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Game of Thrones Discussion [SPOILERS]


Visually stunning,
As it's own stand alone thing? Very entertaining

As an ASOIAF penultimate episode? Didn't like it.

Euron is the worst written character in the series, bar none. Once again he magically appears to wreck the day.
Entire city gets nuked but Arya just rides some random white horse out of it?

Cleganebowl was pretty hype.

Cringed at Dany's attack on the boats, after seeing them easily take out a dragon in the previous episode - 5 seconds of being in the sun doesn't negate how OP the ships were last week.

I just can't help but feel let down by the writers, especially after learning HBO gave them a blank cheque and wanted this final season to be 10 episodes (and even offered another season if they couldn't wrap it up in time) so it's solely down to the sloppy writing and not the execs that it's such a **** show atm. It feels like Game of Thrones fan fiction.

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I didn't know what to make of that episode. Didn't know whether to laugh or cry at how bad some parts were. The fight between Jamie and Euron - WTF? And Euron's Last Line after getting speared through the gut: "I am the one who killed Jamie Lannister." And how did Jamie make it to Cersei after getting stabbed in the side. Yeah his love for her did that.

And Cersei? What a waste - she did FA other than stand at the tower of Red Keep; shed tears and then make her way down to the cave dodging as all around the collapse of debris. Only to die in Jamie's arms because the exit is blocked. Such a bad end for a great villain. I also Expected more wildfire to destroy the city.

Cleganebowl. Zombie mountain versus the Hound. The fight itself was **** but I did like how the How the Hound ended it by taking down his brother into the fire. The very thing that tore them apart in life united them in death. And goodbye Qyburn, killed in one throw by the Mountain.

I am still not sure about the sudden Dany into mad queen. Yes, maybe I should have seen it coming. But JS turning her down a second time being the last straw. Yeah didn't buy it really. Suddenly she has tears in her eyes when she hears the bell ring that it's over (who gave the call) and then goes full crazy to destroy KL and in turn on innocent women and children. As alluded to above isn't that what every Tyrant does? But really? They saying this is because she no longer feels loved? This is where BB was an absolute masterpiece for me where the writers really built up WW as the monster through the series which was believable. The arc of Dany didn't have the same as WW by a long way. Can't see any redemption for her now.

The utter devastation of KL and Ayra going through the ruins afterwards caked in soot was great though and really felt the utter panic of the innocent civilians as they ran for their lives and got fried. I also quite liked Arya finding the white horse at the end - symbol of hope in the ashes. And she represents it?

Anyway, I also think it'll end with Jon having to kill Dany and then to give up the throne to Tyrion and Sansa or the throne is destroyed and some BS council is put in place. Jon goes beyond the wall and reunites with Tormund, Sam, Gilly and Ghost.
One thing it has going for it is it's still hard to guess what's going to happen in the finale.

My guess:
Daenerys kills Jon and Tyrion,
Arya kills Daenerys,
The remaining lords of the 7 kingdoms rock up at Kings Landing (after receiving the letters from Varys) and decide that no one should sit on the Iron Throne (especially as it doesn't exist now) and either the 7 kingdoms disband or they set up a council to rule the realm.

I just can't help but feel let down by the writers, especially after learning HBO gave them a blank cheque and wanted this final season to be 10 episodes (and even offered another season if they couldn't wrap it up in time) so it's solely down to the sloppy writing and not the execs that it's such a **** show atm. It feels like Game of Thrones fan fiction.

The more I hear about D&D the more I dislike them.
Like doing the Stannis Baratheon plot the dirty just because they didn't like him so gave his plot to Jon.
I've never been much of a Dany fan, mostly because she tended to get rewarded for her mistakes and I have felt she was too arrogant and bloodthirsty but I agree that not enough time developing her descent especially as I feel they've given a more sympathetic portayol than the books.

Mad hoe much the effectiveness of the scorpions gets dialed up and down.

There's so much that is technically excellent but the show has still lost so much. Really demonstrating the importance of writing.

Barriston Selmy's actor said both book 6 and 7 are written and ready to go once the show is wrapped up. As much as I'd love to believe that I am somewhat dubious.

At least Aaron Rodgers died.
I honestly could see that being true.
I reckon he will release the next book next year, and will announce it this fall, followed by the other a yearish after.

Giving hype towards the spin off he is apparently quite involved in.
I really really hope that's true - I'm sort of half resigned to the books not coming out.
Well that was genuinely a bit awful.

Lots of cool explosions and stuff, but god awful plot...

Dany's descent into madness - wayyy too quick. While she's obviously got a burny streak about her, she's never gone after innocents like this and feels like the flip to the mad side happened in basically an episode? Needed a hell of a lot more time to build into it for me... Even like her being provoked by some mad idiot trying to shoot her with an arrow as the rest surrender would've been better than what they did.

Jaime and Cersei's death was meh. Properly destroyed the character arcs of both, and was a massive anti climax.

Euron's character can just **** off.

Cleganebowl was alright, enjoyed the way the Hound ended it. Probably the only bit I liked.

Dany basically winning the battle in like 10 - 20 mins was a rubbish too - pretty much undermines the two seasons of people telling her not to attack Kings Landing, because she had the battle won with almost no collateral damage by then? But all those plot buffs Drogon got did that i guess... :rolleyes:

Anyone else think the CGI was a bit rubbish too? Kinda felt a bit low res, like their budget for CGI was running low or something. Almost as if they wasted it on a stupid How to Train Your Dragon scene earlier in the season...

Finally... that f**king horse. Just f**k off. Plot armour is bad enough, no need to add f**king plot horses.
i know it just wont happen but the only "good" way this could end now would be if they turned north to return to winterfell and just see an army of WW's coming towards them having quietly taken the rest of the country whilst danny was destroying her soul for no reason
Oh come on. You guys really thought that Dany won't go all mad king like her father? Killing Missandei was the last straw to throw her over the edge, and she just realised, that these are not her people. And what she wanted most, she won't be getting. So if she can't have the iron throne, then no-one will, so let me take Drogon and just set everything to light and let it burn.

Loved Cleganebowl!! And Greyworm finally showed what a badass he can be.

I'm just hoping this last episode won't be like the final episode of Lost.
I've got no issue with Dany going mad, I think it was inevitable, I just think it was handled/shown poorly

i know it just wont happen but the only "good" way this could end now would be if they turned north to return to winterfell and just see an army of WW's coming towards them having quietly taken the rest of the country whilst danny was destroying her soul for no reason
That would actually be brilliant
I saw someone on another forum describe what They've done to S8 as "Hollywoodizing" it, which I think is an apt way to describe it. Not surprising with D&D lined up to write the next Star Wars films.

The whole absolute power corrupts message has been done before (Godfather), so if it does end that way then a little unsatisfying. The best ending would have some kind of message on our present day humanity. I can't see how they will do it or it'll be another hum drum Hollywood ending which will not satisfy anyone.

WWs coming back? That would again not make sense if they derived their existence from the NK. Even if NK was hiding Crastor's sons, who surely would also have perished (if they weren't the WWs at the night of the Long Battle) and were hidden away Beyong the wall.
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It just weird the big tag line for most of the show was winter is coming...but that's not the culmination
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"Winter is Coming" are just the words of the Stark house. Its more along the lines of even in times of happiness that times of sadness are just coming.

Admittedly it was never really said out loud in the TV show
"Winter is Coming" are just the words of the Stark house. Its more along the lines of even in times of happiness that times of sadness are just coming.

Admittedly it was never really said out loud in the TV show

Wasn't the Night King responsible for winter and extending the time of it being night. I remember someone saying that the night king's plan was to bring eternal darkness to the world. With him gone, there is no longer a winter coming, neither an extended darkness.
Wasn't the Night King responsible for winter and extending the time of it being night. I remember someone saying that the night king's plan was to bring eternal darkness to the world. With him gone, there is no longer a winter coming, neither an extended darkness.
By understanding is NK doesn't really have much power over the extent of length of summers and winters within ASOIF just sometimes they are short and sometimes they are long. An exceptionally long Summer as when this story starts (It's mentioned none of Stark children have seen Winter) usually comes up with an exceptionally long winter which allow the night king to attack. What leads the Night Kings actual motives are is pretty much speculation. Seasons are a bit weird in ASOIF but I don't think their length are anything to do with the NK just he can take advantage of them.

The length of Summers over years is why the Starks words are what they becuase Winter will always comes which is obviously far harsher in the North than Dorne for example.
Yeah, I realise it the stark house moto but the reason they used it as the tag for the show...always felt like the WWs were the real big bad
I think the writers have just struggled since they went past the point of the source material, it is difficult undoubtedly. Personally as a fan of the books I loved season one as it was extremely loyal but little changes snowballed after that and it has gone downhill the further it has gone on. All that said, I really still enjoy the show and will miss it once it has ended.

I think the books (if we ever see them) will be quite different to the story D&D have created.

If we are making predictions for next week, I think Dany needs to die now and Arya is the most likely to do so. Jon will reluctantly take the throne. Bronn will show up and kill Tyrion, destroying the Lannister house.

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