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Larger is a Sissy drink for Poofs and Pirates. And I can't see any Galleons nearby!

My dad loves home brewing. The stuff he makes is pretty delish. I'd rather just buy some Dutch though for easiness sake. Or Tuborg, the beer of Danish Kings.
"Agree...it is crap. I go for Castle here in SA...way better."

Ah I had my first LEGAL Castle in December... Since then...

Windhoek's not bad either. Black Label is like beer flavored cooldrink. I'm still experimenting. Nothing like an iced glass of Castle in your hand when watching the Stormers rape someone. I still have to try it when the Boks are playing, although then I might be drinking shots out of misery.
I'm wondering why this was split into it's own thread. It has as much to do with Rugby 2011 as anything else said in that thread...
My dad loves home brewing. The stuff he makes is pretty delish. I'd rather just buy some Dutch though for easiness sake. Or Tuborg, the beer of Danish Kings.
Do you not find that when pouring Tuborg from the can it has the most disgusting head ever that no matter how well its poured it stays...
Worst night of my life off a mix of Tesco Rum , Milonari , SC , Capn morgans and Bulmers...Have not drank any of them since ..the smell makes me queasy even
Do you not find that when pouring Tuborg from the can it has the most disgusting head ever that no matter how well its poured it stays...

Oh I know that. That weird lumpy effect. Still, you can't beat a fiver for 6 cans cant be beat.
Do you not find that when pouring Tuborg from the can it has the most disgusting head ever that no matter how well its poured it stays...

Probably. What I generally find is when I buy Tuborg in the shop I have more change in my pocket
When O'Briens were doing Carlsberg for a euro a can I was having baths in it. I love Carlsberg, and I don't care what any1 says
When O'Briens were doing Carlsberg for a euro a can I was having baths in it. I love Carlsberg, and I don't care what any1 says

I do not remotely enjoy carlsberg....not only does it taste horrible but their advertisements make me feel bad about my life :p
Anybody heard the one about absenthe? when mixed with water apparently something happens to the wormwood and it it makes you all goofy ? tried it and didn't however I dont know whether the particular brand had wormwood so unsure as to whether it has any truth to it
Just don't set absinthe alight in a homemade dish of foil, it doesn't end well................
Porter & Stout are the same to the point where Guinness Extra Stout was classed as "Extra Superior Porter". The original article (porter not Guinness) was brewed in London largely because of the hard water. Burton on Trent was the epicenter of everything good beer because it sits bang on top of lots of hard water. Ditto many places in Germany.

Areas in the North of England have soft water and thus brew lighter beer like bitters, milds, etc. In fact Fullers have to bore down through the aquifier to get at the soft water needed to brew London Pride.

Anyway I'll let Exequiel off as he is Dutch and thus has as much clue about beer as the Dutch football team have about winning world cups.

In my honest opinion I am no expert purely because for every 1,000 lovely brews I taste around the world there are probably another 1,000 ones to try. But for me if I had a beer cellar on my desert island I'd take with me a keg of Theakstons Old Perculiar, a keg of Fullers London Porter and a fifty bottles of some amazing Trappist beer. Phowar god I'd weigh about 200 stone before I die of thirst :lol:

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