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Here is the TRF EXCLUSIVE SCOOP, 22/6/2011!

Ye was disappointed from 1st lot of screen shots bu I'm well impressed with these top job excited again now
Eurgh. Now I want this too. Just release it on Steam. Pretty please?
I'm getting a little worried, which game will provide me the exclusive Ed Fairhurst license?

These shots are looking great as someone who will 98% get both games I look forward to the releases and see how they match up.
those picture's will shut up the raging sidhe fanboys....................for now

how will this shut up the raging sidhe fanboys? sidhes screenshots look 10 times better and theyr not all of the same angle. in this photo all the players look way too generic in the way theyr positioned :/ here we all want the same thing, a great rugby game, so why cant you just appreciate sidhes great work?
Its Finally starting to feel real, im really excited

PS: That looks like Frans Steyn in No 15
how will this shut up the raging sidhe fanboys? sidhes screenshots look 10 times better and theyr not all of the same angle. in this photo all the players look way too generic in the way theyr positioned :/ here we all want the same thing, a great rugby game, so why cant you just appreciate sidhes great work?

Sidhe's game does look great, they did a good job and their character editor looks fantastic. I doubt anyone would disagree. But at the same time I find their characters are kinda shaped like gorilla men, their arms are freaking huge, so both games have nit picky things if you really dig for them. I'm sure they will do well so don't get to defensive Mr fanboy ;) Im sure "osulli mi" was just a bit excited and didn't mean to offend you or RC. RWC isn't going interfere with their success, if anything RC will benefit. Their fanboys are plastering RC posts and links all over the RWC games buzz and driving traffic directly from RWC to RC. If anything the RWC haters hate will drive RC to succeed even more. So keep up the good work RC fans. ;)
The fan-boys are stupid. Anyone who jumps in and starts becoming tribal in their support for a product is just silly... these are both products and as avid rugby fans it's in all of our interests that they both be good! The better they are and the closer their rivalry, the better for the sequels. The only thing we should all be concerned about is when both companies will be releasing jersey templates and game code information so the modding community can begin fixing the non-licensed sides.
Screenshots definitely looking better than the original ones! Still not at beautiful as Sidhe, but that was to be expected.

I can't help but feel a little sad, we're going to have two half complete games... I'm a bit annoyed that RWC has got South Africa, as it removes players from Sidhe's game in Super Rugby, the Tri Nations and any potential World Cup - whereas all we're getting with RWC is the World Cup, without the All Blacks and the Wallabies... Can't blame RWC or anything, it's just a bit of a pain for consumers.
Screenshots definitely looking better than the original ones! Still not at beautiful as Sidhe, but that was to be expected.

I can't help but feel a little sad, we're going to have two half complete games... I'm a bit annoyed that RWC has got South Africa, as it removes players from Sidhe's game in Super Rugby, the Tri Nations and any potential World Cup - whereas all we're getting with RWC is the World Cup, without the All Blacks and the Wallabies... Can't blame RWC or anything, it's just a bit of a pain for consumers.

We're not getting two half games at all. We're getting two great looking games without a few key licenses. Nothing to be too upset about there really... as I just said it won't take the modding community very long to rectify the issue and fix all the licenes. Hell, give it a few months and we'll probably have Super Rugby and the Heineken Cup in RWC 2011 as well as all the official RWC jerseys and team rosters etc in RC.
We're not getting two half games at all. We're getting two great looking games without a few key licenses. Nothing to be too upset about there really... as I just said it won't take the modding community very long to rectify the issue and fix all the licenes. Hell, give it a few months and we'll probably have Super Rugby and the Heineken Cup in RWC 2011 as well as all the official RWC jerseys and team rosters etc in RC.

Gameplay is of course the main thing, but I'm a big sucker for asthetics. A game with only one tournament is, to me, only half a game. RC isn't as much of a problem, but if it doesn't have any other international licenses (bar maybe the Eagles), it's going to be a bit of a pain. Games may be able to be modded, but they shouldn't have to be.

Is it possible to mod PS3/XBox 360 games, anyway?
Yeah, just check out sites like mddb.com - there are a million mods for XBOX 360 and PS3 games out there, so it's definitely possible. I haven't done it myself yet, but I'm guessing it just takes a little patience to work out :)

Games may be able to be modded, but they shouldn't have to be.

It's the backward world we live in I'm afraid. I completely agree; sporting teams should be giving these licenses for free as it's basically free advertising and holds the potential to increase their fan base, so the fact they make them exclusive and charge large sums for companies to use them seems ridiculous, but I guess that just shows how little these groups understand the potential of interactive media.

That's not gaming devs fault though, it's the fault of all the major unions for only having half a brain.
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Yeah, just check out sites like mddb.com - there are a million mods for XBOX 360 and PS3 games out there, so it's definitely possible. I haven't done it myself yet, but I'm guessing it just takes a little patience to work out :)

It's the backward world we live in I'm afraid. I completely agree; sporting teams should be giving these licenses for free as it's basically free advertising and holds the potential to increase their fan base, so the fact they make them exclusive and charge large sums for companies to use them seems ridiculous, but I guess that just shows how little these groups understand the potential of interactive media.

That's not gaming devs fault though, it's the fault of all the major unions for only having half a brain.

Oh yeah, I'm not blaming the developers at all. The only thing that irks me about RWC is the lack of competitions, which is nothing to do with the unions. But yeah, I'm not blaming the devs, it's just a pain in the ass, regardless.
all i need now are gameplay pics of ireland and im sold! graphics are awesome great to see they got the boks license:D
Oh yeah, I'm not blaming the developers at all. The only thing that irks me about RWC is the lack of competitions, which is nothing to do with the unions. But yeah, I'm not blaming the devs, it's just a pain in the ass, regardless.

I suppose with RWC 2011 they were working with limited resources and decided to focus there. But I personally don't mind too much... I used to do a fair bit of jersey creation for the old RL2 ***le of Sidhe's and found it a fair bit of fun and I'm not the only one :) . If HB and Sidhe release the templates for RC in a timely fashion we'll have the superficial side of things sorted very quickly I think.
My 2 cents on licensing.

I do think that both games have shot themselves in the foot here with the licensing...no game will have a complete competition experience (apart from ITM). Now what I think what they should is:

1. Sidhe should focus on club rugby. They should get all club competitions and licenses respectively...including Currie cup and Pro12 etc.

2. HB should focus on the international front and have all the licenses to the international teams (should nearly have all rugby playing countries). They should also include A franchise type mode but where you are a manager of a country....young talent will emerge over the years and they will get better from the more games they play and the opponents they play. That means playing teams like Argentina will improve your scrummaging stats and playing teams like Samoa will improve players strength and tackling and so on.

In this country franchise mode you are trying to bring your country to the world cup..so if you are a small team you have to go through qualifying rounds..thus need to include 6 nations B etc. You start 4 years away from the world cup and compete in their respective competitions and organise tours in the off season

I think this would be awesome for us and benefit both companies as nearly everyone would buy both games...they will be in competition in the sense that they are in the rugby market, but would have different niches. I think this would be a winning formula for both companies if they decide to release a second game. Anyone agree?

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As I said, I personally don't understand the licensing issue when it comes to the perspective of the Unions themselves... Particularly for the ARU.

If I were working in the media and marketing department of the ARU I would grant the licenses for a very cheap price on the priviso that they could not be granted exclusively. I would personally want my brand (the wallabies and the Super Rugby sides below) to be present in as many of these products as possible. Australia's sporting market is insanely competitve - possibly the most contested football market in the world - so you'd think the strategy here would be to increase your presence whereever possible in the hope of recruiting new fans.
As I said, I personally don't understand the licensing issue when it comes to the perspective of the Unions themselves... Particularly for the ARU.

If I were working in the media and marketing department of the ARU I would grant the licenses for a very cheap price on the priviso that they could not be granted exclusively. I would personally want my brand (the wallabies and the Super Rugby sides below) to be present in as many of these products as possible. Australia's sporting market is insanely competitve - possibly the most contested football market in the world - so you'd think the strategy here would be to increase your presence whereever possible in the hope of recruiting new fans.

Yes, great post. Ive often wondered this mentality myself.
Looks a lot better than the first screenshots, however Sidhes game looks a lot more in depth, as well as a little bit of gameplay footage, which looks incredibly fluid and life-look
Yes, great post. Ive often wondered this mentality myself.

Because children who play vido games are normally dicks. Then they turn into adults who are dicks.

It's the same as console fanboism. Some people will genuinely not like a console for what is a legitimate reason - E.G. Not liking Xbox because they already have the PS3 version of all their games while Xbox exclusives aren't their cuppa, or maybe they don't like the controllers etc. Perfectly reasonable.

The fanboi equivalents would hate on hate on the Xbox in the same scenario because they think it's big and tough to do so.

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