Would also be interested in confirming what exactly "attributes" are defined as when it comes to the editor?
e.g. are we just talking about skill attributes (passing, tackle breaking, speed) or are physical attributes (I'm talking height & weight here) also included as adjustable. Could a players nationality fall under the attribute tagline aswell?
I understand that hair, skin, face, eyes etc can't be adjusted to protect the creation of players who fall under an unlicensed Union, but there are also instances where we will want to create players who fall under a licensed Union but did not make or were a very late call up to the licensed Word Cup squad.
1st Case in point:
England (Fully licensed Union)
1. Richard Wigglesworth makes the 30-man RWC squad (yay! well done Richard)
2. 4 days before the RWC starts, Wigglesworth is brought down by mystery virus and will be out of all rugby action for 6 weeks (sorry Richard!)
3. Martin Johnson in his ultimate wisdom forgoes replacing him with another scrum-half and instead opts to select Delon Armitage (originally left out due to reported bad attitude) as a utility back to cover Ben Foden's potential brush-ups with Kiwi taxi drivers & law enforcement and potential injuries to Chris Ashton from excessive swan diving in the upcoming group matches against Romania & Georgia
Okay, so I want to replicate the England WC squad, but there is just no way that I am going to be able to make Mr R Wigglesworth's ingame model look anything like that of Mr D Armitage. Would it be possible to edit a player from another country who would be of the same skin type as Delon and edit them, incl Nationality, Height & Weight to better represent Armitage in my squad? I'm entitled to as he falls under the RFU license... but is that taken into account?
Perhaps skin colour is too much of an appearance attribute to be changeable in the light of keeping the 2 main unlicensed unions happy, so lets try another example....
2nd Case in point:
England (Fully licensed Union)
1. Richard Wigglesworth makes the 30-man RWC squad (yay! well done Richard)
2. 4 days before the RWC starts, Wigglesworth drops a pint of milk on his foot and breaks 2 metatarsal bones and will be out of all rugby action for 13 weeks (sorry Richard! damn dairy!)
3. Martin Johnson in his ultimate wisdom forgoes replacing him with another scrum-half and instead opts to select Matt Banahan (originally left out due to his turn of pace being accustomed to that of a Star Liner ship) as cover for Mike Tindall and his ever likely injury concerns, and added to the fact that Banahan might be useful should they need to sail home... anyways you get the point.
In terms of face, hair, skin tone etc from a gameplay camera angle you might say Messrs Wigglesworth and Banahan could be passed as being similar, however, in terms of height, weight & build they certainly are not.
Again, is it at all possible to feature a player model of similar size to Matt Banahan in the England squad, if he is not there when the game is released (tempted to use "ships" here, but 1 too many puns)? Can we edit a second row from another nationality, to take the place of little Richard? Or can we increase Wigglesworths physical build (attributes?!?!?) to represent HMS?
Would be grateful to find out, cheers.
(my attempts at humour above may be ignored at your pleasure, but a valid question and point remains, thinly veiled below those attempts)
So there is no possibility of being able to slow down play like say if you were Scotland or a team that plays 10 man rugby? Can we not kill the ball to gather enough time for the defense to set up? This is what i'm assuming if the general idea for this game is to just have quick ball all the time.
Sorry I misread your question - it was about defense not slowing down production of ball on offense.
Hold down R3 before ball possession has been decided at the ruck and you will perform the Kill Ball cheat move. The ball will be killed and ref makes his decision when possession decision time reached. (ie. either a penalty or scrum for an unplayable ball).
A single R3 press will do the Handling in Ruck cheat move if done before possession is decided.
The functionality is slightly different from previous games in terms of the window of opportunity for when to perform these moves, but the fundamentals are there once more. You just can't do them once ball has been 'secured'.
I'm slightly concerned at the button-tapping to secure/turnover rucks. I can see it becoming a button bashers heaven. I'd rather it be more of a button combination to set-up a jackal, e.g. PS3, You'd make the tackle, then hit L2 to release the player (or not to slow the ball down, which could/should lead to a penalty), R2 to get to your feet and finally hold in L3 to try and steal the ball, you would have to stop when the ref calls "Ruck, hands out", continuing to hold L3 could lead to a penno for hands in the ruck. All the while pressing or holding O to add as many of the fatties to the ruck as you think necessary. This may be a stupid idea but it's mine. I can't comment on the new breakdown system as I'm yet to try it, but as I stated I'm concerned it may be too button-bashy. Only first hand experience will tell.
This is almost word for word (other than the controls) like one of my suggestions for the breakdown.
I get the gut feeling that this may be considered too hard (too many controls too quickly) and too much slowing down the next phase of ball.
Personally I think that there seems to have been a phrase uttered over and over again over the years about these ***les "accessible". It seems there's a huge emphasis on making these games usable for people who are "casual" rugby fans so as they can "pick up and play it almost immediately". I hope this ruck system proves to be really good, because to be honest it feels like a different version of automatic.
As for slowing down the play, our system would be very marginally slower than what's being used here, it just requires a bit more getting used to. Also, in the system we've suggested, there's room for slowing play slightly (if that's your tactic).
In real rugby, this happens, it's part of the charm. There's several things about real rugby that are cumbersome and sometimes slow down phases, but that's all part of the tactics and strategy.
I'm a little concerned that this (and maybe RC too, who knows) are looking at it as though the game needs to be like what 20/20 cricket is to tests and ODI's (speed it up, speed it up!!!!, entertain the crowd).
The forward game in rugby IS slower, and about a lot of contact around the breakdown, running a couple of player out from that breakdown and slowly grinding down the defence. This isn't a broken thing which needs fixed. I'm a back myself, but I don't want to play a video game of "Backline speed, passing and offloads" at the expense of having to have "select a guess" forward play.
We've been told that making a good forward contest would slow down the game and make for a "game within a game". That's true, what's wrong with it? In real rugby the times where the forwards are grinding away trying to get the ball up the field IS a game within a game. Do we want real forward play to be changed to a rule that the team with the ball calls out a number from 2-6 and each team commits "that number of players"? I'm not sure, I'd love to be convinced, but aren't quite yet to be honest.
In the future I'd like an option to switch between the two game types, "accessible" with the "strategic" options and "simulation", with the option to use a more sophisticated method similar to the "tackle, stand, contest" method discussed above. It surely wouldn't be impossible to do. It's just a little different, but I'm sure the results would be impressive.
I just fear that a game developer could not implement suggested ideas as above so well, so they could show why their specific idea works so well etc.
I just believe that the ruck systems being incorporated are being done with the idea of appealing to casual gamers, so as to appeal to the widest market possible.![]()
I agree 100% with what you say. The term fast flow rugby worries me. It should be rugby and thats it. For example in the Madden games, you don't want fast flow American football, you want the real tactics of the game. It would be horrible if lineman play in Maddens America football was automatic or stream lined. Same applys here, I think the majority want a real simulation rugby game, balanced with forward and back play. I have no doubt, I will enjoy both of the new games, as I have purchased games from both companies. But at times it does feel like pulling teeth to get good forward play which makes up at least 50% if not more of the offensive drives in Rugby. Best option have automatic rucks with arcade play and advanced for us true rugby fans. Well, at least they have changed the rucks some, we shall see how well this new system works.
Thanks, and Salud,
Each nation has a roster of 30 players. With our editing options you can edit all skills, attributes and special abilities as well as first and last name of the players in those 30 slots. You cannot edit or create new likenesses for these players. We have made a commitment to the unions who are not licensed in the game that we would not take the **** by creating players like Mike Gateau and Don Charter or creating clever workarounds to get around the fact that we don't have the right to represent their IP in the game.