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Game of Thrones Discussion [SPOILERS]

Drogon nudging Dany's body trying to wake her up, the Stark kids saying good bye and the montage of the Stark kids going off to do their own thing all got tears out of me.

The episode definitely had some flaws but it hit enough of the right beats for me to be satisfied with it.

I cry at sad movies and the like but honestly nothing in that episode was even remotely sad to me, nothing this season has been. Even when my favorite character got smoked it wasn't sad (Rip Jorah) season was far too rushed in its pacing.
Yeah they tried to go all Lion King with the nudging the body but it did nothing for me
Well I quite enjoyed the last episode. I think it makes up for the previous episode which had everybody up in arms. So the way I see it:

  • Grey Worm, the Unsullied and the Dothraki were loyal to Dany, and with her death had no leader (unless you take grey worm), and they aren't Westerosi, so them keeping Tyrion alive for the council to decide, is basically them showing that they conform to the laws of Westeros and that they don't have the power to do anything to Tyrion.
  • The Council itself is massively biased. All of them are Northmen, apart from Tyrion, and that guy that sat next to Yara. Whatever the Stark's decided would've been accepted.
  • I'm glad Sansa didn't become Queen. I'm surprised Bran the Broken is King though, but I'm glad it isn't Sansa. In a sense she's just like Dany, she only cares for her own people. I think the rest of Westeros who aren't Northmen would've stuggled with her as the ruler.
  • Jon returning as Lord Commander and reuniting with the Wildlings and Ghost, is as best an ending it could've been for Jon, not Aegon, but Jon.
  • It's a pity the show ends now, I would've loved to see the newly formed small council, it would've been fun to see them squabble.
I think this episode basically summed up the entire series, and the motto should be "the more things change, the more they stay the same". A ******* is at the night's watch. A stark is at Winterfell. A Lannister is hand of the king. Arya is on her own. Drogon f***** off again. Tyrion says clever things. Sam provides some humour to cut the tension a bit. And Greyworm is on his way somewhere...
Greyworm and unsullied are on their way to Isle of Naath where Missandei was from. Greyworm to protect the people of Naath from those who choose to make them slaves as they did to Missandei and Unsullied to be his bannermen.
  • The Council itself is massively biased. All of them are Northmen, apart from Tyrion, and that guy that sat next to Yara. Whatever the Stark's decided would've been accepted.
While the majority were pretty loyal to Jon or the North all of the 7 kingdoms were represented. Sansa for the North, Sam the Reach, Gentry the Stormlands, Tyrion the Westerlands, Yara the Iron Islands, Martell Dorne and Royce the Vale. The Riverlands isn't one of the 7 but was also represented and Davos could be argued as representing Kings Landing.
Arguably Robin Arryn was there for the Vale but obviously they are firmly in Sansa's pocket as are the Riverlands. Still amazed she didn't seize power with her brother in charge of the 6 kingdoms it seams independence doesn't really exist. Its the one misstep I can't really agree with.
Is Jon really returned as the lord Commander? The watch was deserted aside from like 4 guys and Tormund, I think the point of Jon's ending was that the Starks pulled a sneaky one on Greyworm and told him Jon would be at the Nights Watch for life, but the Nights Watch serves no purpose anymore (what are they going to do protect the north from their bros in the north) so Jon is essentially being given his freedom to live with the Wildlings (his BFF"s) and travel the country on behalf of the "Nights Watch".
The ultimate prank was pulled on Greyworm and if the ref had seen it there definitely would have been a yellow card for unsportsman like play.
Is Jon really returned as the lord Commander? The watch was deserted aside from like 4 guys and Tormund, I think the point of Jon's ending was that the Starks pulled a sneaky one on Greyworm and told him Jon would be at the Nights Watch for life, but the Nights Watch serves no purpose anymore (what are they going to do protect the north from their bros in the north) so Jon is essentially being given his freedom to live with the Wildlings (his BFF"s) and travel the country on behalf of the "Nights Watch".
The ultimate prank was pulled on Greyworm and if the ref had seen it there definitely would have been a yellow card for unsportsman like play.

I guess that's one way of looking at it. Basically Jon has his own castle now, and only men (and Arya) are allowed there. Jon taking the wildlings back north of the wall perhaps shows that he's now the ruler of the upper north, while Sansa is the lady of the lower north...
I think Jon's just gone AWOL, he's liked within the Night's Watch but be considered a divisive person by sine. They are probably happier if he goes further North and finds a nice wildling girl and never bothers anyone. From his perspective he was always happiest there than any other point in his life. Winterfell honestly could not give two fly f's what he does and that leaves King Bran...who also could not give a damn about anything.

That leaves Grey Worm whom probably isn't taking tabs on him although I wouldn't be surprised if he led an attack on Eastwatch and Castle Black one day.
I agree that the skinny bald soldier ended up getting the short straw, but he exposed himself to that. It was one of the 2 things that killed the episode for me. The other was godzilla not killing Jon after he killed his mother. They could have at least presented it as if other didnt know it was him or were left with doubt or something.

The two most protective, loyal and powerful beings in the entire fictional universe (dragon and the commander of the army) know the person they loved the most was killed by Jon, treacherously and unfairly so in their eyes, and seek no revenge?
They both have killed people for looking blondielocks the wrong way and then this? Nah.

I also didnt like the part where Jon allows greyworm to kill the soldiers. Jon is a character of principle, that's his main asset and his biggest weakness. He doesn't fight because it's convenient, he fights because it's the right thing to do, even when odds are against him. He's not practical, he's an idealist.
That was a fight an idealist wouldn't have walked away from.

And you could even argue "he's changed", but no, because next thing he does is go to the mother of dragons, a lady that has the largest army on the planet, and kills her in plain sight. Again, not because it was practical, but because it was the right thing to do.
As endings go it was Ok.
Thought the writing tipped the hat to Tolkien.
The real evil aka the throne destroyed by fire as is the one ring.
Drogon carrying Dany aka Giant eagles picking up Frodo.
John going home with wildlings aka Sam returning home.
The book scene about the tale as well.
Who knows if Mr Martin will even finish the books so I guess what we have is it.
It's ironic cause George RR Martin doesn't like how Tolkien ended LOTR

He did an interview where he was complaining about aragorn taking the throne and then the whole future being written off as "he reigned long and well" being lazy writing

I, too, thought Drogon should have killed Jon and then picked up Dany's body and done one. Then you could have the westerosi lords deciding what to do after that with both heirs to the throne dead.
I mean it is SYMBOLISM

I'd rather he killed Jon and melted the chair with him....but I could spend all day writing minor improvements.
Drogon is a clever dragon who realised it wasn't Jon who killed Dany, but ultimately his mother's ruthless pursuit of the Iron throne. Even he must have thought WTF am I burning all these innocent people you mad *****.
Very disappointed with how this all ended and pretty much echo what others have said. I don't so much have a problem with what the ending was but the way it got there was disjointed and completely devoid of the interesting political battles of the earlier seasons. To put things in perspective, it took longer for Darth Vader to flip from being full on evil to redeemed than it took Daenerys to go the opposite way. Even if this was a film, that flip was rushed and rubbish. I could just about have accepted it if she was waiting for the bells and flipped because they didn't ring and then didn't hear them once she started the attack but the fact she started well after they started ringing made it completely stupid. Likewise Greywom becoming a complete arsehole by the end, same as Bronn. Randomly for 10 minutes is a complete arsehole to Jamie and Tyrion and then all back to normal. It seemed an utterly pointless and abrupt switch of character.

Tyrion and Varys both became idiots
Jon Snow became a "muh queen" moron whereas in earlier seasons he stood up against injustice very quickly
Daenerys went full nutter without any real transition
Euron was just a ******* waste of space

The other things was how inconsistent things were. In earlier seasons if scorpions killed dragons you could be pretty sure than in a following episode they would still be able to kill dragons, especially in larger numbers.

After the massive buildup the Night King ending was pathetic. Hardhome and the wall episodes were more in line with what I was expecting, a fighting retreat against seemingly impossible odds and then for some solution to involve Bran (as that is who the Night King apparently obsesses over). Instead Arya fired by **** knows what mechanism. The whole battle of winterfell, whilst visually impressive left me facepalming at the staggering tactical incompetence. I don't expect every little military detail to be true and proper but the stuff in that battle (and kings landings) was just so batshit insane it's inexcusable. Let's put our artillery OUTSIDE the walls and in front of the barricades and then fire 1 volley!? Let's also put our troops outside the walls and in front of the barricades with 1 choke point so we can trap our own men on the wrong side of the spikey things. No alternative for setting things on fire and then doing nothing whilst the army of the dead simply wait on the other side. No archers? Dothraki charging blindly into the enemy? Major plot armour. Whole thing was ******* mess. GoT used to be good precisely because main characters had little to no plot armour. Jon Snow meeting the NK and surrounded by the dead? Nah he survives. Tywin Lannister? Killed on the bog with a crossbow after shagging a prostitute.

Didn't really get any sense of closure and I'm surprised there would be much work for D&D after how royally they ****** it up.

Also making the king elected by a select group of major houses? That will TOTALLY bring more stability to the realm than hereditary kingship.

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