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Playstation 3

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we shall wait and see my good friend. I may have to wait till my next pay cheque to purchase the new model for $700 here in aus.
the PS3 is too expensive for me, 600 â'¬!!!!! it's a joke... :(:(
Can anyone tell me how much is a PS3 priced on the USA right now on the stores?
Anyone on forum picked up a PS3 since the price drop? Or am I still pretty much flogging a dead horse, lol?
Anyone on forum picked up a PS3 since the price drop? Or am I still pretty much flogging a dead horse, lol?[/b]
If by "price drop" you mean "release an inferior version of a flawed product now sans backwards compatibility - aka the only reason id pick up a PS3 right now and only then if it came with a rumble controller" then yeah, I havent picked one up yet.
<div class='quotemain'>Anyone on forum picked up a PS3 since the price drop? Or am I still pretty much flogging a dead horse, lol?[/b]
If by "price drop" you mean "release an inferior version of a flawed product now sans backwards compatibility - aka the only reason id pick up a PS3 right now and only then if it came with a rumble controller" then yeah, I havent picked one up yet. [/b][/quote]

If you love the Xbox 360 so much, quit trolling the PS3 section. I've had it with the crap some Xbox 360 jerks keep bandying about.

If you add a HD-DVD hard drive and Wi-Fi to the Xbox 360 there really isn't much difference between the two. The PS3 has those things built in, with the difference being that it's Blu Ray instead of HD-DVD.

The PS3 is not flawed as you put it. Certainly not as flawed as what the 360 was when it came out, with Red Ring Of Death everywhere.

Oh so the 40gb PS3 now doesn't have backwards compatibility, how sad. Many people who own huge back catalogues of PS2 games still own PS2's! Use them, the PS2 is a dime a dozen now.

Hands up who still regularly plays PS1? Oh, not many hands. The same thing will happen to PS2 in 2 years. It's not a big deal and people can still buy a 60gb model if they are so desperate for backwards compatibility!!!

By the way, Rumble controllers ARE out now and will be released around the rest of the world soon.

If the reasons you list are keeping you from being a PS3 owner then thank bloody goodness that they exist. Smug people like yourself arrogantly trolling threads like this are not required PS3 people.

Rubbish PS3 from the Xbox 360 threads where you'll be in good company!
So far the reviews of dual platform games, are identical, some of them the x360 version is rated highger which is offensive to me based on ps3 specs

The day i see a madden. fifa. cod. rainbow. rugby get better reviews on ps3, than x360, then it will warrant the extra $200.00 to buy one.

until then bang for ya buck = xbox360..the games are the same, the thing is cheaper, and when X360 price drop too, it just starts all over again, and the revolving cycle, until they equal in retail price, or the more expsensive consistently delivers BETTER games, i wont be hitting my wallet with a dead horse.
I thought about this long and hard and came to the conlusion that upgrading my pc would be the best choice for the games I play. there are also quite a few games for the wii that I am interested in coming out very soon. to those with consoles especially the ps3 (since not many have it) all power to you and I hope you enjoy your console for a long time.
There you have it Zonerunner, two non-smug, non-smartass comments. I don't care if people prefer the other consoles or PC, especially when they give sensible and fair comment.

Thanks AK and esoj for giving me the opportunity to show I'm not jumping down anyone's throat who doesn't want a PS3. I just can't stand posts with a smug superior attitude about this. Humour, yes.

By the way Teh, that is a class horse-whipping!

There you have it Zonerunner, two non-smug, non-smartass comments. I don't care if people prefer the other consoles or PC, especially when they give sensible and fair comment.

Thanks AK and esoj for giving me the opportunity to show I'm not jumping down anyone's throat who doesn't want a PS3. I just can't stand posts with a smug superior attitude about this. Humour, yes.

By the way Teh, that is a class horse-whipping!
Hooo boy...

First of all, I was not "trolling" the thread. I simply expressed my opinion that if I were to get a PS3, I would only get it if it came with a rumble controller and backwards compatibility together. I am aware that rumble controllers are forthcoming, but they wont arrive until next year. Considering they plan to discontinue backwards compatibile PS3 models by the end of the year, whether i'll be able to get them both looks sketchy.

And yes, I happen to play PS2 and PS1 ***les. I dont have 200 ports on the back of my television. If I had a PS3 and wanted to play a PS2 game, I would then have to unplug the PS3 out of my telly and plug the PS2 back in. Anyone who has seen my setup will know that this would prove unneccessarily difficult.

I have already stated in other threads about how uninterested I am in both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray so i'll just gloss over that.

I agree that both the PS3 and 360 are flawed consoles. It is obvious that we disagree about which one is more flawed, but I can certainly live with the fact that we all dont agree in life.

If i'm honest, you're incessant use of exclamation marks and sarcastic barbs such as "oh, not many hands!!!" and how i'm "so desperate for backwards compatibility!!!" that it makes me "so sad" makes you sound more like the fanboy here than me. I am not interested in starting a flame war, but such emotional writing tends to lead to unbiased arguments.

I am sorry that you felt my comment was in some way attacking your PS3 and that you felt the need to negatively rep me as a result. It is however your perogative, and as the saying goes "While I do not agree with your views, I will defend the right for you to say them to the death."
Bit over the top CA. Like you have your views, Zonerunner has his. The man who controls this particular part of the board is not going to go trolling in his own section!
Not interested in going on with this, but where did I say the quote in the following:

"how i'm "so desperate for backwards compatibility!!!" that it makes me "so sad" makes you sound more like the fanboy here than me".

My sarcasm was about how I don't find the lack of backwards compatibility sad.

Anyhow, I think I went a little over the top, not much, but a little. Your not entirely blameless either, so let's call it evens.

Rep is about how we feel, positively or negatively towards forum members. I'll plus rep you twice if you can understand how I felt that the PS3 was being bagged when on this forum it's already miles behind the number of 360 owners. I feel like my console is now doing well everywhere but on TRF and here it's just up for mocking.

I tend to focus on the positive when I talk about other consoles, the negative only where relevant. I've only mentioned RROD problem for 360 in advising a potential buyer not to get an early second hand model if possible.

I would rather spend the portion of time that I post about consoles here, rather than at a PS3 forum I've had to become a member of, which also has a sizeable 360 section and a neutral outlook.

I can't possibly get any gaming friends or PS3 fanbase here if people on TRF are told it's a stupid console to buy.

I guess I'm going to get shot down, if so I'm not going to bother to argue. I'll just browse until one day there's another PS3 poster.
Anyhow folks, it appears the best place to discuss this console is on an actual PS3 forum. Managed to contact heaps of NZ Players in that way.

Dead horse officially pronounced dead.
The VET will be here soon mate...

I see Gran Tursimo as the penicilin...
I never really understood what was so special about MGS to be honest.

The 1st was groundbreaking
The 2nd was fantastic looking and playable, but dull, with a crap storyline and hour long cut scenes.
The 3rd was "dress up Barbie" in drag
The 4th will be "ooh, control the robot instead of playing".

Whatever floats your boat.

It's a pitty the Playstations under-rated games such as Socom, Wipeout (these days) or Formula 1 don't get the hype. They are the true greats.

Haze does look very interesting mind. It'll take more then just that though to make me part with £400.
I am a MGS fan mate, I think the games are awesome. The first is still probably my favourite game.
Am currently enjoying these PS3 ***les:

Rachet & Clank : Tools Of Destruction
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
Fifa 08
Tiger Woods 08

The last 3 weeks or so have been an enjoyable stress free time and I'm so far glad to be back posting.
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