still think that this will not be a huge issue, as for the most part, when you tackle someone close to the line, you will prob put the majority of the player model (including ball held in central position) in to touch anyways, therefore having a lineout called.
It should only affect gameplay seriously when you fluff a tackle close to touch and the attacking players leg/arm crosses the line but still manages to escape and finish of with a score.
-> Which should entice you to learn to "make your bloody tackles count!"
no wishy washy half-assed attempts to nudge someone over touch - hit him hard and hit him full
... or so I'll be playing it anyways
It should only affect gameplay seriously when you fluff a tackle close to touch and the attacking players leg/arm crosses the line but still manages to escape and finish of with a score.
-> Which should entice you to learn to "make your bloody tackles count!"
... or so I'll be playing it anyways