeming to have the analog signal in them more as an after thought.

I've also got a 42 wega and in some areas that TV is out performing my new baby which is kind of putting me off the new TV so if someone can confirm it will be sweet please let me know.


Hi Radman, I may possibly be the best quaified guy on this one. I own a Bravia model too, where your is the V series, mine is the D series, the difference being that the d series utilises a technique called "Motion Flow" to better sync the picture from analogue sources and dvd, most notably removing blur and judder, two problems for many entry level catagory models. Do a google on bravia models and maybe even check out bravia under wikipedia, you'll find some useful info out there.

On the bright side, you'll find that this will become less of a problem with a PS3 (must have an HDMI or at least component cable, which won't work quite so well), Sony's machine has an excellent dvd upscaling feature which will not eliminate all of your problem, (due to your model), but it will eliminate 95% of it. This is partly due to it also having a good effect in eliminating motion blur and judder from dvds. This will not help your tv signal until Sony release Play TV later this year, which will turn all our domestic channels into HD. With Sky, to minimise the problem, all you can do is go digital and hook up with component cables.

This is all I can suggest, there are some good AV forums out there which can possibly help you with other ideas. Your not alone and others must have suitable workarounds.

As for waiting for the Dualshock 3 pack? Don't wait, right now you can pick up a dualshock 3 from trade me, and I'm talking VERY reliable traders, for $69! That's cheaper than what you'll get them in a PS3 pack. What to do with the standard controller you'd inevitably get with your PS3? Simple, we all have morons who comes around to our house, who are rough with our controllers. That then becomes the one you pass to them to play with. You of course get the royal dualshock treatment, lol.

Hope I've helped in some way!
What to do with the standard controller you'd inevitably get with your PS3? Simple, we all have morons who comes around to our house, who are rough with our controllers. That then becomes the one you pass to them to play with. You of course get the royal dualshock treatment, lol.

Hope I've helped in some way! [/b]

Huh....standard controller with the PS3?????? Mine is wireless and so light and I am amazed that the battery in it (It is so light that I wonder where is the battery???) can be charged from the PS3 itself rather than a charger. If this is a standard PS3 controller that came with the console then the next one must be out of this world!!!
Guys just a quick question regarding blu ray.. will my home entertainment system (speakers and ****) work with the ps3 when it's directly linked between the tv and dvd player via component cables? Cheers.
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